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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 15
Comments 963
Conservative parent is sad his daughters aren't coming for thanksgiving after voting for Trump
  • Oh nonononono - you see, when Trump does it, he gets the good words: HE is "good at nicknames", "strong" and "tells it like it is". When anybody Trump doesn't like does the exact same thing, then they are being childish, rude and it is altogether absolutely inacceptable.

  • Space Suit
  • Because the other suit is a LOW IQ INDIVIDUAL and a RADICAL FASCIST LEFTIST MARXIST LUNATIC that HATES THIS SPACESHIP! Also, these snakes are actually good for you, everybody says so. The venomous-snakes-in-space-suits economy is booming. Why can't you just be happy for the venomous snakes, you egoistic, self-absorbed ingrate?

  • I'm sure everyone remembers
  • 2025 obligatory alternatives to social distancing:

    -Isolate in the office, just never go home (and keep working of course)

    -Instead of not going to work, you can get a free brain worm at one of the new brain worm dispensaries

    -ingest a lethal dose of Ivermectin

    -Storm and plunder one of the official buildings on the list published on the Department of Patriotism's website (must bring own gallows parts)

  • FYI: Medieval monks were dumb.
  • Says right there: they dug to find them. Actually finding them might have better chances elsewhere, on account of the bodies being elsewhere, but the light was better here and they didn't have to walk that far.

  • Microblog Memes beebarfbadger



    Sneaky hacking removed since launch?

    I got the game soon after launch and started a sneaky hacker. Didn't get very far before shelving the game until it was in a better place in terms of polish. Then I recently decided to give the game another chance and pick up where I left with the sneaky hacking. The character seems no longer viable now since my previous approach seems to be limited to however long it takes for the inevitable and unstoppable tracing to finish. Then the game gently pushes my nose into combat and rubs my face in the fact that I have not specced for that.

    Is there any way left to level my sneaky hacker through sneaky hacking? Because I did like that playstyle and I don't see myself leveling a fighter. If I wanted to play a shooter, I certainly wouldn't do that in Cyberpunk 2077.

    Lemmy Support beebarfbadger

    Sorting my posts by Top always defaults to displaying top all time posts

    No matter which Top sorting method I select in my profile, the result will always be all of my my all-time top posts instead of a selection based on the selected time frame from the drop down menu. All Top (x) selections seem to only show the uncurtailed Top All Time results while sorting by Old, New or Controversial seems to work as intended.

    I am browsing the default lemmy website interface from a Firefox web browser.


    Would the opposite of a "furry" be a "smoothy"?


    There was a time when the entirety of the internet would have fit onto the device you're currently browsing on.


    Rain on your wedding day isn't, in itself, ironic - BUT a song titled "Ironic" getting the very concept of irony wrong, that is the very core of irony, so... well done.


    Gacha gamers: which is your favourite disappointment simulator and why?


    Last synced: Stardate...


    104 Gig Patch?

    That's like Theseus bringing in his ship for maintenance and when he returns to get it, the ship mechanic saying "so I have good news and bad news..."..


    Ahsoka - nature vs. nurture

    Say what you will about the pacing and stuff, but this show FINALLY gave me a complete force muggle who had no mystical legendary bloodline of famous force space wizards behind her, no cloned mega-space-emperor midichlorian legacy shenanigans that made her the super-special chosen one and she STILL got to use the force through sheer grit and training and determination! Sabine Wren is what the broom kid could have been.

    No, you don't have to be the spawn of the force-elite with a meticulous pedigree and breeding to get all forcey, you can do it all on your own! Go get that coffee mug, you can do it!


    Is zero divisible by zero?

    Seems like it should and the result should be one. Does mathematics agree with me on that?


    Disable Autosave to prevent Save Corruption

    I just played a session and noticed that saving didn't work properly anymore - I would enter a save name and hit save, but afterwards, the save would not appear in the list. When I tried to reload the last appearing save in the list, the game told me it detected save corruption and could not load it. After the initial wailing and gnashing of teeth, I noticed that the last save in the list, the corrupted one was right after some milestone. I reloaded the last working save, played up to the part where that corrupted save would have been and noticed that it was right after some cutscene where the game would have been autosaving WHILE I initiated the quicksave. It seems that you can royally screw yourself if you cause overlapping save procedures, so for the foreseeable future, I will make sure that the only one initiating saves is me, no more autosaves here.

    tl;dr: If you save while an autosave is being made, your save will risk being corrupted. Generally don't overlap saves in progress.


    Infinite HP (kinda spoilerish?)

    While there is no at-will cantrip that directly heals, the unlockable illithid power Transfuse Health lets one heal another character at the cost of half one's current hp. Now you'll be thinking, "that's not infinite", and you'd be mostly right - except warlocks can create 7 temp hp at will with the eldritch invocation Fiendish Vigor. The neat thing about transfuse health is that it does not transfer the healing character's hp to the healed one - no, it subtracts the amount of half the character's current hp and then heals the other character for that, BUT, it starts subtracting from temporary hp! This means that as long as you have 15 hp and 7 points of fiendish vigourous temp hp up, the seven hp that make up half your current actual hp will be subtracted from your temp hp and not touch your real hp, leaving you with 15 perfectly fine and untouched hp. Reapply fiendish vigour and repeat as often as necessary.

    It may not be the fastest way of healing, but it is repeatable ad infinitum on other group members and only leaves the healer at 15 hp + 7 temp hp.


    Save corruption?

    When will the patches be stable enough that one would -with a reasonable degree of certainty- no longer expect save corruption anymore in the process? Because I will not, can not, do the first couple hours yet again at this point. I may roll another character when things have settled down and any further twiddling will be mostly cosmetic, but right now, no. BG3 is on hold for me now.
