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Is turn into authoritarian?
  • I've never seen a Tankie claim that Russia, China, North Korea, etc. are good governments that are always ethical. It's almost always a comparison between the US and these other authoritarian countries that they get stuck on.

  • Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • It's really good. Twitter doesn't need to lose for Mastodon to win. But, also, Twitter is probably about to lose.

  • [Liberal] Lemmygrad calls for shootings of social democrats now?
  • Oh woe is me, why can't I find an actual leftist space?

    What's that, being against western imperialism is inherent to being a leftist?

    No, no. It's brainrot! I am very clever.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Why are liberals so eager to excuse this sort of stuff because it's wartime? They would never accept it happening in their own country, even if they were at war. I guess because it's 'somewhere else' it doesn't matter to them.

  • an actual question that *may* come off as inflammatory about Stalin.
  • "Not a step back" was a policy introduced because generals believed that the size of the USSR territory meant that they could afford to tactically retreat more often, which resulted in civilian deaths and a large amount of soviet resources being taken by the Nazis.

    They needed to make a stand somewhere, and Stalingrad might've been the turning point of the entire war.

  • is there a good search engine out there?
  • Seconding Kagi. The pricing model is a little rough, but if you're serious about getting the most out of a search engine, Kagi is the way to go.

    Imo, paying is worth it to be completely free of Google's services.

  • The latest episode of Strange New Worlds has a character (rather loudly) describe the Federation as Socialist
  • Hey, that's pretty cool! This post made me catch up on the newest season.

    Star Trek has, from where I'm standing, always had a problem presenting the Federation as the socialist utopia that it quite explicitly is. It feels like some of the series wanted to veer away from that implication, or that a lot of the writers didn't know how to handle writing conflict within a post-scarcity super society. I think we all know how inconsistent it is with money, exchange between civilizations, etc.

    Which is a shame, because I watch Star Trek exactly for the fully automated gay space communist fantasies.

  • I cannot with radlib-like anarchists, they are proving themselves yet again (even if through unimportant online action) to be tools for the reaction!
  • “Tankies wreck everything! They are the reason left unity fails!” yeah righto mate you guys keep enjoying squatting in a street during a riot and thinking that's a win. We'll be over here, you know, building alternatives to the current status quo.

  • Likely I will be fired from job today, thinking what to do next
  • I wonder: if you installed it on a VM, and they noticed, what problem would they really have with that? It's to observe you while you're working, right? It seems like the best solution for both parties, as the company gets to do its spying, but you get to conserve your actual privacy.

    To me, it almost seems worth it to go forward with installing it on a VM, just to see if that creates further conflict. An employer insisting to be able to spy, specifically, on your private device, even when a better solution is available, seems like it could go favorably for you with whatever workplace rights institution is available in your area.

  • The First Images of Titan Submersible being brought ashore
  • I did not expect this thing to actually be hauled to shore. Kind of thought they were just going to leave it. How much did it cost to pull that thing up?

  • Positivity Post
  • I'm also very thankful for this community, and fediverse social media in general. I never got on the Twitter train, and liked browsing Reddit for the sort-of classic forum experience. All of this emphasis on federated software has brought me into a social media fold I've hardly experienced otherwise.

    Love waking up and catching up on things while I have my morning coffee.

  • The Biggest Scandal In Speed Typing History
  • I feel so bad for that lady. I'm also blown away by the speed of modern typists. I thought I was pretty quick with a 140 WPM speed.

  • Fallout 76
  • It aimed for a very specific feeling. There was a sense of discovery and a dreading sense of isolation. It made you sit alone with your thoughts in between bouts of awe and wonder. Death was cruel and could be frequent, and the universe had nebulous rules which were never made entirely clear to the player. And why would it? You're in the mind of a dying machine.

    Current NMS is an excellent space sandbox minecraft-lite, but the experience of meeting players ten minutes into a new game, and a focus on community events and progression strips away that feeling of isolation.

    It's mostly fine. The game has a much broader appeal to match its marketing budget. The game was just obviously aiming at a much more niche audience initially.

  • Fallout 76
  • Yes, the initial release of Fallout 76 was surprisingly competent in terms of storytelling and worldbuilding.

    They did a lot with the premise of no living human beings. It forced them to be creative and resulted in one of the best worlds Bethesda has ever made.

    Just like No Man's Sky, the developers lost sight of the initial point of their project. The game is probably a lot better for some, but for me, all of the charm is gone. Fallout 76 wasn't a very tolerable game to begin with, so now that it's a generic GaaS grindy nightmare? No thanks.

  • The Cobra Effect: Why Anti-Adblock Policies Could Hurt Revenue Instead
  • This video introduced me to adNauseam as well. I also had no idea the FBI recommends use of an ad blocker.

  • Cricket episode. Any thoughts?
  • I really liked it. I'm a big sucker for any episode that ends in some sort of impactful flash forward.

  • Map of the lemmycraft server (or well, the part I have explored)
  • I fuckin' love minecraft maps. I dunno why. It's just cool to see the discovered land and where players have been building.

  • 😈 Please don't be profane on Reddit folks 😈
  • Lmao my B. I have my stupid hat on today.

  • 😈 Please don't be profane on Reddit folks 😈
  • I could not imagine stanning a company's ability to run ads. Like, I don't care about ads. Worse, I am actively antagonistic towards the concept of ads. I cannot get into the headspace of this poster. What a loser.

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • Libs love infantilizing entire cultures and peoples. It's the only way their mind can accept that people in countries they consider to be 'bad guys' may actually lead happy and successful lives.

    It's an intense form of brainrot, though. They're categorizing potentially millions of people under the same umbrella of 'woefully mislead.' Like, fuck off. Maybe they're happy. Maybe they think you're woefully mislead.

  • Games angrytoadnoises

    Squirrel with a Gun - Official Trailer


    Film, TV, and Media angrytoadnoises

    For All Mankind: Accidentally Making Communism Seem Really Cool

    For All Mankind is an AppleTV original that shows an alternate history retelling of the space race. In this AU, the Soviets land on the moon first, which extends the space race into a decades-long conflict.

    The show currently covers about 30 years of alternate history showing the US and the Soviets establish a moon base, new propulsion systems, and eventually landing on Mars.

    This show is really good. It's excellent hard sci-fi. It really sticks out to me, though, for its depiction of the Soviets.

    See, in this universe, the Soviet Union doesn't collapse. At least not at the same time it collapsed in our own history. Instead, they stick around and consolidate significant power, winning victories they lost in our own timeline.

    This means that by the 90s, communism has essentially rooted itself as a dominant ideology in most of the world.

    Now, don't get me wrong: this show depicts the soviets as evil, with the KGB boogyman following every Russian character. But the show doesn't do a great job at depicting this. Instead, the Soviet Union ends up being an absolute economic powerhouse that consistently keeps up with the US at every turn, only starting to fall behind technologically for unclear reasons in the latest season. Hell, Mexico is communist in the FAM timeline.

    I think this is telling. If you construct a universe where the Soviets 'don't lose,' they end up winning. Half of the world is communist and it's gotten to the point where it seems internally inconsistent that the US is managing to keep up.

    I just wanted to post about one of my favorite TV shows. Anyone else watch FAM?
