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Xirup Xirup

Non-native english speaker here, so excuse me for any abominations you read from my posts

Posts 70
Comments 96
I need help enabling Playwright content fetcher in
  • Sorry, I just started selfhosting and even reading that I don't understand.

  • I need help enabling Playwright content fetcher in
  • I tried to uncomment it and now I get this message when I try to start the service:

    service "changedetection" refers to undefined volume WEBDRIVER_URL=http: invalid compose project

  • She thirsty, not hungry
  • This belongs to my instance. 😭

  • I need help enabling Playwright content fetcher in
  • Ups, you're right although I think I had already uncommented it without success, in a couple of hours I'll let you know if that solves it.

  • I need help enabling Playwright content fetcher in

    I used Docker Compose to install and run and everything's working nice, but I want to enable Playwright content fetcher so I can specify when I want to be notified, and not just to be notified when there are even changes in the code of the site.

    I can toggle an option in the changedetection settings to use WebDriver Chrome/Javascript instead of the default Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client, but when I tried to use the Visual Filter Selection within a watched item it tells me that:

    >Sorry, this functionality only works with Playwright/Chrome enabled watches. Enable the Playwright Chrome fetcher, or alternatively try our very affordable subscription based service. This is because Selenium/WebDriver can not extract full page screenshots reliably.

    And honestly I want to try this to myself, not to just pay a subscription and that's it. So, I keep up and read through their wiki and according to their own wiki while using a docker compose based Change Detection service (as I am) to enable Playwright content fetcher it's as simple as:

    > In docker-compose.yml uncomment PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL under environment, and the playwright-chrome section under services.

    I already tried that and toggle the fetching method to WebDriver Chrome/Javascript, but now instead of just not letting me using the Visual Filter Selection because of while trying to fetch any site it gives me this error:

    Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='browser-chrome', port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fa4d42417e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))

    But before of doing these changes I didn't receive any error message and everything works nice, so possibly I'm doing something wrong... Here is the pastebin of the docker-compose file that I edited, I won't share it here because the format fucked the whole code.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! Xirup

    Where I can make my noob questions about selfhosting?

    I know that [email protected] exists, but to be honest I feel like going there to ask some noobs questions is like going to the arch forums in my first day of using Ubuntu as my first distribution, my probably super dumb question it'll be obvious to the big majority except me. And no, I am not meant that the people in selfhosted is going to be angry with me or something like that, is that I just don't want to ask stupid questions there.

    I already tried asking an IA but let be honest, the IA just go into the service repo and try to answer me using the information that I already read.

    Edit: Thanks for all the answer, I gonna try asking on c/selfhosting. :3

    bin or bin??
  • The joke is about the bin/ directory on Linux, which contains the binaries of the system (also called executables) which can break the system if you delete it, and also refer to the paper bin where all your trash files go and people tend to delete usually.

  • Minecraft Rule
  • This image go hard feel free to screenshot.

  • The Excel superstars throw down in Vegas
  • Nice post but I almost get blind reading that.

  • Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! Xirup

    Is there a way to open files Ulauncher-style but in Rofi?

    In Ulauncher you simply search for the name of the file and when you click on it, it will open the default player of that file in your system. Is there any way to do the same but in Rofi? Or maybe another launcher for Windows with Rofi theme?

  • Fr, fuck the sun.

  • NSFW
  • Huh, tell that to the sun.

  • I think there's a clear winner here 😳👉👈
  • Another positive point of the voices is that they are always with you, so you never feel alone.

  • Considering creating a community exclusively for posting Pokemon yiff, but I need someone to help me administer it.
  • Thank you, as soon as Warren opens Pokeyiff again I make you moderator!

  • favourite drink
  • Community check out (oh how ironic)

  • Any alternative frontends for Play Store?
  • The only Google PlayStore frond-end that actually work as far as I know is Aurora Store.

  • wtf stop 😑😑
  • I'm scare I'm gonna die

    Edit: I'm dead

  • wtf stop 😑😑
  • Actually, pissing is a kind of deadly disease.

  • Is there a community to search for communities?
  • Yes, but their searches are very weird, try searching for the term 'Ask' or 'Community' for example, you get communities that don't even have that word in the description or in their name.

  • Is there a community to search for communities?

    I am looking for a community to find moderators for my community and I have used several community search engines to search for communities to ask users if X community exists, but I have not been able to find any. Maybe someone in this community can help me to find out if such a community exists.

    Translators wanted!
  • Is it possible to translate into Spanish? I don't see it among the available options

  • Dev update: I intend to continue improving and maintaining Eternity, and I have no plans to abandon it.

    Good news, it seems that the app is still alive and its developer has not abandoned it, as commented by its developer in the official Eternity repository.

    what lemmy web app do you use and why?
  • Hey, I FUCKING love Photon and as soon as I can I'm going to donate to the project, but I have three questions: Is there any kind of official community for the project? And, is there a way to search communities and only communities? I mean, I can search for posts and then search for communities where that post may be, but can I search for communities directly, and lastly, how can I join a community within Photon?

  • Considering creating a community exclusively for posting Pokemon yiff, but I need someone to help me administer it.

    A few months ago I created Pokeyiff but for reasons beyond my power I had to abandon it and close it to prevent any situation that could occur in my absence, but I'm back and I would like to create Pokeyiff again or go back to the original Pokeyiff (yes, it seems to me that the instance admin can do that, and yes, I already asked him), but unless someone can help me to manage it, I sincerely prefer not to go ahead with my plan to open the community again.

    If you are interested in helping me to manage the community I would be very grateful, so we can help Yiffit together :3


    Any recommended calendar/app for Linux?

    I've been using Merkuro Calendar and Kalk, and they're fine, but I'm using i3wm, and they got some weird problems like missing icons.


    Had you tried dmenu-extended?

    So I was looking for some kind of Ulauncher functionality (file/directory search) and direct url opening from rofi or dmenu and I found dmenu-extended, but I doesn't work at all for me and maybe someone more experienced can help me with this.

    My first problem is that I cannot make nomacs the default image viewer with dmenu_extended, although the default image viewer in my system is nomacs, when I open any file image with dmenu_extended, it always open it with some basic image viewer but not with nomacs, to launch it with nomacs I need to first type 'nomacs:' and then the file route.

    And other problem that I'm facing is that when I try to open Steam (installed as a flatpak) it never opens, instead gives me this error message:

    xdg-open: file '/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/steam --file-forwarding com.valvesoftware.Steam @@u' does not exist


    How do you organize your bookmarks?

    I want to better organize my bookmarks, but I got a lot of them and even if I already tried to be a bit more organized, they look awful to me. I try to organize them by category and by folder, but still I don't want to have 100 folders of 1 bookmark.


    What tips or resources would you recommend to someone who knows about Linux and wants to self-host, but has no experience self-hosting?

    I have several years of Linux experience and I know how to fix my own problems, and I have experience self-hosting using Docker and Docker Compose, but I really feel that I don't know how to self-host and that I just copy and paste commands without understanding it, I would really like to learn how to self-host by myself but I don't know how I can start or with what resources for newbies I can start with.

    I am interested in self-hosting several services, but the one I am currently most interested in is, as there are multiple such services but they all require a membership fee, and I prefer to self-host on my own.


    Can you suggest me some good Linux podcasts?

    I'm currently following Linux & Open Source News from The Linux Experiment, and I know others like Destination Linux that I don't like it at all, can someone suggest me some good podcasts? It fine to me if they just talk technical things or curious things, but I want to learn more things about Linux.


    Do Nitter forks exist?

    I am not a fan of Twitter, but sometimes I would like to visit a Twitter profile, unfortunately due to Twitter restrictions it is currently not possible to view anything without an account, and clearly I am not going to create a Twitter account for that, are there any forks in development that are trying to solve these Twitter problems? I remember reading about a fork that uses fake accounts to access the API, but I don't know if this fork is still in development or if there are others.


    KDE Calculator shortcut to delete the current calculation

    I'm using Kalk and when I try to use the letter C to delete the current calculation, it puts 1 C in the calculator, and when I try the delete key, it doesn't do anything. Does anyone know what the shortcut is to delete the current calculation?


    Thoughts or experiences of emulation in the Pixel 6 Pro?

    I have no interest in playing or emulating on the Pixel 6 Pro, but I am interested in knowing how it performs under emulation (especially under the most recent emulators, like Yuzu), any experience?


    Android custom ROM with rooting support

    So I'm interested in buying a Pixel 8 to install GrapheneOS in it but I'm also interested in rooting it and from what I've read rooting your device with a privacy focused custom ROM like GrapheneOS beats the purpose of installing it, so I don't know if it's actually posible to do it or if it actually has any grace, honestly I just want to be able to install some Xposed modules and be able to auto-update my Droid-ify apps in the backgrounds without user interaction.

    Excuse my ignorance in the subject, I have never rooted or installed a custom rom before.


    One time donation?

    I wish I could donate ONE TIME to Eternity dev so he know that there's still people that love his work, but the only platform to donate that I found in Eternity's Codebers is Liberapay which I couldn't find an "one time" donation, just subscriptions (weekly, monthly or yearly) and yeah, there's "manual renewal" but I don't want to have reminders of my one time donation.


    Is there an app to open others apps in the background without user interaction?

    I have some apps which I need them to synchronize in the background but they don't, even with battery optimization turned off. I've tried using an app called PhoneProfilesPlus but I don't need whole profiles, I just want an app to be opened and that's it.

    Another problem I have and this may be at purpose for Android security reasons, is that even with PhoneProfilesPlus, when I set up an app to be opened in the background, the app only opens specifically when I turn on my screen, and for some dumb reasons the apps that I mentioned need to be in the main screen to be synchronized.


    It's possible to back up my Whatsapp chats without using Google accounts?

    The only way that Whatsapp let you back up your chats is using by linking a Google account, but I'm not sure is there's some workaround like a third parties apps that let you back up your chats.

    I know that using a third parties apps to this purpose is unsafe, but I'm just giving an example.


    Open source weather app with rain notifications?

    I remember that when I used Geometric Weather (not developed anymore, its more known fork is called Breeze Weather) it had a option to notify me when it was going to rain, but know that functionality was removed from Breeze Weather, it's there any other app with this functionality?


    Any news in the nightly versions?

    According to the Eternity Codeberg, the last change in the Eternity code was a month ago which is relatively recent, can anyone who is using the Nightly version confirm if there is anything new in that version?
