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ToastyWaffle ToastyWaffle
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PSA: is not Lemmy

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • devs own the repo, it's just licensed as open source software under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. You can read the license in the repo files. So you can fork off it and run your own instance. If you go to you see the two people who are members of the project, with the accounts, both have Fidel Castro avatars.

    Personally I think having a bunch of socialists run the software, is by definition the best way to have it avoid corporate interests.

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • Seriously, if you don't understand the politics of the lemmy devs, you're functionally not understanding the point of lemmy. I think people believe in more socialist ideas than they've been lead to believe, especially with the rampant conflating of "leftists" in media to mix it with liberals as a tactic from the right. Lemmy is inherently political, and that's a GOOD thing.

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • Honestly a lot of Marxism would absolutely have a lot of criticism of NATO, US, the "west" how they have handled the situation and got us here in the first place. But that doesn't give Russia a pass for invading a sovereign nation.

    Under Marxism this is basically a bullshit neoliberal capitalist power structure vs an oligarchic Imperialist POS.

  • Almost broke 2.5 million daily total users on Lemmy in the last 24 hours.
  • Speak for yourself. I enjoy analyzing the posts and discussing the growth. It brings up discussions of what stats are better to look at to analyze user growth, how to handle the growth, and what if any moderation/sign up workflows should be implemented. Go be a hater somewhere else.

  • Prigozhin says his forces "are turning our columns around," amid claims of deal brokered by Lukashenko
  • They passed a law to allow Conscripts to fight now. That's my only guess is if they can use this as an excuse to do a full mobilization and finish the Ukrainian situation.

  • This is a test post. Don't upvote.
  • Guys seriously please don't send me money, this is just a test

  • Does anybody else feel dirty when they visit reddit?
  • If it makes you feel any better, your comments probably aren't deleted and are still in reddits database. A lot of companies just set an 'isDeleted' flag to true/false. So even though the data doesn't show up via the API, reddit still has all the data to sell to clients.

  • Jerboa appreciation
  • It's brand new too, I literally asked the dev for one tap comment collapsing and he added it the next day or so.

    As a fellow Software Engineer/architect myself, really nothing but praise for these guys.

  • YouTube revives sort by oldest video button on user channels
  • Seriously, and you know it's purely the work of the executives and business managers, cause no developer would ever think it makes sense to remove functionality just because.

    This is what happens in capitalist markets, and especially publicly traded companies, when your market share has reached saturation and there is no natural profit growth, you have to start paywalling currently free features/content to continue the quarterly profits.

  • Russia must pay to rebuild Ukraine, says Germany
  • There is absolutely no way Russia is willing to pay reparations unless Moscow is occupied, and we have bigger problems if NATO is so bold as to escalate the situation that far.

    All this does is give Russia State media more ammunition to form their narrative that the west is trying to destroy Russia, and escalating it into an existential conflict for the Russians. It's incredibly irresponsible for them to be saying stuff like this in my opinion.

  • "So the billionaires’ families are gonna get billed for all of this like the time my family got billed for my ambulance ride, right? Right?"
  • I haven't landed at a position on it either, but I could definitely see how if people understood they had to pay at least some portion of the rescue costs, they will try to be more educated and prepared when venturing out into the wild/at sea. Its extremely important to take this stuff seriously and too many people already treat nature like a joke and get themselves in terrible situations cause they just know a helicopter can come pick them up*

  • Lemmy's total users continues to surge to over 1.1 million, up from 740k yesterday!
  • You're really denouncing an entire decentralized open source eco system cause you don't like that verse is a suffix that can be used for multiple things?


  • Lemmy's total users continues to surge to over 1.1 million, up from 740k yesterday!
  • If you can't use critical thinking skills to analyze these numbers and understand bots are included, idk what to tell you bro. We can't censor the world cause of a few dumb people.

    With that said user activity, number of posts, number of comments submitted per day would be a nice metric to look at.

  • Which lemmy community do you wish had more attention?
  • I was just thinking the other night a health community would be great!

  • Losses of the Russian Military to 20.6.2023
  • If only we could know with absolute fact the casualties/equipment losses from both sides with absolute accuracy. No doubt AFU reported numbers are just as inflated as Russian MoD reports.

  • Ministry of Defence UK - Update on the Situation in Ukraine 21 June 2023
  • Or it's just prudent to over prepare, better safe than sorry.

  • Ukraine war: Zelensky admits slow progress but says offensive is not a movie
  • I think we've just thought the Russians are more incompetent than they actually are, because we haven't seen the Ukrainians attempt an offensive on an equally prepared defense. It seems as though the pace and collateral of this war is much closer to WW1, than WW2. In WW1 offensives would take place over a period of months only to pierce about 10km into the front.

    While I think the Ukrainian army is more organized and effective than the Russians, I doubt we'll see a breakthrough anywhere along the front, especially now that Russia has more men to hold the lines. Instead we'll just see the gains being slightly larger than the Russians ones when they were on the offensive. In fact that's exactly what we're seeing. It's been almost a month of heavy offensive fighting and only a few hundred sq km of territory has been taken, and the Ukrainians haven't even arrived at Russia's main prepared defensive lines.

    I'd say it looks like the war is going to go to a stalemate without NATO getting directly involved or Russia doing a full mobilization. Maybe Russia can just keep grinding out Ukrainian over a few years but there's no way to tell for that at this point.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.