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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 13
Comments 73
The point of Russia's meat wave tactics
  • My armchair general take is that Russia is just flinging whatever resources they have left at the Ukrainians. They've lost their professional army, their artillery stockpiles, KA-52s, Wagner. Now all they have left are T-72s, BMPs, and bodies, so they're just hoping for any kind of win with that. It's not working out, and I'm really curious how long it'll be before they run out of soviet era armour and suicidal idiots, and what will happen next if they do.

    Western media has become completely defeatist about Ukraine's prospects because Russia is still able to project strength. I honestly think that these tactics are a sign of desperation, and that things could start to fall apart quite suddenly for Russia. If for example, the US and EU pass more aid for Ukraine in early 2024, and Russia runs low on materiel, then it's not difficult to imagine. I'm hoping that the new ATACMS variant will knock out the Crimean bridge soon, and that a surprise offensive across the Dnieper could isolate Crimea and create a strategic disaster for Russia.

    People who understand Putin say that he's a gambler, not a strategic genius. He's made so many bad bets since 2021, and I'm starting to hope that this latest roll of the dice using meat wave attacks could be the last time he's able to double down without serious consequences.

  • ELI5 what is wrong with Hungary?
  • Orban is in my opinion very good at gaslighting both the EU and his domestic supporters. He talks shit about the EU at every possible opportunity, but then when he shows up for Council meetings in Brussels, he'll usually sign up for whatever he's asked that month. Then he goes back to Hungary and immediately tells voters that he gave the EU leadership hell and that he got a great deal for Hungary. This is mostly my opinion, but I think everyone in the EU expects this conduct from Orban, and they just go along with it for the sake of progress.

    His voters on the other hand genuinely think that he's a national hero for standing up to the no good, despicable, very bad EU leftist bureaucrats who also just happen to subsidise their economy. I kind of admire his batshit approach to politics, but disagree with everything he says. Basically, he's all bark and no bite. Just ignore whatever mad shit he's spouting and assume he's saying it for the benefit of his deranged supporters and won't follow through on it.

  • Books: Where to start?
  • 40K lore is huge. The best advice that I can give you is to pick a faction you like the most and just start reading about their part of the setting first. It sounds like you're into Space Wolves, so I'd pick up Ragnar's novels and just keep going from there.

    Eventually, the main themes of 40k's lore will start to come up repeatedly, and the wider universe will start to make sense through osmosis the more you read. I'd recommend avoiding wikis and youtube lore however, a lot of that stuff is poorly written and badly researched, and it's a lot more satisfying in my experience reading the books the wikis are based on.

    I'd also recommend Eisenhorn as a great starting point. But Games Workshop also sells rule books called codexes which have tonnes of great up-to-date lore about each faction.

  • The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.2022 to 06.12.2023
  • I'll give that article a read, thanks! In addition to infantry losses, I've been really scratching my head about equipment losses. I get that Russia has a colossal amount of old soviet junk which they can throw at Ukrainian defences, but they must be running out. They can only have so many old T-72s in storage that they can get going again. Tanks, APVs, artillary; long term I just don't see how it will be possible to sustain an 800km long front line without armour or artillery support. Something has to give eventually.

  • Another project checked off: Elucidian Starstriders for Kill Team

    Only three projects left before I've finished my pile of shame. 63 minis left to go.

    [meme] Which one are you?
  • 100% a public transit enjoyer. I get annoyed with people in my city who complain endlessly about how shitty our bus service is. I've been getting the bus daily since childhood, and it used to be so much worse. 15 minute minimum wait, often it just wouldn't show up, and expensive fares. Now it's uncommon for me to wait for more than 5 minutes, the fares have reduced, and it's reliable. The only issue is that the bus gets stuck in traffic because there are twice as many cars on the roads now compared to 25 years ago. So great job drivers, you've created a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Most of it comes from people who have next to no experience of using public transit, and will just latch onto any excuse not to use it, when in reality they're snobs who don't like to admit that they think getting the bus is below them. It's not. I used to get the bus into college with one of my lecturers (RIP) who owned a fucking law firm, and it keeps people humble in my experience. I honestly think society would be healthier if people used public transit more.

  • The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.2022 to 09.11.2023
  • Reports are saying there are 40000 reserves being sent to Avdiivka, so it looks like the numbers are going to stay high for a while. Appearently they've also run out of armour, so it's just infantry assaults now. What a horror show. I didn't think Russia had any reserves, since there's no rotation happening.

  • 200,000 Hectares of Oil Palm Plantations to Be Converted Into Forests, Indonesia's Government Says - EcoWatch

    Indonesia, the top producer and exporter of palm oil globally, said 494,210 acres of palm oil plantations will be replaced with forests.

    200,000 Hectares of Oil Palm Plantations to Be Converted Into Forests, Indonesia's Government Says - EcoWatch
    Weekly Running Thread - 4 Nov
  • After a couple of months of running most days, I reached that amazing fitness level where I'm beginning run with relative ease again. I celebrated by buying myself a pair of fancy sport headphones. Hopefully I'll be able to tackle a 10k again by the end of the year. Also, it's fucking cold outside all of a sudden. What the hell.

  • The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.2022 to 02.11.2023
  • I have no idea how Russia is sustaining these losses, or accepting them, but they are. I hope the US manages to pass a support package for Ukraine soon. Ukraine needs everything the West can send. I'd love to see EU countries up the ante too.

  • What's your Patient Gamer's Unpopular Opinion?
  • I looked it up, and a 6700XT costs the same price as a PS5/Xbox in my country. Add onto that all of the extra components you'll need to build a PC and it's way in excess of what a console costs. Sorry, but the cost of entry for PC just doesn't compare to consoles.

  • I took a break from gaming for a few years, and I'm excited to be rediscovering my old library of games.

    So it was around 2016 when I started to feel like I was in a rut when it came to gaming. There was a lot going on with games as service type models, and I just wasn't excited about anything related to gaming.

    Anyway, I let my PC lie dormant for a few years, and took up a couple of new hobbies like playing D&D IRL.

    Jump ahead five years and I started feeling really nostalgic for some of my old favourites: Dark Souls, Total War, management sims, and RPGs. It was awesome to be able to just pick up where I'd left off with the same PC, the same library of 5-10 year old games, and a renewed sense of interest in a collection I'd forgotten about.

    For example, I put nearly 200 hours into Rome II Total War, a game I'd written off not long after it came out, but has been greatly improved by mods since I played it ten years ago. There are also newer titles like Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, which I'd completely missed when they came out. I've also enjoyed Elden Ring, and I'm thinking about finally trying out Cyberpunk 2077 now that it's had 3 more years of development to fix everything.

    The patient gamer mindset is honestly such a great approach for this hobby. I really recommend taking a break from gaming if you feel like you've lost your passion for it. As much as I enjoy gaming, you can burn out on it, and it's a great feeling to rediscover your favourite titles all over again when you return years later.


    Nurgle's blessings upon you all this weekend!

    Just a couple of units left to paint and this project will be done.


    I went for my first 5k run in almost a month today.

    2023 has been pretty bad for me injury wise. Between several niggling ankle and knee injuries, I was really starting to feel like I was missing out.

    Anyway, I took a three-week break, and now things are looking better. I've got a whole 15-minute warm up and stretch routine figured out, and started off doing shorter distances for a few days.

    I'm always amazed how after just a few weeks my fitness levels go way down. I'll hopefully get back to my 'peak' fitness level before the end of the year, but for now I'll be taking it at a slower pace.


    My dentist has more of a sentimental attachment to my own teeth than I do.

    I have terrible teeth. The ones at the front are okay, but my molars are a disaster. They've been giving me trouble for about ten years. At this point they're literally falling apart.

    About a year ago, I decided to start saving up to get implants. It's a big job, and expensive, but I just don't want to deal with them anymore. Replacing them with fake teeth that will last until I'm dead is a great alternative.

    So I went to the dentist to get them removed, and he won't do it. He says they can be repaired and that I just need to book 12 appointments to have a root canal, a bunch of crowns put on, and a filling. I know full well that these god-damn things are going to start falling apart again as soon as he's done.

    For some reason he refuses to contemplate removing them. I'm going to have to travel to a different country now to have the work done because the dentist at the end of my road is too much of a fucking pussy to do it.


    Traffic updates every half an hour on the radio

    This one really gets me: commuting by car is such an inefficient way of getting around that every major radio station feels obliged to constantly update their listeners about how gridlocked the roads are.

    Not one mention is given to alternative transport options that might actually help reduce traffic. They just treat it like a weather forecast. Nothing can be done to prevent it. It's worth saying that radio is still really popular where I live, so it's a daily reminder for me of how deeply fucking carbrained my culture has become.


    A squad of assassins for the Assassinorum Execution Force board game.

    Really happy to have checked off this project. I'm doing my best to finally conquer my backlog this year. 77 minis left to go!
