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SecretSauces SecretSauces
Posts 17
Comments 168
'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams
  • The thing is, the Dems CANT abuse the power. If they do, they'll get crucified by both sides for it. And that's what the Republicans want. They're simultaneously making it so they'll stay in power when its their turn, and daring the Dems to do it knowing it won't go well for them. Its a win-win in their eyes. Especially while you have some of your people sitting on the highest court in the country.

    And this is the flaw with a two-party system. If one party decides to play dirty, the other is either forced to play just as dirty to keep up, (devolving into anarchy) or trying to play by the rules and getting blocked by the other team at every turn.

  • McDonald’s Gives Up On ‘AI’ After Comedy Of Errors, Including Putting Bacon On Ice Cream
  • I'm pretty sure some of those fancy restaurants that pop up everywhere already do this. They'll put bacon on anything

  • A new, Cold War-like agenda? Kim Jong Un gives Putin 'full support' for Ukraine war
  • If it's any consolation, SK said they would begin providing Ukraine munitions if they're neighbors to the north decide to involve themselves

  • Pride Month PSA: Y'all really need to knock this off
  • So you're intending to fight intolerance with intolerance. Can you see how that is hypocritical? You're saying, "society says 'all gays are bad', so we made a club that says 'all straights are bad'".

    The only way to truly fight for social justice is to welcome your allies, both gay and straight. Excluding those who are on your side just breeds resentment, which just continues the cycle.

  • Chiquita found liable for financing paramilitary group
  • Then I respect your opinion, no matter how wrong it may be.

  • X is about to start hiding all likes
  • They just don't want the world to see how little people like them now

  • Chiquita found liable for financing paramilitary group
  • They're delicious fruit packed with potassium that help make smoothies creamier.

  • Chiquita found liable for financing paramilitary group
  • You leave the bananas out of this! They're a victim!

  • After 1.5 years of learning selfhosting, this is where I'm at
  • I'm a complete beginner at this, but this is the point where I want to get to. With movies, shows and music.

  • T-Mobile imposes $5 monthly price hike on customers using older plans
  • Doesn't that open them up for a lawsuit then? Either breach of contract if it's in their legalese, or at least false advertising.

  • TIL: The CIA Played a Large Part in the 2011 Syrian Civil War that Killed 350,000 People
  • How does that work in States that have closed elections? Would their vote for the Green Party candidate still be valid or would it get thrown out?

  • Beginner in need of real help!
  • Docker installed great! Hello-World returns what it should. I reach problems whenever I try to do anything within Docker, like setting up AdGuard, Jackett, etc.

  • Beginner in need of real help!
  • I actually didnt know how to start the Jackett install from the guide I posted, so I just googled and tried following a guide. One of the first steps says sudo mkdir /home/ubuntu/jackett_config

    I get a "No such file or directory". Makes sense, ubuntu isn't this user's name. So I change it to point to "/home/user/jackett_config" and get the same result.

    This is what usually stops me from proceeding further.

  • Beginner in need of real help!

    I've been interested in self-hosting for a while, but didn't really know where to start. I've never messed with Linux before and wanted to jump ship from Windows since Microsoft decided to start putting ads everywhere. I came across this post [] which was exactly what I was looking for to start, and seemed like a straight-forward guide. I have two laptops, one I want to act as my media server with Docker and the other as my everyday device. Except I've been met with setback after setback from the start. I tried installing Ubuntu Server on the media server laptop but just could not get it up and running. I was suggested to try using a more beginner-friendly distro, so I went with Mint. I also liked the idea of a GUI I can mess around with.

    Docker was a success, but then I got to the Adguard part and when I try the docker-compose.yml step, grub just hangs. Decided to skip that part and go onto Jackett. Nope, more errors. Tried Prowlarr, different errors.

    I don't want to give up on this because its something I really want to get going for my media, home automation, cameras, etc etc. But I feel like I'm flying blind here.

    I have a lot of homework to do to learn Linux, but is there a different, beginner-friendly guide out there for me to follow for now?


    Edit: I appreciate everyone's comments. Although I have no Linux experience, I know my way around Windows pretty well. I understand file systems and in one of my errors that was asked, I was getting a "No File or Directory exists" error. I edited the username to fit my what I have, but was still getting the error. I even created a new user named Prowlarr when attempting the Powlarr install to follow the steps word-for-word, no luck. It got frustrating so I gave up for the day.

    I admit I do have a lot of learning to do, and I am really grateful some of you have provided start-points for my Linux journey. I'm also grateful for the "Self-hosting For Dummies" recommendations, like Yunohost and YAMS. I plan on looking over all of this info today to get a solution up for now and start my path down the Linux rabbithole. Its kinda exciting to start embarking on something like this.

    Anyway, thanks to everyone who gave me great feedback!

    Raw milk fans plan to drink up as experts warn of high levels of H5N1 virus
  • I'll still be safe. I don't generally drink human milk.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sorry, figured it would be an easy shorthand. But with so many different distros out there, I can see how that could be seen as just another one of those. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lol, I AM using Linux for the first time. But yea, I'm trying to use the most user-friendly things to accomplish what I want to do. Thanks anyway for trying. :)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • ifconfig gives "command not found, but can be installed with sudo apt net-tools. That command gives me "Temporary failure resolving ''

    ip addr gives:

    1: lo: <LOOPBACK, UP, LOWER_UP> mtu ##### qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute
    valid_lft forever preffered_lft forever
    2: wlp02s20f3: <BROADCAST, MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether [MAC Address] brd [IPv6 MAC Address]
    4: enx949aa9857457: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether [MAC Address] brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  • [2021 Camry SE] How to enable Android Auto?

    I just bought a '21 Camry SE and the sales guy said it came with Android Auto. I didn't test because i didn't have a USB cable, but I connected to BT just fine.

    The next day after the purchase, come to find out it ONLY has Apple Carplay.

    So, how would someone go about enabling it? Is it just a software limitation or would i have to get a whole new head unit?

    Also, how do i prevent a connected iPhone from taking over the input from Sirius or BT?! I'm on a road trip with my gf and have her phone connected for the map, but it keeps taking over the audio!


    A blind man walks into a bar.

    He has a seeing eye dog with him.

    Once he gets to the bar, he grabs his dog by the tail and starts swinging it around over his head.

    Everyone's horrified and the bartender finally yells out and asks, "What the hell are you doing?!"

    The blind man says, "Just taking a look around."


    How can i find upvoted comments?

    I used to upvote comments on reddit to come back to them later. How can i see my upvoted comments on Lemmy/Boost ?


    Jbl 400 Volume issue

    Since there's no proper JBL community on Lemmy, figured I would post here.

    I just bought a pair of JBL Quantum 400 headsets for my Xbox One to replace the Steel Series that started to fall apart. The issue is, the JBLs aren't as loud. Headset volume is all the way up, all obvious audio volume settings on the Xbox are all the way up. I can't seem to figure out how else to raise the volume.

    Any JBL experts care to help?


    Is there a community for talking about heavy topics?

    There are a couple of heavy things running through my head I kinda want to get off my chest (nothing deeply personal though) and discuss with people. It's more than just casual conversation, so I can't post there.

    Are there any alternatives?


    Jungle - Keep Moving Keep Moving - YouTube Music

    Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Keep Moving · Jungle · Joshua Lloyd-Watson · Lydia Kitto · Thomas McFarland Loving In Stereo ℗ 2021 Caiola ...

    Keep Moving - YouTube Music
    Home Improvement SecretSauces

    Thoughts on adding a bathroom

    I have a 4bd/2ba that I want to add another bathroom to. There is a small "office" (it's not big enough to be considered another room) that I would like to convert to said bathroom. The two existing bathrooms are right next to each other in the rear of the house and the water cutoff is in front of the property, on the sidewalk.

    What considerations would I need to worry about with a project like that? We don't want to go septic.


    There's a lot of cats on this sub (are we calling these subs?), so here's a pic of my doggo after an over-ripe mango fell on his head.

    Unfortunately, he passed years ago. But its my favorite picture of my favorite pup. Plus, this is my first post on Lemmy! So I feel its appropriate!
