The New Popular Front alliance looked like the best hope the left had against Macron and Le Pen. But after months of internal conflicts, it’s on the brink of collapse.
The New Popular Front alliance looked like the best hope the left had against Macron and Le Pen. But after months of internal conflicts, it’s on the brink of collapse.
No, it's just they never know how to translate it and they think their readers are too dumb to understand the party's name in French. "Nouveau front populaire" or NFP. I don't know why English news outlets are obsessed about translating party names from foreign countries. Who cares to understand the exact name of the party ? The reader just needs to understand their political alignment, the literal translation of the party name makes no sense, none of the cultural meaning will translate anyway.
Some places translated it as popular new front instead of new popular front? That's missing the point of the claim that it's reviving the old popular front from the 1930s.
This was due to fail, as it incorporated everything from the centre-left to the far-left. Plus, there are figures that don't want to make compromises like Mélenchon.
It might've also been because of Mélenchon that NFP lost its chances of working with the centre(-right). On the other hand the alliance's great share made it possible to balance the far-right.
There is no working with the "center" / center-right, they proved that again and again and again, they have not made a single compromise while constantly complaining that the left doesn't want to work with them. Working with someone means both sides give something to the other, and the right only ever takes and never gives anything. They have to learn to play ball.
I was thinking more as compromises to each other within the alliance. I was hoping as well that Macron, Renaissance would try to work with the (reasonable-)left. What is happening now is that they are upholding the status-quo that obviously is losing its support. I fear it to escalade to the far-right because of this stance, I hope it does not.