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Mr_Grumpy Mr_Grumpy
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Comments 20
Internet Archive Targets Book DRM Removal Tool With DMCA Takedown
  • If there is one organisation that should know not to fight the internet, it is IA.

    That code is here (or there,or over there) to stay.

  • TIL that Robin Williams had gained a reputation within stand-up comedy circles for stealing jokes.
  • I don't see it as theft if he paid them - albeit after the fact.

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • My old person trait is that I think I should be able to have anything I purchased repaired/serviced by whomever I wish, with whatever parts they deem acceptable.

  • summer moment
  • Our fridge is plumbed in. Constant cold water and ice/crushed ice FTW.

  • redditors screaming over lost karma
  • Where it was kept was terrifying . . .

  • Hello!
  • undefined> i can safely say that once that comes out, itโ€™ll be the best one out there.

    No pressure, lol

  • What are your must-have top features youโ€™d want to see in a Lemmy app or web client?
  • The ability to copy the URL of a video so I can paste it to NewPipe - or a setting where I can choose to use YouTube or NewPipe all red the time.

  • Can't seem to mark something in my inbox in Jerboa as read
  • Yes, of course it is! Why I said left I'll never know. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • Can't seem to mark something in my inbox in Jerboa as read
  • Hit the tick mark, top left right of the screen.

    Strike through doesn't work for me. Notyou corrected me.

  • What is the true purpose of life?
  • Climate change has always been a thing. The planet has been going thru hot/cold cycles for millions of years.

    There is no purpose for any life on earth. The planet survived just fine before life started, it will survive just fine when life is gone. (or until Sol goes super-nova, or whatever it's called when it expands and engulfs all the planets).

  • Hypothetically speaking, if Reddit back tracks on their API plan and meets all of the communities expeditions- would you go back to Reddit?
  • It'll be a cold day in hell that I go back there. If you look in a dictionary under the word 'Evil', there is a picture of spez.

  • I Hope Rexxitors Tone Down the Low-Hanging Comment Chains on Lemmy.
  • Typewriters were/are monospaced, so putting a double space after the full-stop helped you recognise the start of a new sentence, giving it, and you, breathing space.

    The PC fonts are size adjusted and double space is no longer necessary, but it doesn't hurt.

  • FMHY is now blacked out for the next 48 hours
  • Why? Would you want to return? I'm just happy to be here, and it can only get better.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • A snowball has a better chance of surviving in hell than me joining anything Meta.

  • Is Lemmy your first time on the Fediverse?
  • This is my first toe-in-the-water experience of the Fediverse. To be honest, I'm still trying to understand exactly how it all works, but I'm enjoying myself so far.

    What would really make my day would be a RIF -type app, as someone on the road a lot, and only able to view on mobile.

  • Welcome reddit refugees!
  • Well, I hope to become a regular - I'm currently in the middle of editing all my Reddit comments with PowerDeleteSuite. Once complete, my account will be deleted.

    Edit: Well, the deed is done, I no longer have a Reddit account.

    Also, Fuck u/spez.

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • Many of the younger generations seem to accept that things don't last/break easily. I come from a time where there was a wiring diagram for the TV pasted on the inside back cover. Washing machines and other devices often had the schematics included. Repairing your stuff and keeping it running was the norm back then. Even if you couldn't, you probably had a neighbour who could. Planned obsolescence is a relatively new thing.

  • Brace Yourselves
  • That's why I'm here ๐Ÿ˜