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Kudusch Kudusch
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Which shows are worth watching?
  • From the new(ish) Star Trek shows I really liked Lower Decks and mostly liked Strange New Worlds and the last season of Picard (you can watch that season on its own, especially if you’ve watched TNG).

    I have mixed feelings about Enterprise, but would recommend it as well. It’s only 5 seasons, so …

    TV has also changed a lot since the TNG-era, so if you like the vibe of those shows, I’d recommend checking out other sci-fi shows from that time.

    All of that is highly subjective of course.

  • Sadge
  • Fluorine in chat

  • Ep 305: Deus Ex Ma'ahina (Lower Decks S5E10)
  • I could have easily watched 5 more seasons of Lower Decke. By far my favorite new trek

  • Ep 296: Interstellar Bidet (Lower Decks S5E1)
  • I wonder if we find out what is actually going on with bearded, successful Boimler. Can’t be good, right?

  • Ep 539: Idiot Meat (ENT S1E18)
  • I actually like the setup of the episode, meeting this group of off-world alien hunters on a planet in perpetual night and some shapeshifting action. What’s not to like?

    I just can’t stand Archer as a captain (and Reed as an officer). And the actual story they go with doesn’t really deliver, imo.

  • In photos: Thousands protest in Israel to demand Gaza deal
  • This is conjecture as there are continuing anti-war protests in Israel by a number of different actors and groups, e.g.:

    In May 2024, 1,400 academics signed a petition calling for an end to the war Israel–Hamas war protests in Israel, Wikipedia

    In my opinion, the way you phrase your comment crosses into antisemitic narratives as the comment implies (at least in my reading) that all the people protesting are anti Palestine. Please note I’m not saying that you are in any way antisemitic. It just irks me how that comment is phrased

  • In photos: Thousands protest in Israel to demand Gaza deal
  • “Without the return of the hostages we will not be able to end the war, we will not be able to rehabilitate ourselves as a society,” Ron Tomer, president of the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel. Te me, “Rehabilitation” implies a level of dissent with Netanyahu’s actions.

  • Ep 287: Everyone Deserves Dome (BSG S1E11)
  • Since June! It’s Red Hot Cylon Summer!

  • Ep 284: Free Play Heart-Shaped Bed (Battlestar Galactica S1E8)
  • This is my first time watching BSG and I am beginning to suspect that every single character in the show is secretly a Cylon (including Ben and Adam, Wynde is on to something here).

  • gendrule swap
  • For convenience, here's the link to the xkcd

  • Ep 533: Yell at Me Daddy (ENT S1E12)
  • … or they’ll just start over again from TNG S01E01!

    But yeah, I‘d watch TOS as well, if it gets the Greatest Gen treatment.

  • Ep 532: Plain-Clothes Docent (ENT S1E11)
  • I was not prepared :(

  • Worf has suspicions
  • That’s upsetting. Thank you.

  • Ep 526: A Shower Veg (ENT S1E5)
  • Now I really want the The Office version of Enterprise with T‘Pol constantly spiking the camera, commenting on what utter buffoons her crew mates are.

  • Ep 518: Drape Knuck (VOY S7E22)
  • This is one of those Voyager episodes I have no recollection of whatsoever. Even with Ben and Adam recapping, I don’t remember this one at all.

    I’m also kinda sad that their Voyager run is almost over. A Neelix episode, a Doctor episode and the finale, that’s it.

  • Ep 261: The Shoot Scream Years (Pilot Season: Stargate SG-1)
  • I watched a lot of Stargate with my dad as a kid, so I’m probably biased, but that theme is my favorite piece of sci-fi music ever.

  • Push it way down
  • And now he’s considered “perhaps the most important person in Starfleet history” (and one of my favorite characters in all of Trek)

  • Push it way down
  • Not directly related but: I’m rewatching TNG and it’s so fun to see the character of Miles O'Brien emerge. Just through the sheer charisma of Colm Meaney.

  • Still less appearance changes than the Klingons
  • I also think Chapel is very good at her job, but nurse and doctor are two different career paths. You don’t graduate being a nurse by becoming a doctor.

  • Ep 511: Bad Grain Thresher Mindset (VOY S7E15)
  • The Void is one of my favorite Voyager episodes. Our heroes are so Starfleet to the core, that a federation-like structure just naturally emerges for them.

  • Greatest Generation Kudusch

    Ep 251: If You’re Going to Ralph’s You’ve Made Your Choices (Heat) Ep 251: If You’re Going to Ralph’s You’ve Made Your Choices (Heat) | Maximum Fun

    When a really good crew takes a redshirt on an away mission, he turns out to be more of a cowboy than they expected.

    Ep 251: If You’re Going to Ralph’s You’ve Made Your Choices (Heat) | Maximum Fun

    When a really good crew takes a redshirt on an away mission, he turns out to be more of a cowboy than they expected. But when they agree to a really big score, they might meet their match with a crew playing for the other team. What's the URL for Craig's List but for heists? What do you call guys that aren't Wayne Knight, but kind of are? Is the Sizemore Special a smart thing to order for breakfast on the morning of a heist? Everybody knows that Heat isn't a holiday movie. What this special episode presupposes is, maybe it is?

    Greatest Generation Kudusch

    Ep 250: I Dare Anyone To Be Larkinier (2023 Larkin Awards)
