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Ep 284: Free Play Heart-Shaped Bed (Battlestar Galactica S1E8) Ep 284: Free Play Heart-Shaped Bed (Battlestar Galactica S1E8) | Maximum Fun

When the fleet catches a Leoben on the Gemenon Traveler, Starbuck gets assigned to interrogate him with an extremely specific bucket.

Ep 284: Free Play Heart-Shaped Bed (Battlestar Galactica S1E8) | Maximum Fun

When the fleet catches a Leoben on the Gemenon Traveler, Starbuck gets assigned to interrogate him with an extremely specific bucket. But after President Roslin wakes up wet from one too many NyQil dreams, she hears Leoben out before returning to Commander Adama’s position. What doesn’t belong on a postage stamp? Where did H.R. Giger get all his ideas? Who definitely deserves a swirly? It’s the episode that’s fucking with us like the Cylons are fucking with humans.


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  • This is my first time watching BSG and I am beginning to suspect that every single character in the show is secretly a Cylon (including Ben and Adam, Wynde is on to something here).