Ep 251: If You’re Going to Ralph’s You’ve Made Your Choices (Heat)
Ep 251: If You’re Going to Ralph’s You’ve Made Your Choices (Heat)
maximumfun.org Ep 251: If You’re Going to Ralph’s You’ve Made Your Choices (Heat) | Maximum Fun
When a really good crew takes a redshirt on an away mission, he turns out to be more of a cowboy than they expected.

When a really good crew takes a redshirt on an away mission, he turns out to be more of a cowboy than they expected. But when they agree to a really big score, they might meet their match with a crew playing for the other team. What's the URL for Craig's List but for heists? What do you call guys that aren't Wayne Knight, but kind of are? Is the Sizemore Special a smart thing to order for breakfast on the morning of a heist? Everybody knows that Heat isn't a holiday movie. What this special episode presupposes is, maybe it is?