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Klicnik Klicnik
Posts 6
Comments 163
Google is killing infinite scroll on search results
  • There sure are a lot of "Google enshittifies Google" articles lately.

  • Almost all of the American ones I've heard of are terrifying.
  • All of the best creatures are on the block chain.

  • Can't even order a pizza without getting Manscaped ads these days!
  • I always report those ads as inappropriate.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • Suggesting with a bit of superglue, this device could be put out of service.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • You can buy multiple small tubes of superglue for a dollar at the dollar store.

  • Shit...
  • Introducing TeslOS! The world's first full self-driving OS for desktops!

  • TIL states that passed laws allowing a married person to seek a divorce without the consent of their spouse saw female suicide decline by 20 percent
  • In US. politics, red refers to places with a (usually large) majority of Republican voters.

  • Sovcit sent the CEO a letter. CEOs love corresponding with sovcits.
  • They must have skipped the part of elementary school where they talk about the scientific method. They hypothesize that there are magic words that make reaponsibility go away. They test it out, seemingly over and over. It never works. Yet they conclude that their hypothesis must be correct and they just messed up the testing.

  • Verdict is in
  • Presented by Kyle Rittenhouse.

  • US unit sales of PS5 hardware are trending 8% ahead of PS4, while Xbox Series is trailing Xbox One by 13%, and remains slightly behind Xbox 360. Source: Circana Retail Tracking Service.
  • For a long time, I wanted to get a PS5 or "the new xbox", whatever the heck it was named. I was in a big box store and saw what I thought was one of the new ones when they were still hard to find. But, I had no cell signal in the store, so I couldn't look up info on it. I couldn't verify if it was the new one, or the old one, since their stupid naming scheme was so arbitrary and hard to remember if you weren't already in their ecosystem. I didn't buy it, and later found the one I saw was the newest one. I ended up eventually finding and buying a PS5. I doubt I am the only one, but even if so, they did not make a sale to one person because of their stupid naming scheme. With Playstation system naming, there is no confusion.

  • Name this band
  • DJ Trump and the Lackeys

  • Reminder...
  • I think in American fashion, if you want to influence our political leanings, there will have to be an exchange of money or services.

    But, please remember to call it lobbying. Otherwise, it just sounds like bribery!

  • Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • It's also nice because I can charge my entire family's phones all at once. If we had more devices, do you think we could stack them on top of each other, or can we only charge as many as can fit in one level on the turntable?

  • [News] Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price
  • My dumb toaster got an update this morning and now runs an AI.

  • Meme Manager needed...
  • You're hired.

  • Why doesn't Gentoo have more distros based on him?
  • Because Genthree Genfour Genfive Gensix, etc. would get confused with other products on a Google search.

  • Honk
  • Honk

  • 한국 Lemmy 커뮤니티 / Korea Lemmy community Klicnik

    What is the best U.S. bank for accessing money in South Korea?

    Hello, Korea community. I taught English in Korea for a few years over a decade ago. At the time, my bank I used in the U.S. was Wells Fargo. I had an absolutely awful experience with them while in Korea. I never once had access to the money in the Wells Fargo account the entire time I lived in Korea.

    I told them ahead of time I was moving to Korea and to allow transactions there. I don't know if they did, but it got overriden/expired, or if they just pretended to. Either way, when I tried to get money out of that account it failed every time. They would alert me to "fraudulent activity" and lock my card. I had to call, tell them it's me, I live in Korea, like I said, so please unblock my card and allow transactions from Korea. I did this probably ten times before giving up. I was so mad about it that the first thing I did when I moved back to the U.S. was close my Wells Fargo account.

    I am looking at living in Korea again for a time, but I don't want a repeat of last time. Does anyone have any recommendations for banks that understand that sometimes people actually leave the U.S. and still may need access to their money? I am not opposed to even trying to bank with Wells Fargo again if they are no longer terrible from Korea.

    I will have a Korean bank account, and get pay to the Korean account, but may need access to money in my U.S. account for emergency cash.


    EverQuest beans

    Seeing all of the bean memes made me start to wonder how many beans there are in EverQuest. Here's an Allakhazam list of beans in EverQuest. The various Luclin green beans seems to have pretty crazy stats.


    A question on Eldrig the Old (Skyfire, Bard epic 1.0)

    I'm working on the bard epic 1.0, and I am on the part in Skyfire where I need to spawn and kill Eldrig the Old.

    I've read up on Allakhzam, and the accepted ways to do this are to either 1) Have two friends stand at certain spawn points while I high sun the mobs back to their spawns to find the right spawn cycle, or 2) Have five friends join me while I get an instance of Skyfire, and then just drop it if Eldrig the Old isn't up, and get a new instance until I find him up.

    My question is, is there any decent, reliable way that anyone has found for a solo bard to do this? I pretty well have only been working on the epic when my friends can't play. Otherwise, I'm grouping with them doing higher level stuff. Is the best method for doing this solo to just kill everything that moves and keep watching track with fingers crossed? Or is there a better way?


    When did you start playing?

    I started playing with some friends during the beta test. We were all gnomes so we would have the same starting city. I played a rogue. If I recall correctly, the others were magician and cleric.

    I played EQ when it went live, and played until Gates of Discord. Since then I seem to have a cycle of playing for 1-2 years before taking 1-2 years off. EverQuest is the game I always end up returning to, though.


    2023 Hardcore Heritage Hardcore Heritage 2023

    Challenges for the toughest of adventurers!

    Hardcore Heritage 2023

    Hardcore Heritage is live. This is the time of year where passing through Blackburrow and other usually lower level zones is a lot more dangerous. Be safe out there.
