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JareeZy JareeZy

Linksgrün-versifft, vegan und nerdy in Berlin. Fan von Vogelbildern.

Posts 0
Comments 42
Custom Linux Distribution just for Gaming
  • As someone who never used an immutable distro: what are the quirks when using it?

  • Helldivers, what are your favorite loadouts?
  • Bots:

    Pummeler, that one heavy pistol that isn't the senator, stun grenades, heavy Armor with extra grenades or peak physique, AMR, ballistic shield, stun mortar, OPS


    Pummeler, grenade pistol, stun grenades, light or heavy Armor with extra nades, flamethrower, Gatling turret, OPS, eagle airstrike.

    Against bots, pummeler and ballistic shield makes you basically invincible. Against bugs, I've found heavy Armor to drastically outperform light Armor. You don't need speed if nothing really damages you.

  • Simple question: Are you a nice person?
  • No. I know people who are genuinely nice, and I don't compare to that. I am, for the most part, trying to be a very relaxed person though, and my benign apathy has sometimes been described as "nice".

  • What Era was the best and why was it the 90s?
  • Tbh I kinda like flat design if done tastefully and within a confined scope, but that Alegria/Globo Homo bullshit from evil corporations and the weird full plastic boxes of nothing can rightly go to the dump.

    I will hate the decade though for its prevalence of the bland beige and off-white interior design.

  • cause no one asks you for tech support if you still running windows XP
  • That is actually what brought me back to Linux, I used to run Ubuntu and then Mint around 2010 but had to switch to Windows for work (and stuck around because it works well enough) but the taskbar being stuck on the bottom bothered me enough to finally make the switch back.

  • I'd like to interject for a moment.
  • What did you call me?

  • "Yeah, but what if we used AI?"
  • That is the unironic basis of my "enlightened centrists" friends beliefs. He doesn't want the poor people he sees on TV and at the bus stop to benefit from his money. Nevermind that he received a free education and has all the benefits of living in a first world country. Only if he himselfs would benefit from a measure (e.g. fixing the streets in front of his house) would he be in favour of spending tax money.

  • Code interviews for a PHP developer roles
  • Knowing about and having met multiple such "senior Devs" has made me feel so much better about my work and my own set of skills, not gonna lie.

  • „Voll pflanzlich“: Rewe plant veganen Supermarkt in Berlin - Supermarktblog
  • Bin gespannt wie das Sortiment so sein wird. Meine Sorge ist, dass es Frischkost + das normale REWE-Sortiment ist. Veganz war schon praktisch für etwas exotischere Sachen, bin da 10 Jahre lang einkaufen gegangen.

  • Is this man a magnet for accidents at sea?
  • Afaik you have to respond if you're the closest vessel.

  • Die Polizei NRW bekämpft Hass im Internet
  • Holy fucking shit was? Das ist doch kein Unfall wenn dich gleich 2 Autofahrer niedermähen.

  • Italian net closes in on 'Fleximan' - vigilante destroyer of speed cameras
  • What's the argument here? That because you drive twice as far, it is expected you run over twice as many people?

  • Regierung nimmt einige Agrar-Kürzungen zurück
  • Zitat meiner gutbürgerlichen Bekanntschaft "na, das ist ja auch was anderes, die haben ja auch was geleistet im Leben, die Bauern!"

  • Leibniz Keks vegan
  • Dann wird's Zeit alle Filialen tagtäglich zu nerven bis es ins Sortiment kommt

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Spannend, gerade den letzten Teil hatte ich vorherige Woche auch gehört und das hatte mich so überrascht, das Ich nicht dazu kam nachzuhaken wo die Person das her hatte. Kommt das aus der Bild, dieses Glanzargument?

  • CSU immer gegen Verbote
  • Ehrenverbrechy

  • Failing proper royal etiquette
  • Because it is inane bullshit. You receive the email no matter where on the array your fucking name is. It is complete and utter sociopathy to enforce hierarchical chest-thumping on it. Only people who's work is so without value that they need to source it from pissing on others "below" them would care about it.

  • Suche was neues zum lesen - Space Opera
  • Es sei angemerkt dass jedes Buch seine eigenen Charaktere und in sich geschlossenen Handlungen und Themen hat, übergreifend ist eher ein gemeinsames Universum (Iain Banks nicht-Kulturromane sins allerdings auch sehr empfehlenswert)

  • Berlin will Einsatz von Magnetschwebebahnen testen und plant Pilotstrecke
  • Wir reden hier immer noch von Berlin. Hier wird ja nüscht jeplant.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How does one become friends with a house sparrow? Apart from the feeder :)