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Illecors Illecors

Calculator Manipulator

Posts 269
Comments 1.1K
Winding street in Calvi dell'Umbria, Italy
  • This has reminded me of cs_italy! Thank you!

  • I modded a scanner to be a camera, this is 'Waterdance' [OC]
  • Thank you! I like the engineering feel it all.

  • NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules | NVIDIA Technical Blog
  • As comment in another post said - this is for modules only. There's still a ton of binary fluff that is the main cause of issues and that is not getting open sourced.

  • Google Confirms Play Store App Deletion—Now Just 6 Weeks Away
  • I'm running Graphene on a pixel - google camera works as it would normally. The only issue is the preview-click-to-open-gallery bit not working. It needs the Photos app which I have not installed on purpose.

  • I modded a scanner to be a camera, this is 'Waterdance' [OC]
  • Could elaborate a bit on the scanner-becoming-camera thing? I've never heard of that before.

    Absolutely cool picture!

  • Two large oil tankers collide and catch fire near Singapore
  • No, cardboard is out of the question. Same for paper.

  • Tiny Toes
  • It looks so cute!

  • As a Linux advocate, I'm finding today to be shaping up to be a great day!

    All that Windows and Crowstrike bollocks.

    Webflow says 2TB of bandwidth is worth $1,250 per month
  • I've found this.

    It does seem suspicious, though.

    founded by industry experts

    RackNerd provides up to 100 free IPv6 addresses upon request.

    Pick one.

  • Users of Vim and similars, what exactly makes it useful compared to other text editors? How much time do you suppose you save when working with it?
  • Sysadmin rather than dev here, but magit was what converted me to emacs. And then, at some point, it clicked that the whole shell uses the same (where applicable) shortcuts as emacs. Or, more likely, the other way around. Anyway, point being - what I learnt in emacs, I could reuse on all the hosts I ssh into.

    On top of that - basic navigation in tmux also uses the same shortcuts. Win-win-win :)

  • Progress Tuesday - What is your child's latest achievement?
  • Using a triangular bulding block as a sort of ramp for a train to roll off. All without ever being shown!

    A proud moment 😊

  • My Happy Meal has made you unhappy?
  • I'm surprised she's not forgotten how to breath when she got out of bed that morning.

  • JD Vance opposes military aid, NATO membership for Ukraine. He's now Trump's VP pick
  • What peace deals were those? Must've missed them.

  • Stuff I never thought I’d say Sunday
  • At the moment it's not, strictly speaking, the what - it's more the amount of repetition required.

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Get your fingers out of your mouth


    Get your fingers out of your mouth

    Thank you!

  • We are wasting up to 20% of our time on computer problems, says study
  • Fair enough. What stuff do you run on your regular week?

  • We are wasting up to 20% of our time on computer problems, says study
  • I've not had anything like that since... forever. But then I'm not a kde nor fedora user. Naturally raises the question - have you considered switching from kde, fedora or both?

  • Flatpak haters seem to believe that if an app isn't on their distro's repos, it's the developers' fault.
  • Honestly, main + guru has not made feel like anything's missing at all.

  • [email protected]: An open source two factor auth app that syncs keys between devices?
  • I'm, using Nextcloud + KeePassXC (DX on android). Nextcloud part can, obviously, be replaced by another mechanism.

  • Question: How to curl the lemmy API?
  • I've found this more understandable.

    I've also hacked together a quick thing for spamwaves that were happening last year here.

    The purpose of that script is to ban, but there're auth bits that might help you get a grasp on your task.

  • Lemmy Cafe has been upgraded to 0.19.5

    This was a bugfix release.

    The [email protected] has been reverted to being public as the private switch appears to break notifications.

    Due to increased compute demand of lemmy software the VM is running on had to become a little beefier. DB VM is still chugging along without changes.

    Happy socials!


    As always - any financial help is greatly appreciated! To donate click the banner here or in the sidebar:


    ❤, Illecors


    Lemmy.Cafe has been upgraded to 0.19.4

    This is a big release - the most interesting, probably, being local [non-federated] communities. There are a lot of other features, as well, so don't hesitate reading the release announcement!

    As a first attempt, I have made [email protected] a local community. This post should not federate anywhere else.

    The upgrade itself was a bit rocky, and, admittedly, caused by the setup that has strayed off the official guidelines. It has, however, helped in troubleshooting countless times previously, so it's not going away. More care will simply have to be taken next time.

    For those curious - the bit that caused all the trouble was having separate users to connect to the database for each of backend, federation and tasks containers. Something changed where a new schema was created/started getting used and tasks container did not have access to said schema. As such, it could not finish the migration scripts.

    As always - any financial help is greatly appreciated! To donate click the banner here or in the sidebar:


    ❤, Illecors


    He also links a Mastodon thread where he had documented the first few days with pictures.

    I genuinely cannot fathom the talent and drive combo some people possess.

    Spacetime Illecors

    Boeing and NASA to attempt to launch Starliner again

    Statecraft Illecors Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News

    He becomes the first former - or serving - president to be convicted of a crime, as he bids to return to the White House.

    Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News link link

    Truly one of the grander events in politics. US might start slowly but surely rebuilding its image on the international stand if it can keep this up.


    Washington Post

    Wall Street Journal


    Foreign Policy

    Financial Times

    Associated Press


    You can fuck right off, HP


    Lemmy Cafe Financial Report October 2023 - February 2024

    It's been a while since I've last done one of those. Life happened, but things are settling down slowly. I'll combine all five months since September into a single post, but will keep them separated visually.

    Income is applied on date of arrival. Stripe (LiberaPay uses it as processor) pays out in advance and as such income shows up as 0, even though LiberaPay banner shows a non-zero value.

    Any financial help is greatly appreciated! To donate click the banner here or in the sidebar:


    February 2024


    • LiberaPay: £0


    • Servers: £38.94

    Month balance

    • -£38.94

    Previous balance

    • -£216.05

    Balance to date

    • -£254.99


    January 2024


    • LiberaPay: £0


    • Servers: £38.66

    Month balance

    • -£38.66

    Previous balance

    • -£177.39

    Balance to date

    • -£216.05


    December 2023


    • LiberaPay: £0


    • Servers: £38.59
    • Backblaze B2: £0.64

    Month balance

    • -£39.23

    Previous balance

    • -£138.16

    Balance to date

    • -£177.39


    November 2023


    • LiberaPay: £0


    • Servers: £38.74

    Month balance

    • -£38.74

    Previous balance

    • -£99.42

    Balance to date

    • -£138.16


    October 2023


    • LiberaPay: £0


    • Servers: £37.32

    Month balance

    • -£37.32

    Previous balance

    • -£62.1

    Balance to date

    • -£99.42


    Finance History

    | | September 2023 | August 2023 | July 2023 | June 2023 | |---------------|---------|---------|---------|---------| | Contributions | £11.41 | £15.26 | £0 | £0 | | Expenses | £28.85 | £24.75 | £19.18 | £15.99 | | Difference | -£17.44 | -£9.49 | -£19.18 | -£15.99 | | Balance | -£62.1 | -£44.66 | -£35.17 | -£15.99 |


    Previous reports

    ___ September 2023 ___ August 2023 ___ July 2023 ___ June 2023


    People using 'less' when they should be using 'fewer'

    EDIT: you guys have dug up some truly horrible pisstakes :D Thank you for those.

    To the serious folk - relax a little. This is Mildly Infuriating, not I'm dying if this doesn't stop. As a non-native speaker I was taught a certain way to use the language. The rules were not written down by me, nor the teachers - it was done by the native folk. Peace!

    Folderol Illecors OpenAI researcher Andrej Karpathy departs firm

    Andrej Karpathy, an artificial intelligence researcher and one of the founding members of OpenAI, said in a post on social media platform X that he departed the Microsoft-backed company on Monday.

    OpenAI researcher Andrej Karpathy departs firm

    Archive link

    Maybe those board and ceo shenanigans did leave a bad taste internally, afterall.

    Spacetime Illecors

    Rosette Deep Field

    11foot8 Illecors

    On the road to success there are no shortcuts

    11foot8 Illecors

    The Definitive 11Foot8 Bridge Crash Compilation

    11foot8 Illecors

    But should you?

    cross-posted from:

    > Credit:


    Lemmy Cafe has had the database upgraded to PostgreSQL 16

    The upgrade has gone through smoothly and everything seems to be running smoothly.

    The performance looks to be better on the backend, time will tell if the memory leak issue is actually solved. So far, though - so good!


    2 February 10AM UTC Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

    Find the exact time difference with the Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator which converts the time difference between places and time zones all over the world.

    Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

    Lemmy Cafe will be having its database upgraded.


    • Pict-rs is expecting PostgreSQL 16. It's running fine now, but it might not be at some future point.
    • PostgreSQL 15 has a bug that requires jit to be turned off - otherwise DB keeps consuming all the memory available on the system and then some. In the end it gets culled by the kernel. This has performance as well as reliability issues. While turning jit off has remedied the constant failure, it has also made the database a bit slower. I prefer squeezing out as much performance as possible :)


    • Point nginx to the maintenance page
    • Shut down PostgreSQL 15
    • Run the upgrade tool
    • Start up PostgreSQL 16
    • Point nginx to lemmy

    Expected downtime

    About an hour, if things go well. More if not so.

    Will try to keep the maintenance page updated.

    Here's the timezone converter


    Lemmy is a perfect reddit replacement in terms of saving a post "for later" and never coming back to it

    46 Celebrating 30 years of Blender —

    Today Blender turns 30 years old! Here is a short message form the team.

    Celebrating 30 years of Blender —

    Amazing milestone!

    Also testing federation


    Lemmy "server error" when pict-rs is not running

    There are a few reasons why pict-rs might not be running, upgrades being one of them. At the moment the whole of lemmy UI will crash and burn if it cannot load a site icon. Yes, that little thing. Here's the github issue.

    To work around this I have set the icon and banner (might as well since we're working on this) to be loaded from a local file rather than nginx.

    Here's a snippet of nginx config from the server block:

    ``` location /static-img/ { alias /srv/lemmy/;

    # Rate limit limit_req zone=lemmy.cafe_ratelimit burst=30 nodelay;

    # Asset cache defined in /etc/nginx/conf.d/static-asset-cache.conf proxy_cache lemmy_cache; } ``` I have also included the rate limitting and cache config, but it is not, strictly speaking, necessary.

    The somewhat important bit here is the location - I've tried using static, but that is already used by lemmy itself, and as such breaks the UI. Hence the static-img.

    I have downloaded the icon and banner from the URLs saved in the database (assuming your instance id in site is, in fact, 1):

    SELECT id, icon, banner FROM site WHERE id = 1; id | icon | banner ----+----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------ 1 | | (1 row) I have then saved those files in /srv/lemmy/ as site-icon.webp and site-banner.webp. Changed the ownership to that of nginx (www-data in debian universe, http and httpd in others.

    I have then updated the site table to point to the new location for icon and banner:

    UPDATE site SET icon = '' WHERE id = 1; UPDATE site SET banner = '' WHERE id = 1;

    Confirm it got applied: SELECT id, icon, banner FROM site WHERE id = 1; id | icon | banner ----+----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------ 1 | | (1 row)

    That's it! You can now reload your nginx server (nginx -s reload) to apply the new path!


    Lemmy server setup on

    docker compose


    I'm using a v2 - notice the lack of a dash between docker and compose.

    I've recently learnt of the default filenames docker compose is trying to source upon invocation and decided to give it a try. The files are:

    • compose.yml
    • compose.override.yml

    I have split the default docker-compose.yml that lemmy comes with into 2 parts - compose.yml holds pict-rs, postfix and, in my case, gatus. compose.override.yml is responsible for lemmy services only. This is what the files contain:


    ``` x-logging: &default-logging driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "20m" max-file: "4"

    services: pictrs: image: asonix/pictrs:0.5.0 user: 991:991 ports: - "" volumes: - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt restart: always logging: *default-logging entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs run environment: - PICTRS__OLD_REPO__PATH=/mnt/sled-repo - PICTRS__REPO__TYPE=postgres - PICTRS__REPO__URL=postgres://pictrs:<redacted>@psql:5432/pictrs - RUST_LOG=warn - PICTRS__MEDIA__MAX_FILE_SIZE=1 - PICTRS__MEDIA__IMAGE__FORMAT=webp deploy: resources: limits: memory: 512m postfix: image: mwader/postfix-relay environment: - volumes: - ./volumes/postfix:/etc/postfix restart: "always" logging: *default-logging

    gatus: image: twinproduction/gatus ports: - "8080:8080" volumes: - ./volumes/gatus:/config restart: always logging: *default-logging deploy: resources: limits: memory: 128M ```

    ___ compose.override.yml is actually a hardlink to the currently active deployment. I have two separate files - compose-green.yml and compose-blue.yml. This allows me to prepare and deploy an upgrade to lemmy while the old version is still running.


    ``` services: lemmy-green: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2 hostname: lemmy-green ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG="warn" volumes: - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson # depends_on: # - pictrs deploy: resources: limits: # cpus: "0.1" memory: 128m entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-activity-sending --disable-scheduled-tasks

    lemmy-federation-green: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2 hostname: lemmy-federation-green ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG="warn,activitypub_federation=info" volumes: - ./lemmy-federation.hjson:/config/config.hjson # depends_on: # - pictrs deploy: resources: limits: cpus: "0.2" memory: 512m entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-scheduled-tasks

    lemmy-tasks-green: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2 hostname: lemmy-tasks ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG="info" volumes: - ./lemmy-tasks.hjson:/config/config.hjson # depends_on: # - pictrs deploy: resources: limits: cpus: "0.1" memory: 128m entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-activity-sending


    lemmy-ui-green: image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.2 ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy-green:8536 - - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true volumes: - ./volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes:/app/extra_themes depends_on: - lemmy-green deploy: resources: limits: memory: 256m ```


    ``` services: lemmy-blue: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2-rc.5 hostname: lemmy-blue ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG="warn" volumes: - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson # depends_on: # - pictrs deploy: resources: limits: # cpus: "0.1" memory: 128m entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-activity-sending --disable-scheduled-tasks

    lemmy-federation-blue: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2-rc.5 hostname: lemmy-federation-blue ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG="warn,activitypub_federation=info" volumes: - ./lemmy-federation.hjson:/config/config.hjson # depends_on: # - pictrs deploy: resources: limits: cpus: "0.2" memory: 512m entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-scheduled-tasks

    lemmy-tasks-blue: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2-rc.5 hostname: lemmy-tasks-blue ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG="info" volumes: - ./lemmy-tasks.hjson:/config/config.hjson # depends_on: # - pictrs deploy: resources: limits: cpus: "0.1" memory: 128m entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-activity-sending


    lemmy-ui-blue: image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.2-rc.5 ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy-blue:8536 - - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true volumes: - ./volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes:/app/extra_themes depends_on: - lemmy-blue deploy: resources: limits: memory: 256m ```

    ___ The only constant different between the two is the IP address I use to expose them to the host. I've tried using ports, but found that it's much easier to follow it in my mind by sticking to the ports and changing the bound IP.

    I also have two nginx configs to reflect the different IP for green/blue deployments, but pasting the whole config here would be a tad too much.

    No-downtime upgrade


    Let's say green is the currently active deployment. In that case - edit the compose-blue.yml file to change the version of lemmy on all 4 components - lemmy, federation, tasks and ui. Then bring down the tasks container from the active deployment, activate the whole of blue deployment and link it to be the compose.override.yml. Once the tasks container is done with whatever tasks it's supposed to do - switch over the nginx config. Et voilà - no downtime upgrade is live!

    Now all that's left to do is tear down the green containers.

    ``` docker compose down lemmy-tasks-green docker compose -f compose-blue.yml up -d ln -f compose-blue.yml compose.override.yml

    Wait for tasks to finish

    ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/sites-enabled/ nginx -t && nginx -s reload docker compose -f compose-green.yml down lemmy-green lemmy-federation-green lemmy-tasks-green lemmy-ui-green ```



    I have also multiplied lemmy.hjson to provide a bit more control.


    { database: { host: "psql" port: 5432 user: "lemmy" password: "<redacted>" pool_size: 3 } hostname: "" pictrs: { url: "http://pictrs:8080/" api_key: "<redacted>" } email: { smtp_server: "postfix:25" smtp_from_address: "[email protected]" tls_type: "none" } }


    { database: { host: "psql" port: 5432 user: "lemmy_federation" password: "<redacted>" pool_size: 10 } hostname: "" pictrs: { url: "http://pictrs:8080/" api_key: "<redacted>" } email: { smtp_server: "postfix:25" smtp_from_address: "[email protected]" tls_type: "none" } worker_count: 10 retry_count: 2 }


    { database: { host: "" port: 5432 user: "lemmy_tasks" password: "<redacted>" pool_size: 3 } hostname: "" pictrs: { url: "http://pictrs:8080/" api_key: "<redacted>" } email: { smtp_server: "postfix:25" smtp_from_address: "[email protected]" tls_type: "none" } }

    ___ I suspect it might be possible to remove pict-rs and/or email config from some of them, but honestly it's not a big deal and I haven't had enough time, yet, to look at it.

    Future steps

    I'd like to script the actual switch-over - it's really trivial, especially since most of the parts are there already. All I'd really like is apply strict failure mode on the script and see how it behaves; do a few actual upgrades.

    Once that happens - I'll post it here.

    So long and thanks for all the fish!
