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Users of Vim and similars, what exactly makes it useful compared to other text editors? How much time do you suppose you save when working with it?

I'd like actual examples instead of "I work faster", something like "I can move straight to the middle of the file with 7mv" or "I can keep 4 different text snippets in memory and paste each with a number+pt, like 2pt", things that you actually use somewhat frequently instead of what you can do, but probably only did once.


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  • Sysadmin rather than dev here, but magit was what converted me to emacs. And then, at some point, it clicked that the whole shell uses the same (where applicable) shortcuts as emacs. Or, more likely, the other way around. Anyway, point being - what I learnt in emacs, I could reuse on all the hosts I ssh into.

    On top of that - basic navigation in tmux also uses the same shortcuts. Win-win-win :)