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Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • @[email protected] I went with Proton and the reason was either that I could import and use my own PGP key, or because it had more general compatibility with other mail services using PGP (well possibly both those reasons). So I could send encrypted mails to Thunderbird users as well as GMail users (who had a PGP encryption extension).

  • Yet more stability issues with
  • @[email protected] wow OK that is worrying me a bit now. I just moved to Hetzner about 3 months back. As far as I've seen, mine has stayed online OK - it's a VPS though, so maybe not affected then as it is not dedicated server hardware. I moved to them as they really seemed to offer more bang for less bucks versus my previous two server hosting providers.

  • What does your todo list / project management / productivity setup look like?
  • @[email protected] my notes are in Obsidian with Syncthing syncing, but my productivity and todo management has been in paid TickTick the last year. On average I have about 100 - 110 open tasks at any time. Many are monthly, quarterly, annual or longer repeating tasks like licence renewals, weather station maintenance, etc.

    My tasks are all grouped into home maintenance, my mom's stuff, medical related, radio related, server related, etc. Most have dates set with reminders, and many also have sub-tasks to be completed. I keep detailed notes in each on progress etc.

    They sync across my Android phone, iPad, Linux desktop. It's a bit of work bit brings piece of mind as I don't worry about forgetting to do stuff.

    TickTick was my best choice based on about 7 criteria I compared for my needs. Unfortunately, Google Tasks and others I tried were just not working for me as I needed multidimensional views. I like that I can snooze tasks from any device, or drag and drop to a new date, etc.

  • What is the most popular Linux distribution on PC?
  • @[email protected] pretty difficult as there are no accurate figures for Linux distro installs - many sit behind home or corporate firewalls, sharing the same IP addresses.

    But back in 2015 Dell was claiming that 42% of their PC sales in China had their Kylin OS installed - Kylin has been improving for 23 years now so is a pretty stable Linux OS too I guess.

  • How are nvidia gpus with wayland nowadays? I read a while ago it was terrible, has it improved?
  • @[email protected] why wouldn't I just rather change channels on Manjaro if I wanted it earlier. Changing distro's really seems a bit extreme and going to cause other config issues. I still use X11 as my daily driver so quite happy to wait another two or three weeks until Manjaro has finished ironing it out.

  • How are nvidia gpus with wayland nowadays? I read a while ago it was terrible, has it improved?
  • @[email protected] on Manjaro KDE with Nvidia proprietary drivers mine works 100% on X11, but with Wayland I still get random freezes of about 40 secs to a minute. It's better than it was a year back when it would not boot into Wayland at all. I understand this issue is affecting some using the Nvidia proprietary driver and supposedly may be resolved with KDE v6, but I'm still waiting for the KDE v6 to hit stable release.

  • Why don't people here love SimpleXChat more?
  • @[email protected] I've not heard of anyone who does "not like" it? Many don't know about it maybe. I can't think of anything I've seen against it as it ticks most of the boxes for excellent privacy and has been very usable for me.

  • What to include in a backup? (Ubuntu)
  • @[email protected] I'm on Manjaro Linux but principles are the same. I have an SSD boot drive and a 4TB hard drive for /home data etc. I also have a second 4TB drive for backups:

    1. Timeshift app - does snapshots of OS to backup drive. I have 4x hourly snapshots, 2 daily ones, and one weekly one. This allows easy roll back from any updates or upgrades that went wrong.
    2. luckyBackup app - does a full rsync backup daily of /home data and configs. There are other rsync apps too, and you can opt for versions it you have space. But usually I've been fine with recovering anything I deleted or overwrote by mistake. I do this more for hard drive failure. I do also have one additional 1TB drive I keep in a safe. I connect this myself once a month or so for an offline backup.
  • Tim Berners-Lee: Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter
  • @[email protected] it's about retaining a single identity for yourself, and one which you control and link to where you are using it vs a unique profile at every different social network.

  • Tim Berners-Lee: Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter
  • @[email protected] my biggest worry is that his Solid POD has been coming from about 2016 in design and was funded 2021 or so, and I remember it being announced in 2022 or so. In today's world, that is pretty slow-going. It seemed to always be imminent. I even registered a POD back in 2022... and then nothing still after two years. So many other decentralised protocols have been adopted since then.

    Admittedly we do have an urgent need for one's own POD identity no matter where you are on social networks, but I still don't see how we're going to get ActivityPub, Nostr, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc to all adopt it.

  • Finally switched to Wayland with KDE+NVIDIA
  • @[email protected] thanks that sounds promising. I'd also seen some improvement but still got random freezes. Looking forward to the update. I have a similar setup with Manjaro KDE.

  • Is the Fediverse truly decentralized? Not exactly.
  • @[email protected] being behind Cloudflare does not stop an instance being decentralised at all. I have a very small site that I can only afford a little money to host it. Although it is "behind" Cloudflare, it is hosted in the UK. That hosting is decentralised. Without a CDN my instance could not exist unless I had a ton of cash to pay for superfast hosting.

    None of this makes my site "centralised".

  • Toolbx now offers built-in support for Arch Linux and Ubuntu
  • @[email protected] in case anyone else wonders what Toolbox is:

    Toolbox is a tool for Linux, which allows the use of interactive command line environments for development and troubleshooting the host operating system, without having to install software on the host. It is built on top of Podman and other standard container technologies from OCI.

    Toolbox environments have seamless access to the user’s home directory, the Wayland and X11 sockets, networking (including Avahi), removable devices (like USB sticks), systemd journal, SSH agent, D-Bus, ulimits, /dev and the udev database, etc..

    This is particularly useful on OSTree based operating systems like Fedora CoreOS and Silverblue. The intention of these systems is to discourage installation of software on the host, and instead install software as (or in) containers — they mostly don’t even have package managers like DNF or YUM. This makes it difficult to set up a development environment or troubleshoot the operating system in the usual way.

    Toolbx solves this problem by providing a fully mutable container within which one can install their favourite development and troubleshooting tools, editors and SDKs. For example, it’s possible to do yum install ansible without affecting the base operating system.

  • Already 110 Lemmy instances updated to 0.19.2!
  • @[email protected] this relates to Lemmy versions in case others are also wondering what it refers to...

  • Where, and when, did you start using Linux? Where are you now?
  • @[email protected] I started in about 2006 when my work was going to fully convert to Ubuntu. At the last minutes the CIO left and our project champion also left, and Windows continued, but I'd been bitten by the bug and continued to use Ubuntu at work and at home since then. Now on Manjaro KDE.

  • Where will all the electric cars be charged?
  • @[email protected] yes by us, most have parking allocation at a cost per parking bay. But yes, if no parking bays then the City should be providing better public transport. The first prize is to actually have less private cars on the road, through efficient and safe public transport.

    @[email protected]

  • Where will all the electric cars be charged?
  • @[email protected] home owners would certainly charge their EVs at home, so the issue really is for those in apartment blocks. By us most apartment blocks have reserved/paid bays, so I'd imagine it must be possible to fit pop-up type chargers? I'd expect apartment blocks would have to make a plan of sorts to meet car owners halfway. After all, if you buy/rent any apartment today, it normally has electricity wired (and water piped, and often Internet connected) to the unit. Why not the same for a parking bay?