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Where will all the electric cars be charged? Where will all the electric cars be charged?

Lampposts and mobile charging machines are being touted as the answer to charging electric cars.

Where will all the electric cars be charged?

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  • @[email protected] home owners would certainly charge their EVs at home, so the issue really is for those in apartment blocks. By us most apartment blocks have reserved/paid bays, so I'd imagine it must be possible to fit pop-up type chargers? I'd expect apartment blocks would have to make a plan of sorts to meet car owners halfway. After all, if you buy/rent any apartment today, it normally has electricity wired (and water piped, and often Internet connected) to the unit. Why not the same for a parking bay?

    • If your apartment even HAS parking... Lots of blocks here get built with no plan for the associated traffic:

      • I live in a suburb of Portland and in an apartment. Our management is nice enough to provide a covered space (a luxury!) for a single car. I got to thinking about EV's and if all of a sudden everyone here was driving them, there would be no place to charge them, but then why not place a charger in front of each parking space? Problem solved. Then, the managers would probably assess an additional fee on top of the already high rents for monthly charging privileges.

        Living in this area does have it's advantages, you can drive just a short distance to the local library and hit up the chargers, there, or go to the stores and always find an open charger or two

        I get and will readily admit that most cities don't have this so I appreciate the concern over EV charging stations. I don't know much about them as I drive a dinosaur powered Honda so it's not yet in my radar. :)

    • In lots of cities most people live in apartments with only street parking. Hopefully public transit will grow to fill the needs of people living in dense cities, though.

      • @[email protected] yes by us, most have parking allocation at a cost per parking bay. But yes, if no parking bays then the City should be providing better public transport. The first prize is to actually have less private cars on the road, through efficient and safe public transport.

        @[email protected]