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Landing ollie on nose or toes hanging off

I've recently figured the trick to ollie is not dragging my foot up the board, but instead kicking the board to level it out. I've been practicing quite a bit and landing most, but I often land on my nose, and sometimes I land with my toes handing off the frontside. Any tips to land better?

Can a VPN see an https websites folders and subfolders?

I know VPNs aren't the best for privacy, but I'm curious, would a VPN be able to only see a domain and subdomain if the website is https? or can they see more somehow?

Can a website track me if I'm unsigned in and on a different browser?

Let's say I use a website. If I browse the same website but unsigned in on a different browser, on the same computer, will the site be able to use any data, since I have the same IP address?

Does one lemmy account work across different instances?

I couldn't sign into my account on a different instance, so maybe it's not?

Thanks for answering (please stop answering)

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