Posts 1
Comments 8
Humanity loophole: you can pay people less if they're from prison. 15 1
Thats disturbing. I have no words..
Wenn Nestlé nicht genug ist 1 0
Dachte ich zuerst auch. Wurde aber recht schnell evident, dass es tatsächlich so gepostet wurde. Widerlich..
Wenn Nestlé nicht genug ist 7 0
Das stimmt allerdings.. da fühle ich mich ertappt.
Berlin says Elon Musk is trying to exert influence over German election 8 0
Slowly feels more and more like Cyberpunk 2077.
Suspect in Germany auto attack that killed 5, injured 200 self-identified as Islamophobic and anti-immigrationist 5 1
Didn't mean to quote. Meant to say oder 200
Suspect in Germany auto attack that killed 5, injured 200 self-identified as Islamophobic and anti-immigrationist 33 1
Some people state he wanted to make it look like islamist terrorattack.
Its a Real tragedy and the Nazis can't just grand people time to mourn. And thats absolutely disgusting.
200 people injured. 5 killed. And the Nazis try to use it for their means. Disgusting people.