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  • I created autistic_devs community to provide a safe(er) space to discuss our unique issues within the field. Autistic Devs -

    A community for devs on the Autistic spectrum. This is primarily a “safe space” from other communities on that would rather tell us to “man up”, than provide any reasonable social advice. Posts that belong in this community include: - Venting - Seeking Advice - Personal Experiences /...

    After not getting what I needed out of a "managing up" post, I decided to create this community. Essentially the problem is that often we need to solve a social problem that others might deem "trivial". And when folks deem it trivial, they fail to provide anything except encouraging words.

    This community will try to bridge that gap.

    NTs / Allistics are very welcome, BUT they must understand that we need details, we need patience, and we need kindness around matters of business politics and office socializing.

  • 403 on API endpoints

    Tried to use several different API endpoints as described in the link, but they all return 403 with a cloudflare "Just a moment..." html reply. Even tried copying an existing jwt token from a working logged-in browser but the same thing still happens.

    Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

    curl -v --request POST \ --url \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{"username_or_email": "redacted", "password": "redacted"}' ... < HTTP/2 403 ...

    <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><title>Just a moment...</title> ...

  • Snowe Impersonators, and Future Verfication Suggestion

    Thank you for the reports however the toxic posts aren't from our admin but a troll impersonator


    If you see these accounts, please ban away


    Side Note:

    • for anyone that has manual registration verification enabled I'd suggest on verifying with known users on past/pre-existing accounts before accepting duplicates,
      • esp for admin/moderator usernames
  • Is there a chance to exclude community RSS endpoints from the IP block?

    Hey sup:)

    Idk if it's Cloudflare or something, but the problem is I have an RSS reader hosted on my Hetzner server in Germany, and requests originating from its IP are blocked. Well not exactly blocked, but they return HTML titled "Just a second..." rather than just RSS.

    For example:

    GET <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>Just a moment...</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> ...

    Obviously I totally understand if you wouldn't want to do that – I'm sure it's there for a reason, I was just hoping that this single endpoint could be an exception =]


  • Federation problems with the Brazilian instance

    I can't see a lot of posts from the instance. Take for example the brazilian linux community, observe that you can't see any posts from this instance, but you can on the original instance:

    linux Brazil from

    linux Brazil from it's original linstance

    The instance can see our posts without problems, so I'm assuming that the problem lies here. Am I right for assuming that?

  • Some comments not appearing?

    I am noticing that some comments, which are coming from users on other verified (via /instances) federated instances, do not show up on a post. For example:

    Does not show this comment on it:

    Any ideas why? I checked the modlog and the comment wasn't removed, and their post history to me does not look like someone that is likely to be banned from the instance, so I'm not sure what else it could be.

  • Error uploading pictures (HTTP 502)

    When I try to upload an image by copying the image and pasting it on the "URL" field, I get the following error:

    Invalid status 502 Bad Gateway for Some("003/004/170/971/9e93b608-72cb-4486-9a47-4c8c8c41e998") - <html>\r\n<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n

  • What's with all of the empty communities being created?

    Recently, every time I click on a "Trending Communities" link there's an entirely empty community moderated by the @[email protected] account.

    What's going on?

    What's the motivation?

  • Cannot follow @[email protected]


    I’m trying to follow Lennard Poetting (@[email protected]) from my account without success.

    On its user profile on, when I click on the “follow” button, then enter “” (which is in the completion list) then “take me home”, I am redirected to which is a 404 error.

    I also tried to search for “@[email protected]” directly from, found it, but 0 toot, and no button to be able to follow it.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is and not federated?

  • Broken icons/images

    Anyone else noticing all those broken icons/images on this instance?

    e.g. seems to result in something like "Request error: error sending request for url (http://pictrs:8080/image/process.webp?src=1e947440-0f0d-4768-ba4b-1480551e7cc9.png&thumbnail=96): error trying to connect: dns error: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known"

  • Handling large bursts of POST requests to your ActivityPub inbox, using a buffer in Nginx Handling large bursts of POST requests to your ActivityPub inbox, using a buffer in Nginx - PieFed

    Fediverse traffic is pretty bursty and sometimes there will be a large backlog of Activities to send to your server, each of which involves a POST. This can hammer your instance and overwhelm the backend’s ability to keep up. Nginx provides a rate-limiting function which can accept POSTs at full spe...

    cross-posted from:

    > Handling large bursts of POST requests to your ActivityPub inbox, using a buffer in Nginx > > Fediverse traffic is pretty bursty and sometimes there will be a large backlog of Activities to send to your server, each of which involves a POST. This can hammer your instance and overwhelm the backend’s ability to keep up. Nginx provides a rate-limiting function which can accept POSTs at full speed and proxy them slowly through to your backend at whatever rate you specify.

  • Small Site Outage

    Hey everyone! Recently there was a small issue with the backend (docker shenanigans) that brought the site down and then took a bit to fix

    Things should be fixed for now and we will be looking more at it in the future to try to prevent the site from being taken down that way again

    Downtime was around 30 minutes

    The best place to reach us when theres an outage with the site and to receive updates of it is on the discord server or matrix space or on one of our microblog accounts

  • Lemmyvision Song Contest

    Hey everyone! I wanted to do a post here talking about an event going on in the fediverse called Lemmyvision. This is a competition where various communities each choose a song and then those are voted on by users to rank which ones people enjoy the most. Its being ran as a fun way to see various ki...

    Lemmyvision Song Contest

    Hey everyone! I wanted to do a post here talking about an event going on in the fediverse called Lemmyvision. This is a competition where various communities each choose a song and then those are voted on by users to rank which ones people enjoy the most.

    Its being ran as a fun way to see various kinds of music from around the world, sharing more between our online communities across Lemmy, and as a way to songs from lesser known artists. We are participating with game soundtracks as an opportunity to showcase new advancements in the game development space, especially for indie games that might otherwise not get much exposure.

    There was a national final to determine the song our instance would submit in the event community. After voting the song Your Inception from the game Casette Beasts was chosen.

    Submitted Songs and Voting

    Ive compiled all of the songs into playlists on three different platforms for watching

    Feel free to listen to them and vote using the voting link When selecting what instance you are representing theres an option to select for people voting from the instance.

    Voting is done by ranking the songs from your favorite to your least favorite. Users from our instance can't rank the song we submitted to keep things fair.

    If you want to chat with other people about the competition theres a community for it here

    Future Events

    This post will be going into the meta community for people who might not know the event community exists (and i'll likely be doing another post when the event Canvas is happening).

    Any other future posts will be posted in the event community. All major event posts will be made on our blog with the category set to the event name and the tag "Event".

  • Thank you for your reports!🤗

    Thank you to everyone that submitted a report about the toxic user on our instance

    Transphobia is absurd, horrid, and isn't allowed on our instance

    As my software dev program finishes next week I'll be able to provide a quicker response to reports!

    Anyways Thank you again to everyone making these reports🤗 and I highly encourage anyone else that spots anything sketchy to do the same as your reports helps us keep p.d a safe and cool community to share and discuss code related stuff🌻❤️

  • Programming.Dev Apr 2024 Feedback Form Programming.Dev Apr 2024 Check In

    The survey tool, that lets you create outstanding conversational survey experiences in just a few minutes.

    Hey everyone! Ive made a form that can be used to give feedback about the site including what you think its doing well and what you think needs improvement

    Based on responses if something is highly requested we can prioritize improving/adding that first

    Ill try to run these a couple times a year


    Will be pinned for a day in the instance

  • Piracy-Related Content on P.D: An Open Dialogue with Our Community

    Hello P.D users.

    I'm sure the recent news of's removal of piracy communities has not escaped the attention of many of you. For those who have not heard, here is their announcement on the matter.

    Now, being as transparent as possible, this is not a subject that the admin team of P.D have discussed in great detail up until this point. We have yet to create an explicit rule stating that piracy related content is forbidden on this instance, and doing so is not something any of us wish to do.

    With that being said, this topic requires more deliberation and consideration. There is more complexity to this issue than taking a stance for, against, or tolerant of piracy. There are legal considerations. And the truth is that we are not 100% sure on what the legal implications are for allowing piracy related content to exist on this instance, either directly on our communities or indirectly via federation.

    One thing that must be considered when looking into the legalities is jurisdiction. I believe being part of a larger federation complicates this more than a centralised service, but P.D must at a minimum be considerate of the laws of the country its server(s) is hosted in, and the laws of the country the person responsible for the instance resides in.

    For those who don't know, this instance is administrated by a reasonably large team of volunteers, but is hosted and ultimately provided by only one: snowe. There is no legal entity behind P.D other than his person, and this means that any ramifications of this subject ultimately fall on his shoulders.

    After an initial discussion between us, it is clear that some professional legal advice is required. Snowe is intending to seek formal legal advice. Up until that point, we cannot say what the official P.D stance will be on this topic long term.

    What I can say, is that nobody in this administrative team desires to impose any restrictions on users of this instance that overreach and limit discussion unnecessarily. So long as content here is not dangerous, hurtful or offensive, we have no wish to filter it out on an instance level. Communities can impose their own rules, for the most part.

    You can expect a further update on this topic in the future, once we have a better understanding ourselves, and we will keep this topic as transparent as we possibly can. Until then, in relation to this matter, we do not currently intend to defederate from any instances or ban any communities that discuss piracy. Linking to websites that provide pirated content will also not be explicitly banned, but linking to or directly hosting pirated content on P.D is prohibited. Should any of these rules change, we will communicate it as quickly as possible and far ahead of any drastic action that would need to take place as a result.

    I believe the majority of our users here will understand the pressure that any Lemmy instance faces by hosting content that can make them susceptible to legal action. To those of you who are understanding, we thank you for that, and are grateful for your patience with us while we get a better understanding ourselves.

    Feel free to discuss this matter here.

    Thanks, The P.D. Admin Team.

  • Introducing Bytes, our programming microblog instance!

    Programming.Dev Bytes

    Site link: Blog post:

    Introducing the official release of Bytes, our programming microblog. This is being run for the most part in a similar way the main instance is and anyone is free to join even if youre not a programmer (but be warned most topics will be about programming or similar aspects).

    The software the site is using is called iceshrimp which is one of the misskey forks which has a better UI than mastodon and a lot of advanced features and customization



    Microblogging is essentially making small posts of text or image to share things going on. This can include things like sharing things happening, progress on things youre working on, making polls for people to vote on, chatting with others, etc.

    As opposed to where things are sorted into communities, bytes works based off hashtags where you add tags to your post based on what categories it falls into.


    Theres 5 main timelines in the instance to browse (excluding custom ones).

    • Home is the place to see posts from everyone you are following.
    • Local shows posts from everyone in the instance.
    • Social shows a combination of posts from home and local.
    • Recommended show posts from instances that have been recommended by the admins (currently I have this set to,, and
    • All shows posts from all instances the server is currently pulling from.


    Antennas are a feature where you can set certain keywords to look out for and it will generate a feed of posts that have one or more of those keywords in them

    This has further options such as making AND conditions, OR conditions, excluding posts with certain keywords, getting notifications, and changing the source of posts (to things such as posts made by certain people or on certain instances)


    As opposed to only having one thing to react to posts with (aka a like) you can react with any emoji you want on a post. We have added some custom emojis to start off with on the server but if you have ideas for more feel free to reach out.


    If theres a post made in another language, you can select the translate option to translate the post into english to then be able to read!


    Lists are a feature where you can set a bunch of people and it will make a feed with posts from those people.


    The drive is a spot where you can upload photos for usage around the site or externally. All users have a limited amount of drive space but it should be high enough where you wont run into it unless youre uploading a lot of large files.


    The site has a private message system thats a bit more advanced than the one on You can make group chats that contain multiple people.


    You can create pages that contain text or images to link to or for other people to browse!


    Channels are the equivalent of communities. You can make posts for certain topics in channels for that topic. This feature currently doesnt federate and is still a work in progress though.


    The site features a very large amount of customization where you can customize the content of both of the sidebars to many different options, set a custom theme for yourself (with a built in theme editor), add plugins, mute specific instances, mute posts containing specific words, etc.

    Hope you enjoy the new instance!

  • Threads Federation Results

    Its been a couple days which means I have the results of the threads federation poll we ran on the instance. The percentage difference between all of the options stayed relatively the same through the entire thing. This was ran as ranked choice voting which means the least voted option gets eliminat...

    Threads Federation Results

    Its been a couple days which means I have the results of the threads federation poll we ran on the instance. The percentage difference between all of the options stayed relatively the same through the entire thing.

    !poll results

    This was ran as ranked choice voting which means the least voted option gets eliminated every round and the votes for that option are distributed among the peoples second or third choices depending on if that was their first or second choice.

    The total votes table shows the current votes for each option in each round. Differences shows the increase in votes the options gained from the last option being eliminated. Percentage shows the total % of votes the options have for each round.

    Silenced was the first one to be eliminated with much less votes than everything else at 18 votes (aka 8.5%). Next up was limited being eliminated at 53 votes (25%). Out of the final two, blocked has the most amount of votes with around 55% of the vote total or 115 votes.

    This means that threads will be fully defederated from on our instances. I will be running a poll again in around 6 months as a check in after threads has been federating for a bit to see if we want to change the decision or keep it.

    • also note you will notice some numbers in the tables not being the same round from round, some people voted for the same option multiple times which means I couldnt give them a second or third choice since they only did 1 or 2
  • Programming.Dev Legal Site

    Introducing the legal site! This is a place to easily see all of our legal documents instead of them being spread out in various locations. The documents are open to changes and are not final so if you have suggested changes and ways we can improve them feel free to reach out either ...

    Programming.Dev Legal Site

    Introducing the legal site! This is a place to easily see all of our legal documents instead of them being spread out in various locations.

    You can find the site at

    The documents are open to changes and are not final so if you have suggested changes and ways we can improve them feel free to reach out either by creating an issue on the legal site repository, by messaging me (Ategon) or by emailing [email protected]

    Included Documents

    • Privacy Policy - How we collect, protect, and use information provided to us
    • Terms of Service - Terms that govern your access to and use of our services
    • Automation Guidelines - Guidelines when using any form of automation on an account
    • Code of Conduct - Expected conduct when interacting on our sites or on communities on our sites
    • Contributor Guidelines - Guidelines for contributing to our projects
    • Cookie Policy - How we use cookies
    • Defederation Policy - How we defederate with other instances
    • Donation Policy - How we handle and spend donations made towards us
    • Moderator Guidelines - Expected conduct when moderating a community
  • Remember Me Frontend Feature

    You guys know that "remember me" checklist on every login page? Is it possible for us to use frontend that have that? Everytime my browser is starting up, the lemmy instances just forgets who I am and I must login again. This is not the observed behavior if I'm using Jerboa on my phone though.

  • Threads Federation Poll Programming.Dev Threads Federation

    Poll to determine what the community wants in terms of threads federation

    In the past we said we were going to run a federation poll regarding Threads (activitypub compatible instance created by meta) and now that theyre ramping up federation and we have a new instance coming that would interact with that I decided its time to do so

    This poll is only open to people who have an account on as it only affects those users (other instances decide federation on their own).

    This also only affects us pulling content from them. Them pulling content from us isnt stoppable on our side (and if it is they can still get it through things such as boosts from instances in the middle on the microblog side or by querying the api).

    There will be mention of a link aggregator side and a microblog side. The link aggregator side is this site and the microblog side is a new instance being started up where I wanted to get this poll out before I release it publicly.

    On the side of Threads they are making interacting using activitypub opt in so the amount of users there would not flood out everything else as people need to explicitly change in their settings that they want to interact with mastodon, etc.

    Regardless of whats voted you shouldnt notice any changes on the link aggregator side similar to how mastodon users barely pop up now

    This will be pinned in the instance for a couple days to ensure as many people as possible vote. Afterwards ill collect the results and make a post with them here (not pinned)

    • Note accounts created after this poll was made cant vote to prevent vote manipulation
  • Introducing Notes, Files, Schedule, Vault, and Polls!

    We have a bunch more supporting sites for the instances that have been set up. All of these are contributor sites which means accounts on them are available to contributors, donators, and/or admins. Vault Vault is a password manager running vaultwarden. It will be used to pass along ...

    Introducing Notes, Files, Schedule, Vault, and Polls!

    We have a bunch more supporting sites for the instances that have been set up. All of these are contributor sites which means accounts on them are available to contributors, and/or admins.


    Vault is a password manager running vaultwarden. It will be used to pass along login details when setting up accounts for users on the various contributor sites since registration isnt opened. The link for it is


    Files is a site for file hosting and url shortening for then linking in places such as As an example heres a markdown file I added in and heres a link that redirects to an image

    Files can be given compression, a time it expires in, a maximum amount of views, and a password if you want to limit who can access it. The software used is Zipline.

    The site for files is at


    Schedule is a meeting poll site to find out what time people want to meet. This will be primarily used and have a poll link posted when we are scheduling events. The software used is rallly.

    The site is at and ive got an example poll at


    Polls is a poll site for getting information. Will be used when we want to poll the community about something or do something like a year end survey on stats for people using different languages, etc. Software used is input.

  • Mlmym Security Update - v0.0.40

    We updated our hosting of the mlmym frontend at to version 0.0.40 which fixes an issue where bots could abuse a redirect feature for SEO. You can see the details of the issue here:

    Mlmym Security Update - v0.0.40

    We updated our hosting of the mlmym frontend at to version 0.0.40 which fixes an issue where bots could abuse a redirect feature for SEO.

    You can see the details of the issue here:

  • Introducing Blocks.Programming.Dev, code snippet sharing Introducing Blocks.Programming.Dev! Code snippet sharing

    Introducing! This is a site to add small code snippets you make for sharing easily in threads in if you need to do something like put the same code in multiple spots. The site is running using software called opengist and is essentially an equivalent to gists i...

    Introducing Blocks.Programming.Dev! Code snippet sharing

    Introducing! This is a site to add small code snippets you make for sharing easily in threads in if you need to do something like put the same code in multiple spots.

    The site is running using software called opengist and is essentially an equivalent to gists in github. Repo for it is here

    Snippets are accessible both in the web interface and using git if you prefer adding in code from your text editor and then pushing it.

    You can find the site here:

  • Introducing Forge, our software forge! Introducing Forge aka Git.Programming.Dev

    Introducing a new supporting site for the instance, aka Forge! This is a spot where development on things relating to the instance will be taking place. This includes for each thing having source code, task boards, and issue trackers viewable. This gives us a spot away from GitHu...

    Introducing Forge aka Git.Programming.Dev

    Introducing a new supporting site for the instance, aka Forge! This is a spot where development on things relating to the instance will be taking place. This includes for each thing having source code, task boards, and issue trackers viewable.

    This gives us a spot away from GitHub so we don't have to rely on them for hosting our code. In addition, Forgejo, the software used, is working on federation so eventually features could be implemented to do things such as interact with Forge directly from our instances.

    Who is allowed to make an account?

    Anyone is free to make an account on the site provided you have not broken our code of conduct and have gotten banned from one of the instances.

    What is allowed to be hosted?

    Any code that relates to things we do on the fediverse or outside the fediverse but relating to is allowed to be hosted on Forge. This includes things such as bots made for lemmy/sublinks, alternate frontends, software we host, tools, etc.

    As an example alternate frontends like photon, alexandrite, etc. are free to choose to be hosted on Forge. Software such as Sublinks, etc. can be hosted, and various misc bots and tools such as Fediseer, Automod, etc. can be hosted.

    Anything hosted on forge must be able to support the instance it is built around. This means that things like bots and alternate frontends for the instance must be able to support sublinks.

    How can I make an organization on Forge?

    If you want an organization on Forge to group a collection of repos together feel free to reach out to one of the team leads or email [email protected].

    How can I contribute to a repo?

    If you want to contribute code feel free to fork the relevant repo and then make a pull request back to it with the changes. If you have an idea for something that can be added to a platform or a bug report open up an issue on the relevant repo in the Programming.Dev org.

    If you're interested in contributing a large amount to the repos feel free to reach out to me (Ategon) on discord or matrix or email [email protected] and I can add you to the development team.

  • Voyager and Mlmym Frontend Updates (2024-02-25)

    Two of our alternate frontends have been updated to their most recent versions. Voyager ( Has been updated from version 1.37.4 -> 1.41.0 Main changes: You can long press on comments/posts to get the more actions sheet Gifs can be configured to autoplay always, neve...

    Voyager and Mlmym Frontend Updates (2024-02-25)

    Two of our alternate frontends have been updated to their most recent versions.

    Voyager (

    Has been updated from version 1.37.4 -> 1.41.0

    Main changes:

    • You can long press on comments/posts to get the more actions sheet
    • Gifs can be configured to autoplay always, never, or on wifi
    • When tapping into a post the video continues to play seamlessly
    • Videos in the feed have a mute icon you can toggle
    • You can now hide self-post thumbnails in compact mode
    • You can now set it so you always need to tap to reveal child comments
    • Large post voting buttons can be hidden
    • Community icons can be hidden
    • Link creation now has a dialog for entering link info
    • Subscript and superscript support for markdown
    • You can now long press usernames to block

    Mlmym (

    Has been updated from version 0.0.36 -> 0.0.38

    Main changes:

    • Image uploads has been fixed
  • Introducing the P.D Community Wiki

    Introducing the Programming.Dev community wiki. This is a place where communities can set up wiki pages for their communities to allow people to easily get info relating to it. You can find the site here How does navigation work? The home page has a list of communities with pages. If you click on a ...

    Introducing the P.D Community Wiki

    Introducing the Programming.Dev community wiki. This is a place where communities can set up wiki pages for their communities to allow people to easily get info relating to it.

    You can find the site here

    How does navigation work?

    The home page has a list of communities with pages. If you click on a community it will bring you to their list of documents that you can look through.

    Some possible use cases for a community wiki are: a code of conduct page, a frequently asked questions page, information about the community, credits if you need to credit things such as your community icon, a page for related communities, etc.


    Ive set up a couple example pages to start. The gamedev section of the site has 6 different pages that you can look through to set some ideas

    How do I edit a page?

    Editing is handled through git. Each page will have an edit this page button that will bring you to a page where you can fork the repository, make changes, and then make a pull request to get it accepted into the site.

    The pages all reside in the content/docs folder while the sidebars are in content/menus. You can see how I set up some of the current pages for how to format things.

    Pages are written in markdown.

    Are other languages supported?

    Yes! Currently theres only english set up as we don't really have communities in other languages but it would be easy to add more language options in the site config.

  • Introducing Me.Programming.Dev

    We have a brand new supporting site for the instances! Me.Programming.Dev is a place where you can see relevant links for things we host. Listed are software we are hosting, status pages, alternate frontends, and more. You can find the site here Custom pages The site is a self-hosted linkstack insta...

    Introducing Me.Programming.Dev

    We have a brand new supporting site for the instances! Me.Programming.Dev is a place where you can see relevant links for things we host. Listed are software we are hosting, status pages, alternate frontends, and more.

    You can find the site here

    Custom pages

    The site is a self-hosted linkstack instance so as a little thank you towards donators, donators are able to get a custom page to put socials on. You can see an example of that over on my page at If you want a page and you've donated just reach out to me (Ategon).

    Adding links

    As new instances and sites get made new links will be popping up over on the site. I recommend checking it out for new things every once in awhile just in case you miss an announcement on something new were releasing

    Whats this instance I don't recognize?

    You may notice theres something we haven't announced yet on there. Left it in as a little early access for those reading our update posts before it releases later this week. Feel free to make an account and check it out before the floodgates open :)

  • Introducing Stacks: The official Programming.Dev blog

    We finally have a blog site where you can easily see news relating to Programming.Dev! Theres an rss feed if you want to add it to your rss reader and posts from it will be mirrored onto all of our platforms (eventually ideally automated)

    Theres a small welcome post I made on there and we should be releasing more things this week that will get announced there and then mirrored here

    It turned out that most things I was working on are being completed mostly all at once so there will be daily news posts about new things dropping for a bit. Theres currently 4 things in the queue to be released

  • Bridging the admin chats to Matrix

    You may have seen me say in some posts for adding new admins to the team that we use discord as the chatting platform for the admins to all talk to each other

    This has now been bridged to matrix so people on matrix can chat from there to the rest of the admin team on discord. This means that we don't require people to use discord to be an admin for the instance anymore, now its discord or matrix.


    Also we are still looking to expand the admin teams a bit if you're interested in being on the community team (either for here or our new platform coming soon), development team, or infrastructure team

  • Removing images from new users

    So recently theres been a bunch of trolls posting csam over in some other communities in the All feed. So handling this can be automated instead of a bunch of people needing to report it every time ive made it so users that have barely any activity in their account will no be able to make image posts

    Let me know if theres any issues with the bot. Its also open source here (theres prebuilt docker images but theyre a bit bugged currently so if you want to use docker build it yourself)

    this is the account that will be removing posts / showing up in the modlog - Ategon speaking here

  • Does have a dilution problem due to too many communities?

    So, I love this site. I've been here more-or-less since the beginning, across various accounts. I also have accounts on other Lemmy instances.

    One common pattern I see is that instances branch out their communities too soon, and overly dilute the conversation. It makes an instance that is ultimately not that active (compared to any of the big sites that don't need naming, really) appear to be even less lively, due to so many instances with either nothing at all, a few month old posts, or a generic post linking to a projects blog.

    Note that I am not criticizing the instance by pointing out the low activity levels - I really do love this place. It's just a fact at the moment. You can switch viewing posts by new and scroll down a little to see we get around 5 - 6 posts per hour, occasionally a bit more and occasionally a bit less.

    I think that having lots of inactive, dead looking communities is off-putting. I know that I certainly don't feel encouraged to post in them. I worry this might have a similar effect on other users too.

    I do understand that c/programming is deemed as something of a catch-all community, and so anyone could post there rather than the niche communities, but I'm not sure that this is totally obvious to everyone.

    Personally, I feel we should purge all the tiny communities that have no posts (or just a single blog post, for example) and encourage people to post in c/programming. Then, new communities can be made when a particular topic becomes large enough to warrant divergence, either because it's clearly a subject of interest to many users or because it ends up dominating c/programming. c/rust is an example of such a community, as is c/programmerhumor.

    I am nobody here, and I was not asked for my opinion, but I just wonder if this topic has been thought about much? I really want this place to thrive. Do any other users here have an opinion? What do the instance admins think?

  • Expanding the P.D Development Team!

    Hey everyone! I talked a bit in the January Newsletter about us expanding the admin team but figured I would do a post specifically about the development team so I can go more into depth about it.

    Currently in the admin teams around half the people are in infrastructure and the other half are in community with 1 person in development making the split around 4/4/1. This means that currently ive been the only one doing the development work so figured I would do a post looking for some more help

    Whats the development team

    The development team is in charge of development projects for the instance for users to interact with. This ranges from adding in features to the software we use (e.g. lemmy, sublinks) that the instance needs, to making supporting development projects such as events, bots, a support page, etc.

    What would joining the team mean?

    If you want to help out and join the team theres a very wide range of possible things that could be worked on depending on what you enjoy.

    For frontend currently theres some supporting sites being built such as a team page, a support page, a donation page, etc. as well as the frontend for sublinks which will become the instance default UI at some point. Primary languages used are JavaScript and TypeScript and sublinks uses Next.js

    For backend the backend of sublinks is currently under construction. Primary languages used are Java for backend and Go for federation. We also have another thing we will be hosting soon that is currently being rewritten to use C# for the backend

    (for people who dont know what sublinks is its a lemmy alternative being built with the help of a bunch of different instances and lemmy alternative frontend devs. Being built with a compatible API so will be easy to swap out to it when it reaches parity with all of the apps and frontends still working)

    If youre also interested in making some misc thing that might not fit in either of these but could be cool for the instance feel free to join as well. For example some supporting bots or a tool for users to use (e.g. post scheduler (this already exists but this kind of thing))

    How much time would I have to commit?

    Theres no real hard time limit you need to fulfill. Were all volunteers helping out here and anything helps. If youre mostly busy during the week but have time to fix a small bug on a site for a couple hours thats perfectly fine

    Im not great at coding, can I still join?

    Yep! Anyone is free to join regardless of level and if you need some help I can guide you through how to develop using the technologies we use or can get some other developers to help out if its more backend related since im primarily frontend. Certain tasks are available on some of the projects that are fine for new coders to do

    How to join?

    If youre interested feel free to dm me or comment below and I can add you to the development team spaces. The admin team in general primarily chats on our discord server


    this post is being pinned in the instance for 24 hours

  • End of January Updates - Sublinks, Community Stats, New Community Head, Hexbear, Expanding the Admin Team, & Something Releasing Soon

    Hey everyone, have a lot of updates on things occuring around the instance so figured would compile them all into one post. Will be pinned for 24 hours in the instance


    In the past a bunch of you may have seen me working on a new frontend for the instance called Pangora. That has been merged into another project called Sublinks which should let progress go way faster (was previously 2 people who contributed to Pangora vs now 18 in Sublinks)

    Sublinks is releasing with a lemmy compatible API and we should be switching over to it once it reaches parity. As the API is lemmy compatible all alternative frontends and apps will still be usable when we swap over.

    For anyone interested in the project the matrix space for it is here and the repositories are here

    The backend is using Java, the frontend is using TypeScript with Next.js, and the federation is using Go

    New Community Team Lead

    Ive been prepping to stop being the community lead for awhile now so I can focus on the development side of things and ill be transitioning fully over the course of the next month into being only on the development team. The new community team lead will be @[email protected]

    With me focusing on development I should be able to develop things for the instance a lot faster so you should see some new things popping up soon :)


    Hexbear handles federation by votes and they recently had a vote and removed,, and from their allowlist. Weve added them to our blocklist as well so theres no one way conversations

    Community Stats

    Types of Communities

    • Lively: 5001+ members
    • Active: 201-5000
    • Moderate: 51-200
    • Quiet: 11-50
    • Dead: 0-10


    • Lively: 0% (-1% from last month) (theres still 1 lively community but the total communities pushed it down to 0%)
    • Active: 7% (~)
    • Moderate: 12% (+2%)
    • Quiet: 26% (-8%)
    • Dead: 55% (+7%)
    • Total: 243 communities (+55 from last month)

    Overall the amount of communities has been getting significant expanded and starting out near the bottom in terms of active users. I assume these are going to start climbing up within the next month and there should be a boost to moderate and quiet. Moderate still has been growing and active has been holding on to its 7% even with the amount of new communities

    Expanding the Admin Team

    We have a new thing releasing soon and in preparation of that we are expanding out the admin teams. If youre interested in helping out in the instance (development, infrastructure, or community) feel free to reach out

    New Release Soon

    Speaking of the new thing releasing soon it should hopefully be released sometime within the next month as a subdomain here. For anyone who wants to beta test it its theoretically up now if you're able to find it. Good luck :)

    Hint: Larger than bits

  • Welcome to 0.19.3!

    We upgraded to 0.19.3 which should fix a bunch of bugs including the need for us to restart the servers every day

    • The site now receives reports from mastodon and kbin
    • Admins can see votes in the UI (could previously do so within the database but this makes it easier to moderate votes)
    • Post views have a secondary sort of published date added so things that have the hot rank of 0 arent returned randomly
    • Max title is based on chars (previously it was bytes)
    • Mastodon federation (aka posts showing up when people follow the community in mastodon) has been fixed
12 Active users