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Battle_Masker Battle Masker
Posts 7
Comments 73
Wise Men Said
  • I'm not prepared for the upcoming year 2019

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • those old Harlem Shake videos from 2013... and I was in two of em

  • *Eurythmics starts playing*
  • I travel the world and the seven seas

  • Rockposting
  • do remember that Reaganomics hadn't been invented yet, so wages, income, and all that were MUCH better

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • me too. just started actually. well actually VDV

  • Protect your PC
  • I'm glad this wasn't posted like 3 weeks ago when my laptop battery died on me. otherwise I woulda thought this was legit happening

  • Do Gen Z still think Guitars are cool?
  • Gen Z? Yes.

    Producers, advertisers, and other media big wigs that would fit in with the Ferengi Commerce Association? No

  • Have you got any weird questions FROM the opposite gender?
  • I've had people wonder ask how I cross my legs (not foot-on-knee but actually crossed over) without my balls getting in the way or damaged

  • Why am I here?
  • Just to suffer?

  • You can taste the freedom
  • $34 a pound, product price $1.99 on the other side

  • Why is a 1930's German military march song (Erika) suddenly showing up all over my non-fediverse social media?
  • old songs just randomly pop up on the internet all the time. a couple weeks ago it was it was Chicken in Black by Johnny Cash. A bit before then it was She's a Lady by Tom Jones.

  • Every damn day
  • Employee: I'd like to use my PTO

    Boss: No

    Employee: (goes on vacation anyway)

    Boss's best friend news:

  • Have you tipped your landlord for Mother's Day?
  • like it's MY fault the ungrateful landlord don't take EBT

  • You have 24 hours to do anything with absolutely no consequences. What do you do?
  • kill a couple thousand politicians, but try to spare any under the age of 45. I may or may not agree with their views, but at least they'll be a part of the future they're tryna make.

    torture some billionaires to gain access to their company payroll, so I can cut their CEOs pay and raise their entry-level workers' pay. Hell, I'll raise the payrates of everyone under them, they all deserve it more than a CEO.

    I'd prolly only have enough time to do that to one company tho, so I'd probably choose Amazon as priority one.

  • Gotta catch em all
  • Missed an opportunity to call it Johnny Depth

  • Will House Democrats defend the speaker against unseating?
  • Guy who fights to make his evangelical scrapbook he calls a bible into the soverign law and belittles his coworkers in hopes of getting good-boy points for his false prophet may need to rely on the afformentioned coworkers he belittles?

    there is nothing about this scenario that feels like a win for anyone

  • What is that movie you saw at too young an age that still haunts you to this day?
  • It doesn't haunt me, but Full Metal Jacket. My dad rented it for family movie night when I was 10 or 11, and needless to say my mom is STILL mad at him for watching that with me in the room for the first hour. Worst part is my dad didn't know about it, he only knew R Lee Ermy from a show he did on the history channel called Mail Call that he watched with my sister growing up. So he never expected Ermy to shout that stuff.

  • I too want to know
  • Goddamn youth imams are at it again

  • Tips on making your data less sellable?

    A charity I'm volunteering for and a contractor I know insist I have a facebook account for contact reasons. Naturally I bought a separate device to use for that, but I was wondering if there were ways to make my data undesirable to potential buyers. So far I got the obvious tiennamen square posting and that gay putin pic, but I was wondering what else I could do


    Why are 90% of the images WebP format?

    is it a formatting step that an image goes through when uploaded? I'm tired of converting image after image back into jpg, so if there's like a step I can take to avoid it being a webp, it would help to know


    Of all the sketchy eCommerse sites (Wish, Aliexpress, Temu), which is the "safest?"

    I always hear stories about the dangers of buying from, Aliexpress, and recently Temu. I've jokingly called them "buyer beware" sites even. Yet people still use them, and there's just as many positive results as negative. But I've also heard about unexplained card charges, data hacks, pyramid-scheme-like behavior, etc. So which of those sites, or other similar sites, is the "safest" if I DID wanna shop there?
