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What should be Lemmy's default way of displaying votes?

We're adding the ability to customize this in the upcoming release, but I'm wondering what people think would be a good default.

The 4 pieces of showable/hideable info are: Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, and Upvote %.

In Jerboa, I had a temporary default (until the next lemmy release), of Score + Upvote %, but people seem to dislike this a lot.

I'll check back on this in a few days to see the result.


When printing conversations in #Lemmy, we obtain a clean readable result, unlike in #Mastodon or #Pleroma where it's crappy.

When printing conversations in #Lemmy, we obtain a clean readable result, unlike in #Mastodon or #Pleroma where it's crappy.

I'd suggest they talk to eachother to share best practices. :ablobcatwink:

cc @lemmy @MastodonEngineering @Gargron


[Edit: 9 sept. 2024 14:09 CET to clarify what we need as a result.]


Follow posts and comments to be notified of new comments?

I first became aware of this about 4 months ago.

GitHub issue is 3069:

> It would be awesome if we could follow a post to be alerted of new comments added.

> As we are at it, why stop with posts? I'd suggest also having such alerts with comment sub-trees would be nice.

I was in a thread in [email protected] earlier today, and it seems like there is still interest in this feature.

Last I heard, it seemed like progress on this feature is dependent on fixing an SQL Paging and filtering issue.

Any progress on this? Anything we can do to expedite the development of this feature?


This place needs filters

Probably a hot take for everybody who just wants a drop-in replacement for Reddit, but I think a new platform needs to take the opportunity to improve over what's gone before.

So what I'm proposing is a more granular approach to curating one's feed on an individual user level, much like both Mastodon and apps for that platform offer (I'm going to use Tusky as an example because I've used that for a while and know its features fairly well).

Imagine a filter list where you could block specific terms, source URLs or other. No more irrelevant mentions of whatever annoys the hell out of you when you open /all. Along with your individual block list, limited as that is, it would help you as a user to home in on what matters to you.

Might this create filter bubbles? Yes, but if it's implemented on a per user level it won't affect other users' feeds. The "bubble" is a one-person act. In my experience /all on both Reddit and Lemmy suffers from people trying to curate it to their personal liking with downvotes, which just creates a monoculture.

Personally, I think free text filters would help solve that problem, and might aid users in engaging with their preferred communities. Suggestions, ideas?


Pinning posts breaks when done by federated mod?

EDIT: Looked a little deeper/better on GitHub and found this issue, #4865 which is likely the most related issue, and it seems the devs are aware.

It also seems to be a recent v19.5 -ish issue too from some of the comments there


I seem to be encountering what may be a bug with pinning/featuring posts ... interested if anyone's got similar/counter experiences

The issue is that the pinning of a post doesn't get federated correctly.

The conditions, AFAICT are:

  • Post originates from a "federated instance" (IE, an instance other than the community's home instance)
  • The mod action of pinning is also done by a moderator on a "federated instance"
  • Lemmy versions 19.4 or greater (much more tentative, but from a brief perusal, it seems true)

The effect seems to be:

  • The pinning works fine on the "home instance" of the community
  • But federation breaks in two slightly different ways:
    • No pinning occurs
    • If a mod on a "federated instance" tries to pin, after an initially failed federation of "pinning", it will succeed on the federated instance only temporarily

The last dynamic is hopefully a clue to what could be happening (sounds like some queued tasks colliding in an incorrect way)


Lemmy v0.19.5 Release - A Few Bugfixes

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.


This is a smaller bugfix release, with the following changes:



Full Changelog

Upgrade instructions

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Thanks to everyone

We'd like to thank our many contributors and users of Lemmy for coding, translating, testing, and helping find and fix bugs. We're glad many people find it useful and enjoyable enough to contribute.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for over three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation, as well as donations from individual users.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. A recurring donation is the best way to ensure that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive, and helps us grow our little developer co-op to support more full-time developers.


Remove yourself at once!


Lemmy v0.19.4 Release - Image Proxying and Federation improvements

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.

Major Changes

This v0.19.4 release is a big one, with > 200 pull requests merged since v0.19.3. As such we can only give a general overview of the major changes in this post, and without going into detail. For more information, read the full changelogs at the bottom of this post.

Local Only Communities

Communities have a new visibility setting, which can be either Public (current behaviour) or LocalOnly. The latter means that the community won't federate, and can only be viewed by users who are logged in to the local instance. This can be useful for meta communities discussing moderation policies of the local instance, where outside users shouldn't be able to participate. It is also a first step towards implementing private communities. Local only communities still need more testing and should be considered experimental for now.

Image Proxying

There is a new config option called image_mode which provides a way to proxy external image links through the local instance. This prevents deanonymization attacks where an attacker uploads an image to his own server, embeds it in a Lemmy post and watches the IPs which load the image.

Instead if image_mode is set to ProxyAllImages, image urls are rewritten to be proxied through /api/v3/image_proxy. This can also improve performance and avoid overloading other websites. The setting works by rewriting links in new posts, comments and other places when they are inserted in the database. This means the setting has no effect on posts created before the setting was activated. And after disabling the setting, existing images will continue to be proxied. It should also be considered experimental.

Many thanks to @asonix for adding this functionality to pict-rs v0.5.

Post hiding

You can now hide a post as a dropdown option, and there is a new toggle to filter hidden posts in lemmy-ui. Apps can use the new show_hidden field on GetPosts to enable this.

Moderation enhancements

With the URL blocklist admins can prevent users from linking to specific sites.

Admins and mods can now view the report history and moderation history for a given post or comment.

The functionality to resolve reports automatically when a post is removed was previously broken and is now fixed. Additionally, reports for already removed items are now ignored.

The site.content_warning setting lets admins show a message to users before rendering any content. If it is active, nsfw posts can be viewed without login.

Mods and admins can now comment in locked posts.

Mods and admins can also use external tools such as LemmyAutomod for more advanced tools.


There is a new functionality for users to list all images they have previously uploaded, and delete them if desired. It also allows admins to view and delete images hosted on the local instance.

When uploading a new avatar or banner, the old one is automatically deleted.

Instance admins should also checkout lemmy-thumbnail-cleaner which can delete thumbnails for old posts, and free significant amounts of storage.


Lemmy can now federate with Wordpress, Discourse and NodeBB. So far there was only minor testing and these projects are still under heavy development. If you encounter any issues federating with these platforms, open an issue either in the Lemmy repo or in the respective project's issue tracker. You can test it by fetching the following posts:

In order to improve interoperability with Mastodon and other microblogging platforms, Lemmy now automatically includes a hashtag with new posts. The hashtag is based on the community name, so posts to /c/lemmy will automatically have the hashtag #lemmy. This makes Lemmy posts much easier to discover.

Reliability and security of federation have been improved, and numerous bugs squashed. Signed fetch was broken and is fixed now.

Vote display user setting

There is now a user setting to change the way vote counts are displayed, called vote display mode.

You can specify which of the following vote data you'd like to see (or hide): Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, Upvote Percentage, or none of the above. The default (based on user feedback) is showing the upvotes + downvotes.

App developers will need to update their apps to support this setting.

RSS Feeds

RSS feeds now include post thumbnail and embedded images.

Security Audit

A security audit was recently performed on Lemmy. Big thanks to Radically Open Security for the generous funding, and to Sabrina Deibe and Joe Neeman for carrying out the audit. The focus was on federation logic, and discovered various problems in this area. Most of the problems are being mitigated as part of this release. Fortunately no critical security vulnerabilities were discovered.

This is already the third security audit of Lemmy, all organized by ROS. We're greatly indebted to them for their support.

Other Changes

Full Changelog

Upgrade instructions

Warning: This version requires both a Postgres and Pictrs version upgrade, which requires manual intervention.

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Thanks to everyone

We'd like to thank our many contributors and users of Lemmy for coding, translating, testing, and helping find and fix bugs. We're glad many people find it useful and enjoyable enough to contribute.

Special thanks goes to Radically Open Security, @sleepless and @matc-pub for their work on lemmy-ui and lemmy-ui-leptos, @dullbananas for their help cleaning up the back-end, DB, and reviewing PRs, @phiresky for federation work, @MV-GH for their work on Jerboa and API suggestions, @asonix for developing pictrs, @ticoombs and @codyro for helping maintain lemmy-ansible, @kroese, @povoq, @flamingo-cant-draw, @aeharding, @Nothing4U, @db0, @MrKaplan, for helping with issues and troubleshooting, and too many more to count.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for over three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation, as well as donations from individual users.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. A recurring donation is the best way to ensure that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive, and helps us grow our little developer co-op to support more full-time developers.

18 is much snappier after the recent upgrade

This is just to followup from my prior post on latencies increasing with increasing uptime (see here).

There was a recent update to (to 0.19.4-rc.2) ... and everything is so much snappier. AFAICT, there isn't any obvious reason for this in the update itself(?) ... so it'd be a good bet that there's some memory leak or something that slows down some of the actions over time.

Also ... interesting update ... I didn't pick up that there'd be some web-UI additions and they seem nice!


Community Boundaries and the All feed

It recently struck me recently that a number of users mostly scroll the All feed. This came up in a conversation where people were discussing how their main usage of lemmy was to scroll All and then rely entirely on blocking to refine their feed.

Now whether that's a pathological instance of Hyrum's law of all possible uses being relied on or an intended or fair use of a lemmy/reddit system, it does strike me that a substantial portion of the user base doing this likely has an effect on what happens within communities and the ability for communities to define themselves.

Thoughts and speculations (and perhaps paranoia/exaggeration):

  • I don't know what happened on reddit in this regard, but I wouldn't be surprised if a relatively high proportion of users rely on All as described above compared to reddit in order to "fill out" their feeds more due to the smaller user base here.
  • A higher amount of All-feeders means fewer people willing to invest, contribute to or even care about specific communities.
  • This likely means community migrations away from toxic mods, or, starting new communities can run into more friction or less engagement.
  • Which, arguably, becomes a problematic feedback cycle in which All becomes a "better" feed than curating a set of subscriptions.
  • Perhaps a clear mechanism for this to manifest is that anyone can up/down vote anything, which means All-feeders can influence what appears in Subscription-feeders' feeds by imposing their tastes/preferences on posts' scores. In fact, if All-feeders are substantial in number and activity relative to Sub-feeders, this could be a sizeable influence on post ordering across lemmy/threadiverse.


Now I don't know if any of this is really a problem at all, I'm just thinking out loud here (as, to make my bias clear, someone who doesn't get using the All).

As far as Lemmy design decisions go:

  • Should non-subscribers be allowed or disallowed to vote on posts/comments in communities they're not subscribed to? My intuition on this is obviously not (ie, disallowed) and that the All feed is just for browsing not participating. For me, it's about enabling communities to form their own identity and sub-culture that doesn't get pushed around by others.
    • How this could be enforced? No voting from the All and/or Local feed. Seems easy and straight forward.
    • You could limit voting to those who have a subscription to the community, but then anyone could just easily subscribe and then vote while sticking to All. And that'd be harder to implement too I'd imagine.
  • Maybe communities should be able to control this behaviour. Private and local-only communities are apparently on the road map. Excluding non-subscribers from voting seems like a reasonable continuation of such options.
    • To get even more annoyingly complex, I could imagine communities having the option to exclude down votes or exclude down votes for non-subscribers. I'm sure that'd raise issues for some people's feeds as non-down-voting communities might unreasonably rise to the top or something. But if multi-communities come along, and voting in All is off or not guaranteed, this feels like a non-issue to me.

Documentation for writing Lemmy Plugins lemmy-docs/src/contributors/ at plugins · LemmyNet/lemmy-docs

Documentation for Lemmy. Contribute to LemmyNet/lemmy-docs development by creating an account on GitHub.

lemmy-docs/src/contributors/ at plugins · LemmyNet/lemmy-docs

If you write a plugin, let me know how it goes!

Link to PR


PeerTube Federation broken?

In this case, it's one specific channel: That is, [email protected]. It's run by @[email protected] / @[email protected]

AFAICT, federation hasn't been working from this channel to lemmy for ~3 months, for all the instances I checked (perhaps a particular lemmy version broke things?).


By comparison:

  • is up-to-date:[email protected]
  • And on, following the user (rather than the channel) is also up-to-date:[email protected]

I'm not following anything else on peertube so I don't know how common this is (and I couldn't find anything on the GitHub issues), but different behaviour on mastodon and lemmy would superficially indicate that it's a lemmy problem, which would be a shame given that lemmy is much better for consuming peertube.


Language selection


I think it would be possible to improve the user experience of the language selection box.


!screenshot of the language selector in its current state


!mockup of a new type of language selection


Is this somehow an intentional choice or a feature? I consider it insane ...

@[email protected] (replaced with my own user profile, as I'm not trying to fill other users' inboxes for no real reason)(also, this somehow worked right when making this post, but not the original comment) [@[email protected]](/u/MachineFab812)

While we're at it, am I missing at instance-agnostic method for linking posts as well?


How does "copy suggested title" work, and why does it sometimes not work?

I assume that it somehow scrapes the page for some sort of header text, but this doesn't seem to always work.

For example, titles are suggested for articles, but not for articles. What differences result in suggested titles for one but not the other?


Random Communities that your Lemmy instance doesnt display.

I want to make a thread of Lemmy communities that people should know about.

Jerboah (which makes Lemmy usable for me) or my instance have real troubles finding a lot of communities on distant servers, and opening them from Firefox also doesnt work.

We dont need more tech stuff, we need to make Lemmy more useful!

List of Communities




Politiks, worldwide

URL List with cool Servers

local lemmy-ui - translations

UPDATE: running pnpm run translations:generate (and also the other translations tasks, just to be sure) fixed the issue.


When trying to setup a local Lemmy instance (for development), the lemmy-ui repository throws an error when trying to start the dev server.

I followed the guide:

When running pnpm dev to start the dev server, it presents me with two errors:


ERROR in ./src/shared/services/I18NextService.ts 14:0-40 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../translations/en' in '/home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/services' resolve '../translations/en' in '/home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/services' using description file: /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/package.json (relative path: ./src/shared/services) using description file: /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/package.json (relative path: ./src/shared/translations/en) no extension /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en doesn't exist .js /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.js doesn't exist .jsx /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.jsx doesn't exist .ts /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.ts doesn't exist .tsx /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.tsx doesn't exist as directory /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en doesn't exist @ ./src/shared/dynamic-imports.ts 6:0-69 48:17-41 @ ./src/server/index.tsx 16:0-65 47:2-22

ERROR in ./src/shared/services/I18NextService.ts 159:43-129 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../translations' in '/home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/services' @ ./src/shared/dynamic-imports.ts 6:0-69 48:17-41 @ ./src/server/index.tsx 16:0-65 47:2-22

webpack 5.91.0 compiled with 2 errors in 14393 ms ``` I do see that these files nor the folder exist where I18NextService is trying to locate them. But i also see in the root a lemmy-translations folder.

I am able to get it sort of working by updating the paths in I18NextService, but i guess that is not the preferred approach.


Comment spam attacks in multiple /c's by Thuleanxxx

There have been a number of comment spam attacks in various posts in a couple of /c's that I follow by a user/individual who uses account names like Thulean*

For example: [email protected] in [email protected]

and [email protected] in [email protected]

edit: Also [email protected] in [email protected]

The posts have been removed or deleted by the respective /c's mods, and the offending accounts banned, but you can see the traces of them in those /c's modlogs.

The comments consist of an all-caps string of words with profanities, and Simpsons memes.

An attack on a post may consist of several repeated or similar looking comments.

This looks like a bored teenager prank, but it may also be an organization testing Lemmy's systemic and collective defenses and ability to respond against spam and bot posts.


[Solved} Language settings Just joined Lemmy...not a fan of the language settings. -

In my profile settings, I can choose my languages. A couple gripes with the web interface of this setting: * I have to hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple languages. While this was clear to me since I use this keyboard shortcut a lot in other contexts, this would definitely be confusing or unc...

Content is hidden due to not choosing the languages in the settings.

Making the language settings opted in by default should solve this initial struggle, opting out should be done manually. Putting check boxes next to the languages on there for selection should make things easier too.

This has been an issue long before the guy in the linked post reported it. I've had to face this same issue on other instances as well so it's obviously a Lemmy issue and not instance specific.

Please understand that these sorts of small but very visible troubles are what keep people away from this platform. You sign up and go to any community only to see no posts or only those not tagged with a language (You could even miss those if you don't choose "Undetermined"). Any new user would be confused "Are there no user at all?" "Is this community banned?" "Is this instance defederated?" Each of these doubts would just push any new users out.

Edit: This PSA was over 9 months ago now.

Edit 2: It seems to be instance specific, and both have this issue as far as I've seen.

Edit 3: Thank you everyone for your help.


Display name and Bio updates don't seem to be federating

E.g.:[email protected]

I know in past I've successfully updated my display name, and it shows on other instances, so perhaps this problem is new to 0.19.x, but I am not at all sure about that.

Question about Arduino's…
  • @sabreW4K3 hey, sorry bout that. I posted via mastodon and was unable to find that account, or I’m not sure what handle as mastodon and lemmy or totally different softwares obviously we both know that not trying to be in a different way, not mad. Thanks regardless!

  • Current discussion about post deduplication, should posts be hidden inside a community?
  • It is. Different clients handle it differently. If you note, the repository where the request is made is for lemmy-ui, not lemmy backend.

    E.g. Photon shows a single item with a dropdown to expand matching posts if they were posted at the same, which is common with cross-posts on All, Local, Subscribed feeds.

    And then it lists all cross-posts on individual pages in a neat list with stats like votes, number of comments, etc.

  • Per-User Community Groups?
  • Funnily enough, I just started a very similar thread with links to the GitHub issues:

    [email protected] for people on other instances

  • Follow posts and comments to be notified of new comments?
  • In terms of contributing directly, while I can hack together some terrible python code, I have never done any development in Rust, or on the scale of Lemmy.

    I'll keep the Matrix chat and [email protected] in mind though. Thanks, @[email protected] and @nutomic@[email protected] for your thoughts and suggestions!

  • Follow posts and comments to be notified of new comments?
  • @[email protected] This. If youre interested to work on this feature or others, feel free to ask for guidance in the relevant issue, or in the dev chat.

  • Follow posts and comments to be notified of new comments?
  • Realistically, try to contribute directly is the likely answer.

    Something in between organising and contributing might be starting a community for getting people to help and organise as best as they can on community contributions.

    My own community [email protected] is such an attempt. At the moment it’s been mostly a learning rust community, but getting some group contributions organised was always on the roadmap and now would be a good time to start doing that there if you’re interested.

    If you are interested at all in this or the general idea, let me know how I can help.

  • is back up, apologies for the downtime.
  • Here take some of these, I still have some left.

  • How do I look for an old post of mine?
  • Oh yeah, probably! Feel free to join us on [email protected] , we discuss between people trying to keep communities active

  • How do I look for an old post of mine?
  • Go to /search then set the "Creator" option to your name, then just search

  • Received dm's can't be deleted? Dm's can't be closed?
  • I was, but with it being a mostly media heavy update, I wanted to put it off a bit. I'll look into it soon and maybe 0.19.5 as well. We may use image proxying in the future. This comment is mostly talking about new moderating tools.

  • Received dm's can't be deleted? Dm's can't be closed?
  • For example, last I heard, an administrator has to drop into a command line to delete media from removed posts, otherwise they’d still be accessible if the URL was known. (Think illegal material.)

    that's not true anymore, there's a dashboard built into the website now

  • Proof of Concept: Background AI Image Rotation for Lemmy-UI
  • There's an temporary instance hosted at here, but I doubt the $5 VPS can handle very much traffic. I've included two screenshots in this comment.

    edit: I stopped hosting it, but it's still available for download here.

  • How would you feel about Lemmy being able to pull in hashtags from the Fediverse?
  • Two months ago, I spent dozen hours setting up my alts account on and mastodon...subcription, filters, contacts, keyword alert. They also act as whole a community with topics.

    I just want to settle a bit. I moved a lot to mastodon, pixelfed, lemmy, kbin... :)

    Just to give you a rough idea, i spent lot time building these list that are a mix of lemmy and mastodon. And when i did that, i configured tusky.

    It takes time. If it was one year ago, i would easily change software. For now i'm waiting that fediverse software improve.

    So it won't happen until next year. :)