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halm Handles

Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

Posts 39
Comments 754
A fast and open-source cross-platform ransomware
  • I hope the catch is that everyone who tries to install it from github gets ransomwared.

    Bonus if it also rickrolls them all the while.

  • Printing on Linux
  • Yeah, this news cycle may not be the best for CUPS advocacy 😄

  • Thoughts on HumHub?
  • I wholly disagree with everything you just said, including that your friends and family by your own assessment are unable to rise above average skills. But you know them better than I do, of course 🤷

  • Interview: Jonathan Del Arco Talks “Borg Spin-Off” That Became ‘Star Trek: Picard’ And Hugh’s Surprise Death
  • Oh sorry, did I deviate from current groupthink? At least I didn't cross the line into posting blackface.

  • static website generator
  • I've been eyeing Pico, but it doesn't seem to be super well maintained? Do you know if it's still active?

  • Interview: Jonathan Del Arco Talks “Borg Spin-Off” That Became ‘Star Trek: Picard’ And Hugh’s Surprise Death
  • I'm starting to see a pattern in modern Trek here. We're used to seeing shows made by committee, but the rate that key creative people are being swapped out and their ideas corrupted as they're passed on is just disconcerting:

    Alex Kurtzman, James Duff, and I believe maybe one other writer was involved at the time, and James really wanted it to be a Borg spin-off. […] But had Patrick not done it, some kind of show about the Borg would have happened. It would not have been Picard, it would have been a show about the Borg. […] And James left the show before they began filming. He had a creative differences and left, I think, weeks before I even began. I’d signed my contract, and the people that were left, I think, then made that decision [that Hugh was getting killed off] without my being told or even knowing about it through gossip.

    Never mind that actors aren't told in advance what will happen to their characters, I get a feeling that writers make things up on the fly while actually shooting fairly serialised seasons. We see Bryan Fuller being removed from Disco while it's in preproduction, then Berg and Harberts being fired mid-season two.

    As somebody who loved early Discovery and only hate watches the kitschy car crash of Strange new worlds, that sort of subtext gives me really bad vibes off the current Trek productions.

    And who is left once the dust settles. Too often we see Akiva Goldsman getting pulled in to "save" shows and,for all his Academy Award winning "A beautiful mind" glory, he seems to mostly play fantasy football with Star Trek.

    Goldsman's Star trek tributes were cutesy when he did them on Fringe, but now that he's a mover on the actual franchise, fucking up continuities of the TOS roster and every bit of canon about the Gorn? Not so much.

  • Will Piracy Kill Football in Italy? Not if Football Damages the Internet First.
  • Pffft, killing football in Italy is as impossible as killing baseball in the US. Italians will go extinct before their favourite teams.

  • Holy Hell, The Social Web Did Not Begin In 2008
  • You can’t really do anything right in this field

    I agree with a lot of your points, but this is probably the objectively truest one 🙂

  • Top 5 Features Coming to GIMP 3.0
  • +1 for the GIMP3 excitement, and ×1,000,000 for the YouTube gripe.

  • Holy Hell, The Social Web Did Not Begin In 2008
  • Technically the blog author is right. Sure, the social aspects of the web go back to the very first chat rooms, but okay. Let's set a backstop at web 2.0's blogs. So what is his point, let's burn down this new foundation on a technicality before it gets off the ground?

    Also technically, "social web" is super imprecise when clearly the organisation is supposed to promote and highlight federated platforms. Sounds like somebody did a super lazy brainstorm without looking up from their belly button to consider this exact fallout.

    I have the feeling the same somebody will be on the market for a new domain name pretty soon.

  • [Solved] Having trouble with Jekyll on a new laptop: Help a casual web dev dum-dum out!
  • The error message says

    Could not open library '/home/thatsmehere/gems/gems/sassc-2.4.0/ext/'

    so I'd guess it's the ruby module since it's deep in the gems folder...

  • Evan Prodromou Launches The Social Web Foundation
  • I don’t know what they haven’t linked it

    They sort of have, but without a lot of explanation: it's the self link directly under the "follow us" header. [Edit: in my browser, the link just directs to the main SWF page, because Wordpress' ActivityPub plugin is still imperfect.] You have to navigate to their contact page to have it formated as a proper ActivityPub address.

  • Best phone sync
  • Perhaps your phone has extra aggressive battery saving settings that kill the background process? The official Syncthing has a setting to run as a persistent service, which always helped me.

    Otherwise see if you can make system exceptions for the app to run in the background, and allow it to auto-sync. It's been a while since I used the forked app, buy it did help me out on a device where the official didn't work for me.

    Hope this helps.

  • Any self hosted alternative for Gennially?
  • who is downvoting me and why?

    You're probably making them feel stupid, people downvote for no good reason. It's a them problem, not a you one; everybody should check AlternativeTo before asking for recommendations.

  • Best phone sync
  • Yeah, phone to laptop, and I recently synced all backups and files from an old phone to a new one, too. Once you have the computer setup, you can basically connect phones by reading its QR code.

    If the official Syncthing Android app is giving you a hard time, maybe try Syncthing-fork? IIRC that's only the daemon and web GUI wrapped as an app. But I've used the main app only for the past few years.

  • Best phone sync
  • I'd really recommend giving Syncthing a second chance, twist a few knobs in the settings until it works. I've used it for years with barely a hitch.

  • Archie Panjabi Set To Play ‘Doctor Who’ Villain In New Season From Disney+ And BBC
  • It's just the dopamine kick of a joke made so often, it has circled from humour through routine and boredom into familiarity 🙂

  • Archie Panjabi Set To Play ‘Doctor Who’ Villain In New Season From Disney+ And BBC
  • Is nobody else going to do this? Okay, I'll bite.

    She would make an excellent Rani!

  • New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?

    On my new phone I'm tempted to switch from LineageOS for microG to IodéOS, just for the ease of a dedicated installer. What are your experiences of pros and cons?

    Bonus question, while I prefer full control of my phone, Iodé lists "uninstallable apps" as a feature(?) — what in the world are those?

    Edited title for clarity


    Doctor Who season 3 probably won't be greenlit until after season 2 has aired, says show runner Russell T Davies

    Since returning as show runner of Doctor Who, RTD has stated fairly confidently that he was going to make sure the show delivered one season per year going forward. That made the reduced episode count a bit easier to swallow... a tiny bit...

    In the meantime, though, streaming companies have become more cautious splurging money on show commissions, and it seems that includes distributing deals like the Disney+ one that boosted Doctor Who budgets for the most recent season, as well the forthcoming, already filmed season.

    Quoted from an interview with SFX magazine, RTD now says that we won't have a definitive answer about a third Ncuti Gatwa outing until season 2 has finished airing:

    > It’s an industry decision, it's like any business – these things take time. I think the decision will come after the transmission of season two. That's what we're expecting, that's what we've always been heading towards.

    Given the time it seems to take only producing 8 episodes and a special these days, that will likely mean at least an extra one year gap between seasons 2 and 3 airing, if the show is even renewed by all current production and distribution parties.

    Maybe, just maybe the spin-off The war between the land and the sea can fill in such a gap, but only time will tell.


    A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)

    I do appreciate that the Lemmy Doctor Who communities are less prone to wild fan speculation and continuity semantics rabbit holes, I really do. Sometimes, though, I dip back onto the main subreddits, and boy, do they get into massive circle jerks over little things that only jar others slightly.

    Having exposed myself to the fandom mind virus, but refusing to join the fray on Reddit, I'll just infodump my own head canon explanations to (apparently controversial) occurrences in the latest season of the show here:

    Is the Shalka Doctor now unredacted from continuity?

    In the episode "Rogue", holograms of the Doctor's past selves loop around 15 like an old iTunes cover gallery. One of them is clearly Richard E Grant, who played the a ninth Doctor in "Scream of the Shalka". The animated series was short-lived and written out of the show's canon when the 2005 revival show introduced Eccleston as the "authoritative" ninth Doctor.

    IRL explanation: Russell T Davies thought it would be fun to throw in Grant's face in the line-up. There's probably not more to it.

    My in-universe explanation: The eighth Doctor actually regenerated into the Shalka Doctor, but because the Time War happened and rewrote timelines several times over, 8's eventually solidified upon the events of "Night of the Doctor", where he instead regenerates into the War Doctor.

    However, time being relative, the Shalka Doctor is still extant if only as a wisp of an individual timeline, because a) he is a time traveler and therefore a complex temporal event not easily erased, and b) the Time War left the time stream in such a disarray that he may exist in a state of flux (no, not that one), and either continues adventuring as an offshoot of the Doctor's timeline, or is suspended in some kind of quantum field just slightly removed from it.

    Pretty handwavy, yes, but all of Who continuity sort of requires you to gesture wildly like the eleventh Doctor having a thought, just for it to make some sort of sense.

    The Doctor "was a dad", but 15 "hasn't had children yet"?!

    In "The legend of Ruby Sunday", the fifteenth Doctor talks about his granddaughter Susan, who traveled with the first Doctor in the early years of the show. He then pivots to saying that he hasn't had children yet.

    This is despite several if not all NuWho Doctors having referred in some form to having been a dad — including 15, just a few episodes earlier, in "Boom"! So which is it?

    IRL explanation: As above, Russell T Davies likes to throw in non sequitur comments and details that mess with people's understanding of the show's lore. On a positivist note, it keeps that lore dynamic and throws some mysteries out for himself or subsequent writers to glom onto, like the Morbius Doctors or "half human on my mother's side" of the past. If it doesn't stick, ignore it.

    My in-universe explanation: Ignoring the extended universe here, we don't know a lot about the Doctor's life previous to "An unearthly child", and nearly none about their family relations. What we do know is that they are a very prolific time traveler, and as witnessed from 11 and 12's relationship with River Song, things tend to get complicated, and invariably nonlinear.

    With that in mind, it's perfectly feasible that 15 or a future incarnation has a child (the birds and bees part, or possibly looms?) that, for whatever reason, they leave for their previous, Hartnell self to raise (be a father to). Heck, given the above Shalka Doctor explanation, he could be the father, and 15 would be off the hook. Exactly what can we assume about a Time Lord's sense of self when alternative timelines come into play?

    Along with the Doctor's realization that they are an "adopted" Timeless Child, as well as Ruby's search for her bio-mum in the past season, this explanation plays nicely into the twin notions of parenthood as giving life to a child versus raising it. Add to this that the Doctor's relationship to his companions (post-Susan) have always been stories of found and/or extended family.

    It all makes sense when you (don't) think (too hard) about it!

    So there you have it, the Doctor Who Reddit post to end all Doctor Who Reddit posts, deliberately not posted to Reddit. The important TL;DR is, time is in flux, several things can be true at the same time, and don't break your mind thinking about a TV show.

    Anything else that needs explaining?

    [Edited to get rid of the quotation formatting]


    A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)

    cross-posted from:

    I do appreciate that the Lemmy Doctor Who communities are less prone to wild fan speculation and continuity semantics rabbit holes, I really do. Sometimes, though, I dip back onto the main subreddits, and boy, do they get into massive circle jerks over little things that only jar others slightly.

    Having exposed myself to the fandom mind virus, but refusing to join the fray on Reddit, I'll just infodump my own head canon explanations to (apparently controversial) occurrences in the latest season of the show here:

    Is the Shalka Doctor now unredacted from continuity?

    In the episode "Rogue", holograms of the Doctor's past selves loop around 15 like an old iTunes cover gallery. One of them is clearly Richard E Grant, who played the a ninth Doctor in "Scream of the Shalka". The animated series was short-lived and written out of the show's canon when the 2005 revival show introduced Eccleston as the "authoritative" ninth Doctor.

    IRL explanation: Russell T Davies thought it would be fun to throw in Grant's face in the line-up. There's probably not more to it.

    My in-universe explanation: The eighth Doctor actually regenerated into the Shalka Doctor, but because the Time War happened and rewrote timelines several times over, 8's eventually solidified upon the events of "Night of the Doctor", where he instead regenerates into the War Doctor.

    However, time being relative, the Shalka Doctor is still extant if only as a wisp of an individual timeline, because a) he is a time traveler and therefore a complex temporal event not easily erased, and b) the Time War left the time stream in such a disarray that he may exist in a state of flux (no, not that one), and either continues adventuring as an offshoot of the Doctor's timeline, or is suspended in some kind of quantum field just slightly removed from it.

    Pretty handwavy, yes, but all of Who continuity sort of requires you to gesture wildly like the eleventh Doctor having a thought, just for it to make some sort of sense.

    The Doctor "was a dad", but 15 "hasn't had children yet"?!

    In "The legend of Ruby Sunday", the fifteenth Doctor talks about his granddaughter Susan, who traveled with the first Doctor in the early years of the show. He then pivots to saying that he hasn't had children yet.

    This is despite several if not all NuWho Doctors having referred in some form to having been a dad — including 15, just a few episodes earlier, in "Boom"! So which is it?

    IRL explanation: As above, Russell T Davies likes to throw in non sequitur comments and details that mess with people's understanding of the show's lore. On a positivist note, it keeps that lore dynamic and throws some mysteries out for himself or subsequent writers to glom onto, like the Morbius Doctors or "half human on my mother's side" of the past. If it doesn't stick, ignore it.

    My in-universe explanation: Ignoring the extended universe here, we don't know a lot about the Doctor's life previous to "An unearthly child", and nearly none about their family relations. What we do know is that they are a very prolific time traveler, and as witnessed from 11 and 12's relationship with River Song, things tend to get complicated, and invariably nonlinear.

    With that in mind, it's perfectly feasible that 15 or a future incarnation has a child (the birds and bees part, or possibly looms?) that, for whatever reason, they leave for their previous, Hartnell self to raise (be a father to). Heck, given the above Shalka Doctor explanation, he could be the father, and 15 would be off the hook. Exactly what can we assume about a Time Lord's sense of self when alternative timelines come into play?

    Along with the Doctor's realization that they are an "adopted" Timeless Child, as well as Ruby's search for her bio-mum in the past season, this explanation plays nicely into the twin notions of parenthood as giving life to a child versus raising it. Add to this that the Doctor's relationship to his companions (post-Susan) have always been stories of found and/or extended family.

    It all makes sense when you (don't) think (too hard) about it!

    So there you have it, the Doctor Who Reddit post to end all Doctor Who Reddit posts, deliberately not posted to Reddit. The important TL;DR is, time is in flux, several things can be true at the same time, and don't break your mind thinking about a TV show.

    Anything else that needs explaining?

    [Edited to get rid of the quotation formatting]


    A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)

    I do appreciate that the Lemmy Doctor Who communities are less prone to wild fan speculation and continuity semantics rabbit holes, I really do. Sometimes, though, I dip back onto the main subreddits, and boy, do they get into massive circle jerks over little things that only jar others slightly.

    Having exposed myself to the fandom mind virus, but refusing to join the fray on Reddit, I'll just infodump my own head canon explanations to (apparently controversial) occurrences in the latest season of the show here:

    Is the Shalka Doctor now unredacted from continuity?

    In the episode "Rogue", holograms of the Doctor's past selves loop around 15 like an old iTunes cover gallery. One of them is clearly Richard E Grant, who played the a ninth Doctor in "Scream of the Shalka". The animated series was short-lived and written out of the show's canon when the 2005 revival show introduced Eccleston as the "authoritative" ninth Doctor.

    IRL explanation: Russell T Davies thought it would be fun to throw in Grant's face in the line-up. There's probably not more to it.

    My in-universe explanation: The eighth Doctor actually regenerated into the Shalka Doctor, but because the Time War happened and rewrote timelines several times over, 8's eventually solidified upon the events of "Night of the Doctor", where he instead regenerates into the War Doctor.

    However, time being relative, the Shalka Doctor is still extant if only as a wisp of an individual timeline, because a) he is a time traveler and therefore a complex temporal event not easily erased, and b) the Time War left the time stream in such a disarray that he may exist in a state of flux (no, not that one), and either continues adventuring as an offshoot of the Doctor's timeline, or is suspended in some kind of quantum field just slightly removed from it.

    Pretty handwavy, yes, but all of Who continuity sort of requires you to gesture wildly like the eleventh Doctor having a thought, just for it to make some sort of sense.

    The Doctor "was a dad", but 15 "hasn't had children yet"?!

    In "The legend of Ruby Sunday", the fifteenth Doctor talks about his granddaughter Susan, who traveled with the first Doctor in the early years of the show. He then pivots to saying that he hasn't had children yet.

    This is despite several if not all NuWho Doctors having referred in some form to having been a dad — including 15, just a few episodes earlier, in "Boom"! So which is it?

    IRL explanation: As above, Russell T Davies likes to throw in non sequitur comments and details that mess with people's understanding of the show's lore. On a positivist note, it keeps that lore dynamic and throws some mysteries out for himself or subsequent writers to glom onto, like the Morbius Doctors or "half human on my mother's side" of the past. If it doesn't stick, ignore it.

    My in-universe explanation: Ignoring the extended universe here, we don't know a lot about the Doctor's life previous to "An unearthly child", and nearly none about their family relations. What we do know is that they are a very prolific time traveler, and as witnessed from 11 and 12's relationship with River Song, things tend to get complicated, and invariably nonlinear.

    With that in mind, it's perfectly feasible that 15 or a future incarnation has a child (the birds and bees part, or possibly looms?) that, for whatever reason, they leave for their previous, Hartnell self to raise (be a father to). Heck, given the above Shalka Doctor explanation, he could be the father, and 15 would be off the hook. Exactly what can we assume about a Time Lord's sense of self when alternative timelines come into play?

    Along with the Doctor's realization that they are an "adopted" Timeless Child, as well as Ruby's search for her bio-mum in the past season, this explanation plays nicely into the twin notions of parenthood as giving life to a child versus raising it. Add to this that the Doctor's relationship to his companions (post-Susan) have always been stories of found and/or extended family.

    It all makes sense when you (don't) think (too hard) about it!

    So there you have it, the Doctor Who Reddit post to end all Doctor Who Reddit posts, deliberately not posted to Reddit. The important TL;DR is, time is in flux, several things can be true at the same time, and don't break your mind thinking about a TV show.

    Anything else that needs explaining?


    Latest cast additions to "War between the land and the sea": Ruth Madeley and ... a "Torchwood" deep cut. Doctor Who spin-off adds Ruth Madeley and surprise Torchwood character in first look

    The pair join the previously announced Russell Tovey, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Jemma Redgrave, and Alexander Devrient.

    Doctor Who spin-off adds Ruth Madeley and surprise Torchwood character in first look

    > Ruth Madeley is now confirmed to be reprising her role as UNIT's scientific advisor Shirley Anne Bingham in the spin-off.

    > Though fans might have anticipated Shirley's appearance in The War Between The Land And The Sea, the second new cast member is rather more surprising... > > Colin McFarlane will also appear in the series as General Austin Pierce, a role he last played in the 2009 miniseries Torchwood: Children of Earth – 15 years ago.

    Good to see Madeley back on screen! Her replacement in the recent season by Lenny Rush did give us another memorable UNIT character, but I'm looking forward to see more of Shirley.

    Now, my memory of "Children of Earth" is a bit rusty, but iirc General Pierce will probably be wary of invaders from another world after that experience... We can hope that is the reasoning for his inclusion in this storyline?


    Unnamed "Doctor Who" star appearance was cut from "3 body problem" Doctor Who legend's cameo was cut from Netflix sci-fi

    "Fans of that would probably would have found it delightful."

    Doctor Who legend's cameo was cut from Netflix sci-fi

    > co-creator Alexander Woo told The Hollywood Reporter: "There was another sequence that was really fun and played really well and would have been a fantastic cameo appearance for an actor that I don’t want to name —because I don’t want to make someone feel bad for being cut out of the show. > >"However, it is a former Doctor Who, I’ll say that much. Fans of that would probably would have found it delightful. But for the sake of the rest of the episode, we had to set it aside." > > DB Weiss joked: "Jon Pertwee – 124 years old and still showed up."

    Leave it to the former GoT showrunners to casually axe a high profile cameo. Apparently even their cutting room floor is like a Red Wedding.

    So we'll never know which surviving Doctor didn't make the final edit, but speculation is fun, and free. Go nuts in the comments 🙂


    This place needs filters

    Probably a hot take for everybody who just wants a drop-in replacement for Reddit, but I think a new platform needs to take the opportunity to improve over what's gone before.

    So what I'm proposing is a more granular approach to curating one's feed on an individual user level, much like both Mastodon and apps for that platform offer (I'm going to use Tusky as an example because I've used that for a while and know its features fairly well).

    Imagine a filter list where you could block specific terms, source URLs or other. No more irrelevant mentions of whatever annoys the hell out of you when you open /all. Along with your individual block list, limited as that is, it would help you as a user to home in on what matters to you.

    Might this create filter bubbles? Yes, but if it's implemented on a per user level it won't affect other users' feeds. The "bubble" is a one-person act. In my experience /all on both Reddit and Lemmy suffers from people trying to curate it to their personal liking with downvotes, which just creates a monoculture.

    Personally, I think free text filters would help solve that problem, and might aid users in engaging with their preferred communities. Suggestions, ideas?


    > Davies addressed the fan theory that Mrs Flood is former companion Romana as she was wearing a similar costume - and he didn't quite rule it out. > > […] "Probably because she’s wearing white fur, people are going to think she’s [Time Lord companion] Romana, aren’t they?" > > Davies added: "I promise you answers to that. […]"

    2 Sutekh comeback 'proves Doctor Who hasn't severed its roots', says Russell T Davies

    The villain's return was also influenced by a certain Marvel series.

    Sutekh comeback 'proves Doctor Who hasn't severed its roots', says Russell T Davies

    > ...being on Disney Plus now, this is a very deliberate choice to bring back an old BBC enemy – we've even cast the same actor [Gabriel Woolf] – to prove that the show hasn't severed its roots. To delve into your backstory is a very fine thing. That's thrilling for new viewers, and for old viewers it's a great reward. > > Also, you're guaranteed that the internet will do your work for you. In the old days, you could feasibly have said, 'Will people know who Sutekh is?' Now, it's on our official site. It's on our Instagram posts. Type in the word 'Sutekh' and there's an entire Wikipedia article, full of the history.

    deGoogle Handles

    Help with Lineage/microG update?

    cross-posted from:

    > I've used LineageOS with microG on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops! > > Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the upgrade instructions seem to have changed since last: > > 1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing? > 2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a copy-partitions or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now? > 3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other. > > All help is appreciated! > > Edited for clarity: > Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍


    Help with Lineage/microG update?

    cross-posted from:

    > I've used LineageOS with microG on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops! > > Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the upgrade instructions seem to have changed since last: > > 1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing? > 2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a copy-partitions or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now? > 3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other. > > All help is appreciated! > > Edited for clarity: > Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍


    Help with Lineage/microG update?

    I've used LineageOS with microG on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops!

    Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the upgrade instructions seem to have changed since last:

    1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing?
    2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a copy-partitions or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now?
    3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other.

    All help is appreciated!

    Edited for clarity: Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍


    Bandwagon — a federated Bandcamp alternative

    No conflict of interest, I only saw the poject via Mastodon.

    From the website:

    > Fediverse, Mastodon, and beyond

    > Gorgeous album pages

    > Audio streaming

    > Tour dates and tickets

    > Music discovery? Online sales? Analytics? There's a lot more in store as the community grows.


    Doctor Who fans name best episode of season 14 | Radio Times

    >From the tense landmine of Boom to uncovering the events of the night that Ruby was born in Empire of Death, this season of Doctor Who certainly had it all – but which episode was the best? > >Well, we posed that exact question to readers, who have responded in their droves. > >With the likes of Space Babies, The Devil's Chord, Dot and Bubble and all the other season 14 episodes to choose from, there was one clear winner. > >After more than 4,000+ votes in total, [redacted] was the winner of the best episode in our exclusive poll.

    1. 73 Yards - 1,290 votes
    2. Boom - 1,040 votes
    3. Rogue - 595 votes
    4. Dot and Bubble - 487 votes
    5. The Legend of Ruby Sunday - 374 votes
    6. The Devil's Chord - 217 votes
    7. Empire of Death - 127 votes
    8. Space Babies - 37 votes

    How might Susan return?

    The Doctor's granddaughter has been teased on screen throughout this recent season, fan theories abound and original actor Carole Ann Ford has stated she'd be happy to reappear on the show.

    Let's assume that there is a reunion with Susan coming up; that would be exciting in itself, but narratively, how do you think it will be set up? Does the Doctor seek her out or will Susan find her grandfather first?

    More to the point, "the Doctor finally sees Susan again" is just a story beat — how do you imagine the larger science fantasy story context surrounding it? Feel free to fanfic an entire episode plot or season arc if you want 🙂


    Rofi as primary menu — recommendations? GitHub - davatorium/rofi: Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement

    Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement - davatorium/rofi

    GitHub - davatorium/rofi: Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement

    I've used Openbox as a minimal DE replacement for years, with Tint2 as panel and pseudo launcher. When I switched to EndeavourOS a couple of years ago Rofi came pre-installed along with those as window switcher, search and app launcher.

    At the time it seemed superfluous and I just flat out uninstalled it, but now I'm coming around to maybe ditching Tint2 (and the stodgy old JGmenu that EndeavourOS uses) in favour of using Rofi as a search based launcher and menu.

    I can imagine it'll be an abrupt transition but my question for the more seasoned Rofi users out there is, what should I look out for and what are your immediate caveats?


    When Doctor Who grew its beard moustache Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson on their "great chemistry", loving Jon Pertwee and the future of Doctor Who

    The youthful new stars of Doctor Who – Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson – hit it off so well that they even talk in sync – but do they tell each other everything?

    Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson on their "great chemistry", loving Jon Pertwee and the future of Doctor Who

    In amongst the exciting teasers and promo tidbits ahead of the new season, for some reason I find this deep cut of production lore one of the most entertaining:

    Ncuti Gatwa was adamant that he grow his moustache back for the part of the Doctor, having shaved for years to play a teenager in Sex education. But there was a short overlap where he was filming both shows simultaneously — so he would have to be cleanshaven for the first shoots of Doctor Who, too. Barring the weird Henry Cavill CGI upper lip retouch, how would the crew solve this?

    > "Bella [Arghiros], my make-up artist, would present me with a little bag of pubes every morning," he explains. He doesn’t mean this literally, but he and Gibson are now laughing so much they can barely get the words out. "I went through the process of sticking them on for two months," he says. > > "Trimming them," whoops Gibson. "Between every take," adds Gatwa. "As they flap off in the wind. I’m chasing a monster and the director says, 'We’ll have to go again because his moustache is half off.' So when it grew back, I felt very liberated."

    The actors' giddiness goes a long way selling this anecdote... If the new season is half as fun as they seem to have had making it, it'll be [Eccleston impersonation] fantastic!


    There really won't be any Beatles music in the Beatles episode Doctor Who’s Beatles Episode Sprang From An Age-Old Problem With Trying To Do A Beatles Episode

    Russell T Davies explains the origins of Ncuti Gatwa's Doctor Who episode featuring The Beatles. Read more at Empire.

    Doctor Who’s Beatles Episode Sprang From An Age-Old Problem With Trying To Do A Beatles Episode

    “I knew instantly you can never play Beatles songs on screen because the copyright is too expensive. So I’m thinking, ‘How would you do a Beatles episode without Beatles music?’ And that becomes the entire plot,” Davies explains. “That’s where the idea came from – copyright law!”


    Season 1, trailer #2. This isn't going to slow down at. all. until May, is it?

    This one has a little less of the timey wimey temporal paradoxes than the Disney trailer a week ago, but it still manages to span a wide section of time and (relative dimensions in) space.

    We get a bit more of Jinkx Monsoon here, another Bridgerton name check — and I think we can confirm the Doctor taking the mic for another song and dance sequence in the 1960s... All fun and games on a background of some apocalyptic, spacey wacey goings on. Honestly, the Doctor's promise to Ruby's mum that he can keep her safe is starting to sound a little strained.

    The season episode titles have also been released:

    1. Space Babies
    2. The Devil's Chord
    3. Boom
    4. 73 Yards
    5. Dot and Bubble
    6. Rogue
    7. The Legend of Ruby Sunday
    8. Empire of Death

    Other notes:

    • Episodes 1 and 2 will air on the same day, 11 May.
    • Episode 2 seems to be the one featuring Monsoon as a musically themed baddie.
    • Episode 3 is penned by Steven Moffat, and RTD has given the cryptic teaser "Antelope. Moment. Drums." The director of the episode adds "Hitchcockian" as the writer's cue to her.
    • Episode 6 is our Regency period story, written by Kate Herron and Briony Redman (both coming off Loki, so anybody want to bet they have their time travel right?)