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What is this white silk looking stuff on my plant?

Does anyone know what this is? Is it harmful?



Who doesn't love a good scrog?

I let the plant go for about 2 week, than top it and start spreading it out. I try to keep the plant short and under 8” tall during veg.

After the topping I’ll let it go a week or two to fill out before flipping. This time was 2 weeks, still a few days to go, flipping on Saturday to 12/12 from 24/0.



Uh should I? There are other leaves on both plants with 0 amber yet.

It's my first grow so I'm not sure. Is it the day to take them down?

Plant 1:



Plant 2:




X3 ☘️LST on Amnesia & Triple G

cross-posted from:

> [OC] X3 ☘️LST on Amnesia & Triple G > > > ! > > > ! > > > ! >


LOw Stress Training .... Amnesia haze x2

cross-posted from:

> LOw Stress Training .... Amnesia haze [oC]x2 > > > ! >


LoW Stress Tecnics,✂️📍!FiM!

cross-posted from:

> [OC] LoW Stress Tecnics,✂️📍!FiM! > > Fuck i miss...FIM , to have more x4 Apical buds. > > Let'sgoo > > > ! >


trimming my unkempt bush, before...

...and after:


This was the final big pruning for my mainline grow, from here I'll just let the 8 tops grow upwards a bit and then flip to flower.



Are these pollen sacs? Because this plant has already trolled me with bobbles that then spat out white hairs. I'm still a noob

[Edit: I'll cut down this plant today. It's the smallest of 3. Thanks for the feedback!]




second cuts on the mainline, before...

... and after:


Posting a followup comment with another view...


First grow - should I be (more) worried?

So far I'm very happy with my first grow. I found the seeds, so I have no idea what strains they are. But they're all female :)

Days or even weeks ago I noticed that some leaf tips of the largest plant at the back were turning brown and curling up. Only a little at first, so I didn't think much of it. But now I'm not sure if this is unhealthy behavior. A few of the large leaves have also already turned yellow, which I've removed. The air circulation is better this way, but I'm starting to doubt whether the plant is safe or in danger.

Last night I hung the lamp a little higher (about 30 cm away) and aimed the fan at the wall; previously it had been aimed at the canopy. I hope it was only too much wind/light stress for this one plant.






If you have experience with this I'd love to get some feedback.


dic pics

Two of my greenhouse plants decided to start waving their junk around, they’re now enjoying new life as compost. Here’s the other one:


That leaves 4 in the greenhouse and 1 in the tent inside 🤞


Okay, I see what the rage is all about

Never would have thought it'd make such a huge difference. The "smoking" experience is different and actually a lot more pleasant. The high was also a little different: it still hit hard, but it took a little to get there. There was an initial learning curve of using this thing (Dynavap B), but after that hurdle, it was smooth sailing from there.

Thank you guys for the recommendation!




French Fried

This guy was on the Belgium float in the NATO parade in Norfolk today. He looks like he was celebrating another holiday too. !


Happy 4/20

Bonus pic of my nail polish:



FX3 Seed to Harvest

This was my first time growing Solfire and I am impressed. This shit was super vigorous and didn't flinch at anything I threw at them. I finished setting up my flood and drain setup a few weeks into flower so I was able to finish them out on easy street.

100% coco Bottom feed with Canna Coco A+B, Rhizotonic and Calmag. RO water

Planted germed seeds September 6th Finished trimming February 3rd

Final Yield: 1.49g/watt Plant 1 = 125g Plant 2 = 126g Plant 3 = 136g Plant 4 = 61g... ಠ_ಠ

20g of kief after one pass in the trim bin from each plant. I could probably get a ton more but the rest of the trim is used for butter.

Ready for planting! !

In their starter pots !

Week 2 veg !

Week 4 veg !

Transplant day !

Moved into 3x3 !

First major defol - Day 14 of flower !

Hints of purple !

Fully bounced back !

Day 21 defol !

Week 5 flower !

Week 6 flower !

Week 8 flower !

Week 10 flower !

Cola Porn ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Trim bin after trimming !


Royal Dwarf under a UV flashlight

This is a "Royal Dwarf" strain with a 365 nm LED flashlight shining on it.

! !

! !


Experimenting with some drink mixes! (dog tax inside)


He was investigating.

So they all work well. The Squeezes are unfortunately bitter, but they're a good deal per mg. The Lemon Lime isn't too bad in some lemon Sprite. The Stiribles are perfect. They add zero flavor and dissolve into flat liquids beautifully. I had some mixed with a Seltzer recently and couldn't taste it. They hit faster than normal edibles. A lot of people report feeling like they hit harder than the number suggests, but I think they just prefer that sort of high. Personally I prefer the feel of normal edibles. They're supposed to work better for people with low amounts of the enzyme that converts THC, but I can't speak to that personally. They're definitely a fun addition to my alchemy cabinet.


Sipping mist from a bag to get high feels so mysterious

I love this thing. I wanted a Volcano for years. It feels like both science and magic at the same time. I can put enough flowers into me to be as stoned as I need to be without the gross respiratory effects. I've always struggled to use flowers through the winter months when holiday anxiety redoubles my weed need. Between this and my employee discount, I bet I can avoid my traditional holiday season drinking. If I can manage that, it'll have paid for itself twice. It was expensive af, but I paid for $200 of it with a gift card I got from a sales competition. So far it has been 100% worth it.

EDIT: Sync doesn't display my extra pictures! =O

! ! !


Found a little ChatGPT exploit

EDIT: the image in the title is the important one, you have to click on it if you're on desktop

EDIT2: appears I was wrong, I only had bad internet and it didn't load

Usually I got this:



Can I get an ID on a mini vape?

Got this from a friend of a friend but no idea where it came from or if it's any good...

Oh the image flipped 😑

Branding closeup !