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LeanFemurs LeanFemurs
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Chopped this old girl today
  • Or compost it yourself.

    That's exactly what I do, good point :)

  • Chopped this old girl today
  • The previously-mentioned other two plants shortly before their chop:

  • Chopped this old girl today
  • Naw, that's just her bones. The time to take a clone is when the plant is still in is vegetative phase, this one was a fully flowered old lady.

  • Chopped this old girl today


    Hey, it’s been a while! Finally chopped my manifold girl today, this is the last known photo of her alive.

    I decided to finish this one in the greenhouse and of course I ended up with a bad whitefly problem. I was able to knock them out with a couple rounds of spinosad and then a week later she was ready to move on.

    I decided to do a bud wash (procedure here) to get rid of the dead bugs and whatnot, she’s hanging up to dry now.

    The other 2 plants are already dried, I started curing them today. 71g in the jars so far and I’m about 20-25% done. Those gals had the fly problem too so they got the same treatment and wash.

    I’m interested to see how the wash affects the final cured buds, anybody here ever try that?

    "Impossible" soup sandwich
  • Ordered cucumber limeade once thinking it would be a refreshing cucumber-tinged beverage and it turned out to be more like a lime-tinged glass of thick cucumber glop. It actually tasted pretty good but the milkshake-but-a-cucumber vibe was just too much.

  • "Impossible" soup sandwich
  • As a heavily mustachioed and embearded individual I am 100% down with a knife and fork sandwich, I’d eat this for sure.

  • Atomic Hair Dryer Guy

    Pencil on tractor-feed printer paper, late 1990s. Found in a box of stuff I thought I’d lost.

    This three-sided pole on an airport tram
  • Are we not doing “phrasing” anymore?

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...
  • After I made the second cuts I realized I wasn’t going to get the circular crown shape I had in mind, other than that it’s all going as expected I think.

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...
  • It’s supposedly only 100W equivalent, I should upgrade it but I don’t want to turn that tent into an oven.

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...
  • Just for the experience really, I'd read about the technique and it seemed like it might be a good fit for my tiny 2x2x4 so I'm giving it a go 🤷‍♂️

  • Finally starting to reveg
  • Looking great! Man I really need a bigger greenhouse...

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...

    ...and after:


    This was the final big pruning for my mainline grow, from here I'll just let the 8 tops grow upwards a bit and then flip to flower.


    second cuts on the mainline, before...
  • All stapled down 1 day later…

  • second cuts on the mainline, before...
  • Thanks, yeah she's coming along :)

  • second cuts on the mainline, before...
  • I've taken the 2nd and 4th nodes from each branch leaving each with 2 nodes with 2 growth tips each, so 8 growth tips total.

    My goal is a uniform "crown" of 8 colas so I'll continue to train each growth tip as they get larger to guide them into that shape.

  • second cuts on the mainline, before...

    ... and after:


    Posting a followup comment with another view...

    dic pics
  • Oh gotcha that makes perfect sense, not sure where my head was at there 😅

  • dic pics
  • @ed with surprising frequency

    "@ed"? This is new to me, what do you mean?

    should not tolerate them at all when growing outdoors so I don't seed someone else's crop?

    That's my personal take yeah, my nearest downwind neighbor is a ranch about a mile away and I don't think they're growing but you never know.

    My neighbor went full-on intentional seed factory in his gh over the winter, I guess that was low-risk though.

  • dic pics
  • I have no idea, these were random seeds collected from various strains from dispensaries over a few years. Can’t complain too much about free!

  • dic pics

    Two of my greenhouse plants decided to start waving their junk around, they’re now enjoying new life as compost. Here’s the other one:


    That leaves 4 in the greenhouse and 1 in the tent inside 🤞


    First cuts on the mainline

    not gonna lie, I shed a tear while doing this


    My latest grow, one month in

    I started these from seed indoors one month ago as of today. The strain is Bye-ya x Cake Fighter, a freebie from Great Lakes Genetics gifted to me by my neighbor. I popped 6 of those and 6 rando bag seeds, ended up with 5 of these and 2 of the randos.

    Moved them into the greenhouse last weekend and they are as happy as can be ❤️

    Not pictured are the other Bye-ya x Cake Fighter seedling and the randos, I'm keeping 1 rando in the tent to play with mainlining, the other 2 are in the greenhouse with the others. In the end I plan to have only 2 girls in the greenhouse, any remaining females are going to fend for it al fresco for the entire growing season 🤞

    6 Gangsters, Money And Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market – Analysis

    By Sebastian Rotella and Kirsten Berg, Garrett Yalch and Clifton Adcock (ProPublica and The Frontier) -- It seemed an unlikely spot for a showdown between Chinese gangsters: a marijuana farm on the prairie in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma. On a Sunday evening in late November 2022, a blue Toyota Corol...

    Gangsters, Money And Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market – Analysis

    I grow my own in a legal state ¯\\\(ツ)\


    Welp, here come the meat-based plants. The Plan to Put Pig Genes in Soy Beans for Tastier Fake Meat

    Molecular farming company Moolec has inserted pig genes into soy beans to generate meaty-tasting proteins that can be grown in plants.

    The Plan to Put Pig Genes in Soy Beans for Tastier Fake Meat

    Leveled up to Lobo

    I used to vape with a little Pulsar APX but I got tired of cleaning teeny-tiny threads and screens, and the chamber is a bit small IMO.

    I picked up a Dynavap this past summer and really liked it, but those hot monster hits were starting to take their toll on my throat so I decided to give the APX another day in court.

    I gave it a good cleaning and was really liking the flavor and cooler hits, but it’s an old device and still a hassle to clean so I went shopping and landed on the Lobo from POTV.

    I love this thing! The chamber size is just right, flavor and vapor quality are great, the dosing capsules make cleaning mostly a non-issue, and the glass accessories are pretty nice. Having a swappable battery is a nice bonus too.

    2 Want a small, cheap EV? The Fiat 500e is coming to the US in 2024

    The diminutive Italian electric city car has an EPA range of 149 miles.

    Want a small, cheap EV? The Fiat 500e is coming to the US in 2024

    The diminutive Italian electric city car has an EPA range of 149 miles.


    I don't normally combust but when i do

    also I’m watching Godzilla vs Kong and I have no idea what’s happening


    Finally out of trim jail


    Finished trimming #3 last night, she was the last plant. Final yield from all 3 plants was 922g of bud and 144g of trim 😎

    The strain is Deep Line Alchemy 11 (Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/Hashplant) from Bodhi. I started from 6 seeds on June 14, acclimated them to the heat wave a month later, then moved them into a 4x6 greenhouse (too small!) to finish up. I ended up with three females, final chop was on October 11.

    Plant #2 turned out really larfy (except for the giant cola) and doesn't smell as good as the others but I'm hoping the cure will improve it a bit. I'm not complaining, I still got well over 20oz of good bud out of this grow. I'm set for a while now! 🌲🌲🌲


    about to carve up this ham


    Deep Line Alchemy 11 plant #1 in the jars


    Finished trimming #1 yesterday, final yield was 301g of bud and 35g of trim.

    (Not pictured: 10g from a branch that broke off 10 days early, she was a decent smoke so I’m looking forward to the finished product!)


    and then there were none


    I chopped #3 yesterday, the final plant from my Deep Line Alchemy 11 grow. Not a lollipop, I let her grow naturally but I’d already cut the branches before I took the picture.

    This gal was the one that topped herself naturally not once but twice!

    #2 had the biggest main cola of the three plants, but the three colas on this one combined are more bud I think.


    torch recommendations

    RIP Scorchy. Something broke inside and now it won’t spark. I’m going to attempt to repair it but I suspect I’ll be replacing it.

    Anyone have a recommendation for a nice twin-jet torch? I use it mostly with a Dynavap and would like something big enough to not refill every day but not too too big. Bonus points for a low-effort reliable trigger, a warranty would be nice too.

    Edit: fixed it, still interested in recommendations :)


    this ridiculous cola right here


    #3 looked farther along a week ago but #2 leapfrogged her and was ready to chop yesterday. Had to get a shot of that beautiful cola before the final cut!

    She's drying in the attic now, #1 should be going in the jars in a couple of days.

    Strain is Deep Line Alchemy 11 from Bodhi Seeds.


    1 down, 2 to go!


    Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/hp (Deep Line Alchemy 11), 1 plant is chopped and drying as of yesterday. The other 2 old ladies should be ready in about 1-2 weeks.


    Trichomes at week 14


    Trichome development on Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/hp (Deep Line Alchemy 11), 3 plants at week 14. #1 seems farther along than her sisters, possibly harvesting in a couple of weeks. Should have all 3 in the jars by the end of October.
