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LeanFemurs LeanFemurs
Posts 43
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"Impossible" soup sandwich
  • Ordered cucumber limeade once thinking it would be a refreshing cucumber-tinged beverage and it turned out to be more like a lime-tinged glass of thick cucumber glop. It actually tasted pretty good but the milkshake-but-a-cucumber vibe was just too much.

  • "Impossible" soup sandwich
  • As a heavily mustachioed and embearded individual I am 100% down with a knife and fork sandwich, I’d eat this for sure.

  • Atomic Hair Dryer Guy

    Pencil on tractor-feed printer paper, late 1990s. Found in a box of stuff I thought I’d lost.

    This three-sided pole on an airport tram
  • Are we not doing “phrasing” anymore?

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...
  • After I made the second cuts I realized I wasn’t going to get the circular crown shape I had in mind, other than that it’s all going as expected I think.

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...
  • It’s supposedly only 100W equivalent, I should upgrade it but I don’t want to turn that tent into an oven.

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...
  • Just for the experience really, I'd read about the technique and it seemed like it might be a good fit for my tiny 2x2x4 so I'm giving it a go 🤷‍♂️

  • Finally starting to reveg
  • Looking great! Man I really need a bigger greenhouse...

  • trimming my unkempt bush, before...

    ...and after:


    This was the final big pruning for my mainline grow, from here I'll just let the 8 tops grow upwards a bit and then flip to flower.


    second cuts on the mainline, before...
  • All stapled down 1 day later…

  • second cuts on the mainline, before...
  • Thanks, yeah she's coming along :)

  • second cuts on the mainline, before...
  • I've taken the 2nd and 4th nodes from each branch leaving each with 2 nodes with 2 growth tips each, so 8 growth tips total.

    My goal is a uniform "crown" of 8 colas so I'll continue to train each growth tip as they get larger to guide them into that shape.

  • second cuts on the mainline, before...

    ... and after:


    Posting a followup comment with another view...

    dic pics
  • Oh gotcha that makes perfect sense, not sure where my head was at there 😅

  • dic pics
  • @ed with surprising frequency

    "@ed"? This is new to me, what do you mean?

    should not tolerate them at all when growing outdoors so I don't seed someone else's crop?

    That's my personal take yeah, my nearest downwind neighbor is a ranch about a mile away and I don't think they're growing but you never know.

    My neighbor went full-on intentional seed factory in his gh over the winter, I guess that was low-risk though.

  • dic pics
  • I have no idea, these were random seeds collected from various strains from dispensaries over a few years. Can’t complain too much about free!

  • dic pics

    Two of my greenhouse plants decided to start waving their junk around, they’re now enjoying new life as compost. Here’s the other one:


    That leaves 4 in the greenhouse and 1 in the tent inside 🤞

    Okay, I see what the rage is all about
  • Right on, I’ve got a POTV Lobo with the dosing capsules. Love those things, keeps everything nice and clean :)

  • Okay, I see what the rage is all about
  • It takes some practice for sure. I’ve personally landed on a single jet zippo torch and 3 burns per bowl, starting with a quick burn near the tip for that initial flavor hit then working my way down to the base of the bowl with longer burns to get those clouds.

  • Harvest week growmies, but not quite yet. Album included
  • The idea is to get a slow controlled cure and not a quick dry.

    I’m in an arid climate and I generally cut individual branches, let those dry, then harvest the buds, but some of my friends just hang the entire plant up to dry. If you’re in a humid climate then you might look at cutting it down to individual buds.

    Lots of good info at and elsewhere :)

  • First cuts on the mainline

    not gonna lie, I shed a tear while doing this


    My latest grow, one month in

    I started these from seed indoors one month ago as of today. The strain is Bye-ya x Cake Fighter, a freebie from Great Lakes Genetics gifted to me by my neighbor. I popped 6 of those and 6 rando bag seeds, ended up with 5 of these and 2 of the randos.

    Moved them into the greenhouse last weekend and they are as happy as can be ❤️

    Not pictured are the other Bye-ya x Cake Fighter seedling and the randos, I'm keeping 1 rando in the tent to play with mainlining, the other 2 are in the greenhouse with the others. In the end I plan to have only 2 girls in the greenhouse, any remaining females are going to fend for it al fresco for the entire growing season 🤞

    6 Gangsters, Money And Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market – Analysis

    By Sebastian Rotella and Kirsten Berg, Garrett Yalch and Clifton Adcock (ProPublica and The Frontier) -- It seemed an unlikely spot for a showdown between Chinese gangsters: a marijuana farm on the prairie in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma. On a Sunday evening in late November 2022, a blue Toyota Corol...

    Gangsters, Money And Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market – Analysis

    I grow my own in a legal state ¯\\\(ツ)\


    Welp, here come the meat-based plants. The Plan to Put Pig Genes in Soy Beans for Tastier Fake Meat

    Molecular farming company Moolec has inserted pig genes into soy beans to generate meaty-tasting proteins that can be grown in plants.

    The Plan to Put Pig Genes in Soy Beans for Tastier Fake Meat

    Leveled up to Lobo

    I used to vape with a little Pulsar APX but I got tired of cleaning teeny-tiny threads and screens, and the chamber is a bit small IMO.

    I picked up a Dynavap this past summer and really liked it, but those hot monster hits were starting to take their toll on my throat so I decided to give the APX another day in court.

    I gave it a good cleaning and was really liking the flavor and cooler hits, but it’s an old device and still a hassle to clean so I went shopping and landed on the Lobo from POTV.

    I love this thing! The chamber size is just right, flavor and vapor quality are great, the dosing capsules make cleaning mostly a non-issue, and the glass accessories are pretty nice. Having a swappable battery is a nice bonus too.

    2 Want a small, cheap EV? The Fiat 500e is coming to the US in 2024

    The diminutive Italian electric city car has an EPA range of 149 miles.

    Want a small, cheap EV? The Fiat 500e is coming to the US in 2024

    The diminutive Italian electric city car has an EPA range of 149 miles.


    I don't normally combust but when i do

    also I’m watching Godzilla vs Kong and I have no idea what’s happening


    Finally out of trim jail


    Finished trimming #3 last night, she was the last plant. Final yield from all 3 plants was 922g of bud and 144g of trim 😎

    The strain is Deep Line Alchemy 11 (Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/Hashplant) from Bodhi. I started from 6 seeds on June 14, acclimated them to the heat wave a month later, then moved them into a 4x6 greenhouse (too small!) to finish up. I ended up with three females, final chop was on October 11.

    Plant #2 turned out really larfy (except for the giant cola) and doesn't smell as good as the others but I'm hoping the cure will improve it a bit. I'm not complaining, I still got well over 20oz of good bud out of this grow. I'm set for a while now! 🌲🌲🌲


    about to carve up this ham


    Deep Line Alchemy 11 plant #1 in the jars


    Finished trimming #1 yesterday, final yield was 301g of bud and 35g of trim.

    (Not pictured: 10g from a branch that broke off 10 days early, she was a decent smoke so I’m looking forward to the finished product!)


    and then there were none


    I chopped #3 yesterday, the final plant from my Deep Line Alchemy 11 grow. Not a lollipop, I let her grow naturally but I’d already cut the branches before I took the picture.

    This gal was the one that topped herself naturally not once but twice!

    #2 had the biggest main cola of the three plants, but the three colas on this one combined are more bud I think.


    torch recommendations

    RIP Scorchy. Something broke inside and now it won’t spark. I’m going to attempt to repair it but I suspect I’ll be replacing it.

    Anyone have a recommendation for a nice twin-jet torch? I use it mostly with a Dynavap and would like something big enough to not refill every day but not too too big. Bonus points for a low-effort reliable trigger, a warranty would be nice too.

    Edit: fixed it, still interested in recommendations :)


    this ridiculous cola right here


    #3 looked farther along a week ago but #2 leapfrogged her and was ready to chop yesterday. Had to get a shot of that beautiful cola before the final cut!

    She's drying in the attic now, #1 should be going in the jars in a couple of days.

    Strain is Deep Line Alchemy 11 from Bodhi Seeds.


    1 down, 2 to go!


    Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/hp (Deep Line Alchemy 11), 1 plant is chopped and drying as of yesterday. The other 2 old ladies should be ready in about 1-2 weeks.


    Trichomes at week 14


    Trichome development on Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/hp (Deep Line Alchemy 11), 3 plants at week 14. #1 seems farther along than her sisters, possibly harvesting in a couple of weeks. Should have all 3 in the jars by the end of October.


    Trichomes at week 14


    Trichome development on Vintage Pakistani x 88g13/hp (Deep Line Alchemy 11), 3 plants at week 14. #1 seems farther along than her sisters, possibly harvesting in a couple of weeks. Should have all 3 in the jars by the end of October.
