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ShatteredPD v2.5.1

Hey Dungeoneers!

The first patch for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 should now be out on all platforms! v2.5.1 includes an assortment of small fixes, and some balance changes to three of the new trinkets. I expect to make more changes in future patches as well, before moving on to work on v3.0.0.

Check out the changes screen ingame for a full list of changes.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0! Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.5.0 has been released! v2.5.0 includes a total overhaul to the journal, some new trinkets, and tonnes of smaller tweaks and balance changes. There are also new splash arts for each of the dungeons regions, viewable during loading screens! Be sure to check the changes sc...

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.5.0 has been released!

v2.5.0 includes a total overhaul to the journal, some new trinkets, and tonnes of smaller tweaks and balance changes. There are also new splash arts for each of the dungeons regions, viewable during loading screens! Be sure to check the changes screen for full details.

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Shattered beta delayed on Google Play

Hey folks, I've just sent the release candidate build for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 to beta! If all goes smoothly I plan to release the update in another couple of days, probably on Wednesday.

Unfortunately, users on Google Play are still stuck on a beta from August 30th. Google Play usually takes ~1 hour to review any update I send, but Beta-5 has been stuck in review for days now. This may mean that the full release of v2.5 will be late on Google Play.


Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art! Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!

Hey everyone, after a bit longer of a wait that I initially planned, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 is now ready for beta! In this post I’m going to share some more of the new things coming in this update!

Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!

Hey everyone, after a bit longer of a wait that I initially planned, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 is now ready for beta! In this post I’m going to share some more of the new things coming in this update!

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New Shattered Cursed Wand Effects!

Shattered Pixel Dungeon's next major update will be going to beta early this coming week.

Here's one more new thing coming in v2.5: new cursed wand effects! I'm adding 16 new effects, ranging from simple bubbles to a rare but extreme supernova explosion! The bubbles are harmless but you really, really want to avoid the explosion.

(Image description: A GIF showing the new supernova explosion effect. A yellow glowing orb keeps growing in size while danger indicators litter the floor. After 10 turns the orb explodes, killing the player)


Region Splash Arts Coming Soon!

Hey rat punchers, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 is getting very, very close to being ready for beta. Sorry for the delay, but there's a few additions over what I was originally planning for this update that have made it take a while.

One of those additions is region splash arts during the game's loading screens! After teasing these all the way back in 2023 they're now ready, and will release with v2.5.0!


Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18.2 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18.2 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

This release buffs Darkened Mimic, fixes many frequent crashes and issues of few last months and does balance changes to most used or obscure items. internal version number: 512

Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18.2 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

On this day, 10 years ago, I released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.1.0. This tiny initial release was my first serious attempt at gamedev and was distributed to maybe 50 people on the Pixel Dungeon subreddit. Fast forward 10 years and Shattered is my full-time job, with roughly 5 million combined down...

Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

On this day, 10 years ago, I released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.1.0. This tiny initial release was my first serious attempt at gamedev and was distributed to maybe 50 people on the Pixel Dungeon subreddit.

Fast forward 10 years and Shattered is my full-time job, with roughly 5 million combined downloads and roughly 150 thousand combined sales over several platforms. Even after all these years, more new people are discovering Shattered now than ever before, and the updates I make are getting bigger and better.

Join me for a quick walk down memory lane, and for a preview of something very exciting that's yet to come...

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Community Pixel Dungeon is fully released! Release Community Pixel Dungeon 1.0.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

Have you ever wondered what would happen if community could design and have their ideas in Pixel Dungeon? Well, here I present Community Pixel Dungeon mod, dedicated to 10th anniversary of original...

Release Community Pixel Dungeon 1.0.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

Today is July 26th; 10 years ago, watabou released source code for Pixel Dungeon, creating a modding community for it.

Community Pixel Dungeon is a symbol of community being able to achieve that and evolve this community into what we know today.

Thank you all.


Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul! Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul!

Hey Adventurers, July is coming to an end and I owe you guys an update! Unfortunately, I’m going to miss my earlier estimate of a beta during July. This is mainly due to v2.5.0 becoming a much bigger update than I originally planned. I’m now anticipating v2.5.0 will be ready for beta around the seco...

Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul!

Hey Adventurers, July is coming to an end and I owe you guys an update!

Unfortunately, I'm going to miss my earlier estimate of a beta during July. This is mainly due to v2.5.0 becoming a much bigger update than I originally planned. I'm now anticipating v2.5.0 will be ready for beta around the second full week of August. In the meantime though, let's go over some of the new stuff that's coming soon!

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The second pre-release for Community Pixel Dungeon has been released! Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.2.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

This is a second Community PD pre-release, containing 17 new ideas and some fixes to previous ones. All of features list can be seen here:

Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.2.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

This mod has been conceptualized back in October as dedicated thing for 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming free and open source software, but only now I dedicated the time to start making it. The core idea is that I am not the one, who design the features and new items, it’s people from community of this game!

This pre-release adds 17 more ideas to the pack, including ideas from Reddit and Lemmy posts and ideas from archived ideas channel on PD discord, bringing total number up to 37, all of which can be seen here:


A Few More Shattered UI Improvements

Hey folks, one more small update about UI improvements before a bigger blog post next week. I'm afraid Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5 isn't going to be ready for beta in July, but it's very close!

v2.5 includes a few other UI improvements in addition to all the ones I've shown off: a display for badges in the in-game journal window, a better alchemy UI layout for larger screens, and a full journal UI from the main menu (pictured here)!

(Image Description: An image showing new Journal UI from the main menu. Badges are currently being shown (which is unchanged), but there are new tabs for catalogs, the dungeon guide, and alchemy.)


Custom Notes in ShatteredPD!

After getting requests for years, I am finally adding support for custom notes in Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

You can make plain text notes, or attach them to a dungeon floor or item. These are a great way of keeping track of information between play sessions, or deduced properties of unidentified items. Custom note titles will even appear in the descriptions of their items!

(Image Description: An image showing the various UIs for adding custon notes. A selection window for adding them is shown on the left. A cropped window is on the top-right, showing five custom notes in the adventuring notes UI. Another cropped window is in the bottom right, showing a custom note appearing in an item's description.)


New Adventuring Notes in Shattered

I'm also using the new Grid UI to overhaul Shattered Pixel Dungeon's journal notes page! The automatic adventuring notes, which record keys and landmarks, are now presented in a much more compact form! I've also added a few new landmarks, such as special floor types.

You might notice that there are a couple of other new things in this UI as well, more on that next week...

(Image description: An image showing the new 'adventuring notes' UI in the journal on the left. Notes are organized by dungeon floor with icons the player can tap for more info. On the right two example note descriptions are shown)


A New UI for Scrolls of Upgrade

Continuing the trend of interface improvements coming to Shattered Pixel Dungeon in the next update, I'm adding a new window when you try to upgrade items!

Currently the only way to know how the stats of an item change with upgrading is to actually spend an upgrade scroll, but with this new interface you'll get a helpful little summary first! The window includes almost every stat in the game that scales with item level.


The first pre-release for Community Pixel Dungeon has been released! Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.1.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

(0.1.1 fixes bug with glyph crashes and allows desktop builds to be "debug".) This is what I would call a first "testing release", not fully complete, but something to be already enjoyable and test...

Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.1.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

This mod has been conceptualized back in October as dedicated thing for 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming free and open source software, but only now I dedicated the time to start making it. The core idea is that I am not the one, who design the features and new items, it's people from community of this game!

Currently this mod has 20 unique features from ideas of 21 people on PD's discord, all listed here:


Shattered's New Catalog UI pt.2

As mentioned last week, Shattered Pixel Dungeon's catalog is being expanded, but it's getting more than just new items. The catalog now also includes all of the game's enemies (plus plants and traps), and lore documents!

In total this means the new catalog has gone from 101 things to just shy of 500! It'll also keep track of stats such as how many times you've defeated an enemy, and comes with 9 new badges.


Shattered's New Catalog UI pt.1

Hey folks, since last week I've finished the new catalog UI, so here's a more fulsome screenshot!

For reference, the existing catalog contains 101 items, and this new one now contains a massive 315 of them! Almost every item (and enchant/glyph) in the game is now viewable here, assuming you've found it first.

It looks like there are still 2 more categories though, I wonder what's in them...


A peek at a better Catalog UI

With Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2 out, I'm properly starting work on the next update, which is going to include a bunch of changes to the journal interface.

Here's one of them, a new UI for the game's item catalog, that uses a grid instead of a long list. This makes the catalogs easier to navigate and gives me loads of room to add new things to them too...


Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2! Steam :: Shattered Pixel Dungeon :: v2.4.2

Hey Dungeoneers! ..And here's the second patch for v2.4! this one focuses a little more on balance tweaks, and I expect it'll be the last patch for the update. Changes Weapon Ability Buffs [expand type=details] Overall success rates are up across the board for the Duelist and weapon abilities, but I...

Steam :: Shattered Pixel Dungeon :: v2.4.2

Hey Dungeoneers, sorry for being a little quiet here lately!

I've just released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2, which is mostly focused on followup balance tweaks, but also fixes a few bugs. Here's a link to the changelog on Steam: