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[DEV] The second pre-release for Community Pixel Dungeon has been released! Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.2.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

This is a second Community PD pre-release, containing 17 new ideas and some fixes to previous ones. All of features list can be seen here:

Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.2.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

This mod has been conceptualized back in October as dedicated thing for 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming free and open source software, but only now I dedicated the time to start making it. The core idea is that I am not the one, who design the features and new items, it’s people from community of this game!

This pre-release adds 17 more ideas to the pack, including ideas from Reddit and Lemmy posts and ideas from archived ideas channel on PD discord, bringing total number up to 37, all of which can be seen here: