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What are your thoughts on the French riots?

  • I am just so, so heartbroken. France have a history of riots and unrest, including an ongoing one this year, which especially is one of the biggest after the murder of a 17 y.o
  • Systemic racism is not new there, and what also isn't new is the tolerance of the people towards the system.
  • I hope the above link is accurate and concise enough to briefly explain everything. Let me know if there is any misinformation
  • I don't think anyone should form an opinion on one particular incident, and then forming an opinion based on that alone. It doesn't work that way. This has to be viewed from a historical context, something that builds up slowly.
  • I've seen groups talk about this from an anti-immigration point of view. This isn't something "recent". Post-colonialist does not mean colonialist nations have been restored and granted independence. You have to look at migration during the colonial period, which influences the systemic racism in the country to this date.
  • I cannot find if Nahel HAS any criminal record or not. But the closest accurate source, which is the person at the situation, who recorded a video described something HIGHLY diverging from the fast and furious ultra 15 minute car chase misinformation sources.

The criminal records that people describe even, are not even close to something that should result in multiple buttstrikings?

  • People talk about the protests in an anarchist nature, saying that there are a group of people looting and taking advantage of the actual protests. I'm still researching on this and I would like your opinions on this especially. I don't want to see immediate anti-anarchist takes, let's stop with the infighting
  • I cannot find if Nahel HAS any criminal record or not

    It's a 17 year old kid, was literally born in 2006, homie was born the same year as need for speed carbon, what kind of criminal record would he have to justify being shot?

    • Heavy agree with this. African diaspora are subject to disgusting violence but we have to explain our innocence, because the assumption is that we must have wronged the Liberal (white) order in some way to have been hurt or killed by the state or "heroic" citizens (lynchers, the prevalence of vigilante characters in Western media should not go unnoticed). The question remains why lynching is acceptable para-legal punishment for Africans but not for "French" people.

      If you (2nd person you) say it isn't acceptable for either, then why are we looking to absolve the crimes of the police after the fact? Why don't we see white French speakers in the streets when a person of their skin tone is slaughtered by the police? Is it because they assume they are criminals too? If so, then doesn't that mean your society already sees the rule of law unnecessary in dealing with "undesirables" and lumpenproles (who are in such position through the motions of capitalist economics, especially colonialism)? Is that society not already fascist? The society that projected that indifference to the lives of those who the rule of law doesn't apply in their colonies such as that of Algeria and Libya where hundreds of thousands were slaughtered without having committed a crime, is it not "fascist"?

  • This tweet from Arnaud Bertrand is good:

    [...] First of all, like it or not these "immigrants" are French, in their immense majority. Most often for the 2nd or 3rd generation 🔽 since the bulk of the immigrants from North Africa came in the 60s and 70s. And they came to France because we colonized their country, which was a historical mistake of profound significance, which France committed...

    Other mistake: we then parked these populations together in suburban ghettos, meaning that France created this divide that we today live with between these populations and the rest of the French population.

    Third mistake: France always had this totally unrealistic ideal of "assimilation", instead of understanding that you can't erase someone's culture, even after multiple generations, and that the only realistic thing to do is therefore to accommodate different cultures. What happens when you have a large population of a given culture and that you don't accommodate or respect it, instead trying to unrealistically convert them to another culture? You create resentment, defiance and, again, divide.

    These are the root causes of the issue. Like it or not, France does have a very large Muslim population of North African origin. They will have a different culture than the "traditional" French culture, probably for ever or at least for many, many generations. You can either put your head in the sand (the solution of the left) or go for an apartheid-like regime (the solution of the right) but neither of these are actual solutions. The only actual solution is to change France as a country that accommodates and respects different cultures in its midst.

    There are actually excellent examples of this in Asia. Singapore - where approx 15% of the population is Muslim - is an excellent example of how Islam can flourish in the context of a secular state. Muslim holidays in Singapore are public holidays for the whole country. They also have a "Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act" which bans "causing feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between different religious groups". This is a wise policy that allows for mutual respect and harmony between communities.

    Sadly I don't see France adopting a similar path anytime soon. And this is why these problems will keep worsening.

    That's my 2-cent.

    Post-Colonialism is colonial apologia. Neo-Colonialism, as in colonizers owning private property within a colonized nation, has always been the dominant form of expropriation in the 19th and 20th century colonizations.

    These protests and riots are in response to the colonial/fascist (police and far right) oppression that the "French" society directs towards their Colonial diaspora. They are spontaneous and will likely die down because of that. They do represent a massive portion of the proletariat in France and can be lead by a Communist party that recognizes the colonial contradiction within France and its colonies to be turned into a socialist movement. Considering the police are threatening to act para-legally to stomp out the "vermin" and the far-right is taking violence against people as a means to protect private and (bourgeois) public property, it is damning for the Communist Party to be criticizing property damage during the protests for these Africans when they didn't put out such statements regarding pension reform. It seems the shared "French" interests supersede that of class solidarity and internationalism at the moment. The PCF in its current form is unfit for the role of vanguard.

    And despite all that effort by Colonizers to set Arab and Black people against each other with colonial apologia, the Africans and Western Asian diaspora in France have spontaneously united against the shared experience of the colonial violence they are subjected to by the "French" society.

  • When society is in a constant state of war against people of your skin color, riots are a natural result when shit hits the fan. It's unfortunate, since it takes the attention away from the cause, but it's true. Having grown up in a poor part of town, I've been involved in many riots like these. They start out with a valid reason but they grow to an uncontrolable mess.

    Nonetheless, I support them. An innocent 17 year old has died in the umpteenth incident with French police.

  • I cannot find if Nahel HAS any criminal record or not.

    This is completely irrelevant. What happened I the psst could in no way justify him being murdered. Don't even play into this oppressive narrative. It doesn't matter.

    All that matters is if this kid was a legitimate threat to the lives of the officers that night. And he was not.

  • I don't think much is gonna come out of it yet. There are riot of that intensity twice a year on average in France. Nonetheless I support this movement, even if it's not a big thing in my area of the country.

    It's things like those that little by little weaken the establishment and build class consciousness. Eventually one such movement will reach the breaking point, but I don't think we're there yet. Maybe I'm wrong, we'll see.

    PS: The revolution is most likely to come from impoverished minorities such as immigrants in France, especially as they and their descendants are absolutely massive in term of numbers.

    Also libs are already accusing Russia and China of funding the movement lol.

  • It's certainly a mask off moment for the entire continent of Europe. People are begging for Macron to start sending soldiers to kill all the brown people and deport the survivors. A lot of the people saying this don't even live in france.

  • This is people responding to police murder. Call it what it is. It's an uprising, not a riot.

  • I'm very anxious about it bcz it looks a lot like what happened in 2013 on brazil there was a wave of protests started by progressive organizations, it scaled up, then started violent repression, after that the protests grew absurdly in response to police violence, including blackblocks and people getting violent to protect themselves, but the lack of clear political agenda and the left parties being absent from it, created a void and as some people say, in politics there is not such thing as unoccupied space, since the left wasn't there fascists took over, so what started as a progressive protest ended up as the breeding ground for fascism.

    i hope the same thing doesn't happen there, the france protests were sparked by the retirement age being pushed up, now we are seeing police violence and the protests getting more intense.

    saying that there are a group of people looting and taking advantage of the actual protest.

    there same bullshit that were spread here to invalidate the protests, disputes of narratives and etc...