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Mzuark Mzuark

Venting is fun

Posts 24
Comments 159
Ladies and gents, New Conspiracy just dropped, Apparently its all caused by the CPC
  • These people are desperate to get the average American on board with a hot war with China

  • Has anyone noticed how some liberals are disgustingly trying to equate the Palestinean struggle with Ukraine?
  • I rely don't believe they're putting any deep thought into it. They just root for who they're told too.

  • [Zionism ]Zelensky
  • To the shock of quite literally no one, the entire Pro-Ukraine propaganda network just pivoted to Israel overnight.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 40
  • I was doing some recon on Reddit, some redditcon if you will, and I made a funny little discovery about right wing subs: They're controlled opposition. r/conservative and r/conspiracy suddenly go full Liberal whenever the topic is about Ukraine or Putin, or at least the only comments getting upvoted are libs who regurgitate the approved narrative at you. I was a little surprised, you'd think crazy tradcons wouldn't let themselves be compromised in such a way, but you'd be wrong. Once the Feds running reddit pick a trajectory, you fall in line or you disappear.

    No wonder they spend so much time talking about vaccines and making stupid memes. They aren't anymore allowed to be critical of the establishment than we are.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • They are doing everything they can to avoid saying "Russia is winning"

  • What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • I do find it concerning how pretty much every presidential candidate is running on the promise of going to war with somebody in the near future. Either Russia, China or Mexico. Maybe some more incursions into Africa in the mean time.

  • What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • I expect a lot of child exploitation.

  • Check your children’s Halloween candy for Russian disinformation
  • In hindsight, Hillary losing only delayed the inevitable which was absolutely redonkulous funding for a proxy war with Russia. Wasn't that her whole platform?

  • Check your children’s Halloween candy for Russian disinformation
  • What support? Everyone I've talked too does not want anymore money or attention going to this circus.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • A German grandfather that evidently involved in conflict with the Soviets. Does it even need to be said?

  • Wikipedia going full Nazi Apologia
  • It's probably a warzone of damage control edits being made

  • Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • We have crossed the threshold gentlemen.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Weird isn't it? They got a lot done.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is a very thinly veiled way of saying "Russians aren't white, so don't feel bad about whatever happens to them."

    Which to me, a blackman, is hilarious because you all look the same really.

  • Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • A lot of rainbow fascism going on. Where gay and trans are suddenly super supportive of the regime that tried to actually literally exterminate them as long as the Russians look bad.

  • Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • Then watch how they'll compare whoever the undesirable of the week is to Nazis again when its convenient.

  • Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • Going by what I'm seeing on Twitter, Nazis are officially just accepted by Liberals now. They may not say it outright but they see Hitler as less evil than Stalin.

  • Canadian oopsie
  • They are Nazis. This even debatable anymore.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's indefensible and he knows it's indefensible, so all he can do is pivot to "Russian disinformation"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It really is amazing how effective 10 years of propaganda can be, because what was a fringe belief is now touted as utterly true. Personally, I'm sick of talking about world war 2 but that's all those braindead hypocrites care to mention.

  • What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?

    Like the kind that made you stop and think for a second about how stupid the person advocating it is. For me, it's the classic "The biggest mistake in recent history was the Allies not pushing into Russia after the fall of Berlin."

    There's just a level of imperialist arrogance and blood thirst in there that makes my skin crawl. The worst thing in human history was that the US didn't immediately betray the Soviets and wipe them out until they were sure communism was done for.


    Remember that time Ukraine deliberately shot a missile at Poland, killed two people and then never apologized for it?

    Water under the bridge I guess.


    I find it really interesting how Marvel fans are just now turning on the MCU

    Mainly because a lot of the problems these guys are talking about just not materilaizing within the franchise have existed since like 2012.

    Too many quips? Avengers 1, Dark World and Age of Ultron were infamous for this.

    Every new movie is a sequel hook? Iron Man 2 was a 3 hour trailer for the Avengers, and this series popularized post credits scenes

    Bad Special Effects? Phase 1 films looked like they were cooked up in about a week because their sets were so cheap.

    Bad writing/Too much bait and switch? Remember how mad fans got over Iron Man 3 with the Mandarin twist?

    I think all this discourse is less about Marvel "not being good anymore" and more about people starting to unconsciously realize that mindless corporate shlock isn't actually that gripping once you start holding it under the microscope. Like this series has been going for 16 years and hasn't actually changed, of course you're sick of it.


    On the topic of the Nordstream Sabotage

    I can guarantee you that a lot of people "give a fuck"

    This level of gaslighting is insane.


    Pauls recent Twitter postings have been psychotic

    cross-posted from:

    > From claiming that sending aid to Syria is wrong because it'll mean Assad will become more powerful, to openly bragging about his brand new Nazi flag fresh from Ukraine, most recently, he's also decided to threaten the American people over the matter of wrongthink. If you didn't support Ukraine, you will be "held accountable." For what, who can say, but it kinda sounds like he wants to shoot us in the head. > > This guy's a government employee and happily saying this shit. I'm a bit concerned.


    Alternate History brain

    "Russia loves Nazis!" you cry

    And then you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to explain how that would make any sense if they claim to be going into Ukraine to denazify.


    When you get right down to it, I think the biggest issue with American people is that we don't respect life.

    I was browsing Twitter a little while ago and I was reminded of this "heartwarming" story of an old man who shot and killed a fleeing woman. First of all, even if there was nothing fucked up about that it's hardly worth bragging about. Secondly, a human doesn't cease to be a human just because they've commited a crime.

    We're raised from a young age to think gun fights are cool via action movies and guys murdering over property is portrayed as completely normal. This is why mass shootings are so common here and nowhere else: We've made it far too easy to not see other people as people, it transcends even the old "Us vs Them" mentality with regards to race and creed. Whites kill each other way just as easily.

    Oh and don't bother reading that thread, it's a sickening mix of chauvinism and mysoginy.


    At this point I'm genuinely shocked that no one tried to murder Miss Russia.

    Remember kids: Even being from a certain country means you're complicit in "genocide."


    You think it includes all those times Zelensky called for violence against civillians?

    Particuarly Russian civillians and "collaborators"

    Star Wars Mzuark

    I feel like the popularity of Mandalorians is the worst thing that ever happened to them

    I liked Mandos better when they were just cool guys in armor. Like Boba and Jango, but then Lucasfilm became aware of their fan favorite status and put them at the forefront of everything. Literally everything new we learn about them makes them look lamer and lamer. They went from asshole crusaders with a vague honorable backdrop to space samurai that have nothing but agreeable politics.

    Less is more I feel.


    R/pics officially banning all thought that goes against the Pro-Ukraine narrative

    If you have to completely black out all opinions to the contrary, you're not a free speech platform.


    I find it interesting how quickly Incel bullshit becomes acceptable.

    I am going to preface all of this by saying that I am a bit assmad about the situation.

    I found this viral video that's been going around of some dude interviewing a couple about a Hall Pass. The girl excitedly says that she'd do it, the guy looks confused. That's fine, funny even...until you scroll down. Pretty much all the replies are that she's a wh're, he should leave her, calling the guy a c'ck, some people acting like she should be publicly shamed or stoned for daring to answer the question she was asked. Like no action was committed this is all part of an interview.

    When I saw this I was really disgusted and kinda shocked by how strong the blowback was. But then it hit me: There is nothing that unites a bunch of asshole men quite like "woman bad." Even a woman talking about her sex life labels her as a harlot that no one should even associate with. Meanwhile the dude that asked the question doesn't get a second look because there's a woman being uppity or something.
