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Back in My Day…Children Actually Were More Independent Back in My Day…Children Actually Were More Independent

Children haven’t changed in the past 100 years, but our attitudes about their ability to be independent have.

Back in My Day…Children Actually Were More Independent

Children haven’t changed in the past 100 years, but our attitudes about their ability to be independent have.

  • I raised 4 kids in the 2000s/2010s and they mostly got themselves to school by walking, riding bikes or buses (school and city). They would also go to the park or go hiking or biking on their own. No cell phones and no particular mandate other than be home by dark. They're now all grown and are successfully living as well adjusted adults, in part at least, because I never treated them as immature or irresponsible unless they gave me reason to. This shift in the culture towards treating our children as helpless has really been a detriment to their overall well being and I hope that we can find a way to fix that.

    • I see it as part of a more widespread increase in fear and distrust. Probably because negative emotions like that drive traffic, voting, and other behaviors that are useful for power and profit of the people stoking them.