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Oh so we're now making new policies to not pay me properly?

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/kitkat2585 on 2023-06-27 18:13:07+00:00.

So quick backstory and apologizes in advance for the long story but I'm very thorough: A little over a year ago I did a major career change going from working in healthcare for over 10 years to finance. The idea of making my own hours plus still being able to help people on an individual basis really appealed to me, plus this company offers a pension (which is rare these days apparently).

I started back in April 2022 and never had any issues with the company in terms of getting the right commission for sales/pay until March 2023. I submitted 2 policies for two different clients and based on what is written in terms of the pay policy, the commission will be quite high. I was thrilled because I recently lost my salary portion and I was currently on straight commission with my paycheck being what was in my fund, which as a new sales rep for the 1st year really isn't much. The big plus was the catch up payout that I was set to get for hitting my previous quarter incentive and the current one which was approximately $6500.

Sounds great right? Wrong. I get 'paid' half of the amount for one and less than a 1/3 for the other one. I was livid. I went back to look over their compensation plan with a fine tooth comb and located the answer to what I should be getting versus what I received. They have it broken down on how the payouts are and underneath the pay chart it has it clearly written that 'First Policy Year commissions will be paid on the first Policy Year's Target Premium, regardless of when such premium is actually paid'. I don't know how much more straightforward it could be written. I submitted a dispute with the proof that I was not paid accurately and requested that the missing amount be paid, which is approximately 3K currently.

And this is where it goes s**t hits the fan........They denied it in less than 30 minutes. How?! Did they even look thru what I submitted with the math showing the discrepancies? So I submitted an appeals claim with the help of my agency manager again but this time for the appeals my divisional VP has to approve it prior sending it off to the appeals committee. After we sent over to him, I began having issues occurring on a weekly basis. We get weekly registers and statements to show our compensation amounts and I was getting error after error each one I was getting on Tuesdays. I would reach out to dispute or question them on why this happened and I would get 'Oh that was a mistake, we'll get it fixed for the next register' and so on. Mind you this is all happening the last few weeks of me hitting that incentive to get a catch up bonus as well.

One time they pulled back the entire commission of that second policy that I was paid a 1/3 only (leaving my commission for that sale a big fat $0 earned) for and stated that it was because I was replacing their old policy. WHAT?! How can you justify the amount of time and work put it in to get something placed for a client to not only underpay me but then pull back the exact amount that I earned? Guess when they happened to pull back that commission, yup the final week where I was going to hit my goal to get my catch up. How convenient, right? So when my staff manager and I questioned them about it they admitted that they made an error and will correct it but instead of adding it back to the previous quarter, they added to the new one. WTF?!

At this point it's been almost 6 weeks when I submitted my appeal and still haven't heard anything from my agency manager or the appeals committee so I sent an email inquiring about it. Compensation never received the form from my divisional VP. This a**hole of a VP (nobody likes him in the entire division) never forwarded and told my AM that I would have to make some changes to my old claim since it doesn't make any sense with what I submitted. Mind you this d**k started also calling me by a different name even though up until this process started he never had issues addressing me with my actual name.

Prior to this response I was on the fence about filing a claim with the Department of Labor in my state against them. I even went as far as contacting two different lawyers and explained my situation to see if I had any merit to do so. Both stated that if I have proof on what I should have been paid per their own policy and what I received, they said go for it. So after getting that answer from the divisional VP, I filed it and technically I don't have to notify them but I wanted to see if they would cave at all seeing that they don't have the proof to back up their reasoning for the short pay. I even filed a claim with the Department of Human Rights against that VP and 'convenient timing' of all the errors that have occurred. I did ask my AM to let the VP know that I filed a claim to be still professional and courteous about it and hoping that going so far would make them realize how serious I was with getting my correct pay and settle it before an investigator gets assigned and the response received from the VP was 'Oh dear now legal has to get involved' and probably thinks I'm bluffing.

I began looking for work while waiting for a response from the state and I'm still working there, but this new company that I'm getting established with, already is 100% better. All of my clients that were either denied for the dumbest of reasons or if they refused the policy because it got rated and it caused their premium to go sky high, so I started writing them with my new company while still working at the old one and having been writing all of my new business with them just to get by. I plan on staying until I get my money back and then I'll leave because I'll be quite set with this new one hopefully and only because I went thru everything that in savings already so my $200 paycheck every 2 weeks is not survivable at all. I keep checking for updates on my claim and end up coming across additional information that if it is accurate my jerk company would also owe me a huge back pay for not paying the minimum wage since I lost my salary and only getting commissions, which is no where close to the minimum wage, so the employer is supposed to pay the difference that I would be short as well and changes the total amount owed from just under 10K to around 16K instead. Guess we shall see how this pans out...............