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Malicious Compliance Lemmit.Online bot

Want to steal my lunch? Fine, but enjoy burning your mouth off!

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Organic-Yam7242 on 2023-06-27 17:44:55+00:00.

I recently started a new job at a new office. Well, on the first day there, I learned there was a lunch thief in the office. We all store our lunch in the fridge in the break room. And I went to get mine in the first day, my food was gone. This went on for a few days, until I realized who it was. It was a co-worker who I’ll call Rebecca. She honestly gave off a Karen vibe. When I caught her, I asked if she could stop eating my food, and she had the nerve to say deal with it.

Well I was pissed off. So I decided to teach her a lesson. I knew she doesn’t like Spicy food. She isn’t allergic to it or anything, just doesn’t care for it. So one day I decided to put some of the spiciest hot sauce I could find on my sandwich. I put my lunch in the fridge as usual, and when I checked Rebecca took it as normal.

Well I sat near her in the Break Room that day, and she had a smirk on her face as she held my sandwich. When she started to eat it, I could tell her mouth was on fire. She went right up to me and asked why I would do that to her. I told her it’s what happens when you take stuff that doesn’t belong to you.

The manager walked in as she was berating me, and asked what happened. I told her everything. She took Rebecca to her office, and chewed Rebecca out. Turns out, she was always causing issues with co-workers, and always pilling through others stuff. While she wasn’t fired, HR told her that if stuff like this keeps happening, she would be fired.

She hasn’t stolen from me since, and I got an insulated Lunch Bag to keep at my desk to keep people from stealing it.