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Malicious Compliance Lemmit.Online bot

Had to prove someone died.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/strawberryprincess81 on 2023-06-27 16:41:36+00:00.

This happened in 90s when I was a kid. A family members husband died in work related accident. The wife was paid a boat load of money because the company was using outdated equipment. So she paid off all debts of and her husband's. One year after his death she started getting harassing phone calls/letters about her husband debts she tried to pay they only wanted to talk to her husband. She informed them that her husband had died. She sent a copy of the death certificates (email and mailed) She was still getting calls/letters and legal action if they didn't talk with her husband. Her great grandmother said give me the phone next called she give them the name of the the address and phone number to the cemetery. Low and behold they showed there with a local police officer demanded to see this person. A worker at cemetery walked them to plot where the man's buried. The full name and his picture matched there records. One man responded he wife was telling the truth he's really dead. I was shocked when I heard that. The wife get a letter of apology for any inconvenience and the rest of the debt was canceled.