Today we are announcing that we are removing all in-game monetization from Inkbound in our next major update on October 27th, 2023.
They originally had a battle pass and cash shop, but after backlash they're moving away from that model and will have all cosmetics earned by playing the game. Exciting news!
Good. This is a game I played and immediately refunded when I saw all the monetization stuff.
I just want a single player TBS, in the style of their other game, Monster Train. But I got immediately turned off by the FTP MMO type design choices in Inkbound.
Did you play it? I'm not really sure how their monetization worked exactly as it never intruded on my experience. Still, it's nice they're dropping it. Early access is doing wonders for the game same as it did for Monster Train I hear, although I didn't play that until release. They added offline play a while ago, completely redesigned movement to be simpler and more satisfying, and have been adding classes and taking things. The game is excellent, even more so in co-op in my opinion but my friend swears by 1p.
I got through the tutorial, and into the 'hub world' or w/e it's called, and it just felt very 'MMO' to me. Which, on top of the monetization already putting a bad taste in my mouth, I just refunded there. I hate games that shove 'multiplayer stuff' into single player games. Like, I played through Elden Ring in forced offline: I don't want to interact with others, even through little stuff like bloodstains.