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BedbugCutlefish BedbugCutlefish
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NPC from a game being ran by Wildbow, set in the world of his web serials Pact and Pale

Elden Ring DLC launches to "Mixed" reviews as players bemoan difficulty, PC performance in Shadow of the Erdtree: "There's a big problem with balancing"
  • I'm talking about the stuttering, caused primarily not recalculating shaders. Something I just dealt with the entirety of my first playthrough of ER. But the fact that it still isn't fixed really makes me not want to play, or to pay them money.

  • Rule people
  • I mean, that's the point of Dune? The 'prophesies' aren't real, they're seeded by the Bene Gesserit, the same group that spent millennia breeding the 'savior'. And, he's not meant to really be a savior, but their catspaw.

    But also, he's definitely not actually a savior, on account of all the death he brings. It's complicated, but overall a deconstruction of white savior narratives and similar stories.

  • Elden Ring DLC launches to "Mixed" reviews as players bemoan difficulty, PC performance in Shadow of the Erdtree: "There's a big problem with balancing"
  • Yeah, I'm holding off for a sale on this one. I liked Elden Ring well enough, but the performance issues are infuriating. Baffling that it still isn't fixed.

  • Hands up if you're just happy to have lots of cool Samurai and Shinobi games without the need to compare them
  • I'm not gonna dunk on stuff others likezbut personally, Sekiro's really been the only samurai/shinobi game I've liked.

  • After 10 years in early access, 7 Days To Die finally has a release date for version 1.0
  • I don't care for it. It does some interesting things, in base building. But having played it a lot mostly because my friend group likes it, it's very janky. It does not feel close to 1.0. And, while there's some fun to be had, everything outside the horde nights just feels like busywork in a way I didn't feel with Valheim or Grounded.

  • Tales From the Tables ep.40: Devil's Due, part 4.
  • Short answer: read Jack Vance's 'tales of a dying earth'. It's the reason dnd magic is called 'vancian'.

    Longer answer: in that series, magic works by just remembering words, and then saying them. But these magic words are powerful things, weighty in the mind, hard to carry. And, when said, they tear themselves out of your mind, causing you to forget them.

    So, not 'spell slots' per se, but the idea is you're prepping spells almost as a 'potion', something you carry in your mind, and consume to cast out a spell.

  • Anon encounters a Switch owner
  • What, the open world genre? Maybe Elden Ring, but tbh it would have been better had it not been open world.

    I just don't really get BotW and TotK, and fwiw, I am that, 'played emulated with settings pumped for free' person. They both just seem so repetitive, worth like, 5 hours of fun.

    Edit: to be clear, I did not turn off item durability or change any game mechanics, just resolution and fps. Item durability is a crutch the game relies of for balance, andnits annoying, but isn't related to the central complaint I have: game is repetative. So much is just, same kind of luzzle again, same kind of fight again, and no cool rewards that don't break. I don't get what the appeal is.

  • Are you experiencing a spiritual attack on your body? The cure may be $15,000 for travel.
  • This sounds like textbook paranoid schizophrenia. The comments about 'downloading' into her body and tingling/tremors/shocks are all very common. I feel bad for her, and also fuck those 'spiritualists' who have already taken $8000 from her.

  • How would you rank vegan imitation products?
  • Big disagree about burgers and jerky.

    Those beyond/impossible meats are fine I guess, but they're not good. Weird taste, long lingering aftertaste. Solid C+ in my opinion.

    While I prefer vegan jerky actually. That super tough peppery gluten jerky (pleather brand is what I've been getting) is great, as are the softer soy or mushroom jerkies. They are different, so no shade if you don't like them, but there's no tier for 'you can tell the difference, and they taste better'.

    Nuggets idk much about, as I'm not really a fan. Same with mayo.

    Milk is another one where oat milk is better tasting than dairy milk imo.

    agree about cheese generally. I can't have nuts, so I've never had cashew queso, but that queso you can make with potatoes and carrots, while sounding weird, is actually pretty great. Maybe A- tier imo.

  • Cheap Protein Sources starter pack
  • If you're looking for cheap, dried beans are about 1/2-1/3 the price per serving over canned.

    They are more work, needing either a long boil, overnight soak in water, or a pressure cooker. But the cost saving is enough for me to buy mostly dried beans.

  • More Realistic Meat Substitute Made From Soy Raised In Brutally Cruel Conditions
  • You're welcome to it then. Quorn is fine, and I do like diversifying food sources; mycoprotein is good.

    But tbh, I like soy because its pretty lightly processed. Tofu can be made at home easily, with nothing beyond tools, water, and vinegar. And if you don't like tofu, that's fine, but its my 'meat' of choice.

    Seitan is my second favorite, and again, its pretty easy to make at home; only water and flour is needed.

    I do eat quorn sometimes, but not often. And while mycoprotein is cool as a meat substitute, I feel like just eating mushrooms is a better choice for most dishes.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Also, article skips over the chemical part of this: Vitriol, the name for the impure sulfuric acid they used, was green (due to some iron and cupper sulfates). You can use sulfuric acid to purify gold; it'll dissolve the silver and copper in a gold alloy, but not the gold itself, giving you 100% gold.

    However, the green lion can also 'ascend' by combing with nitric acid to make aqua regia, where it can dissolve gold, "devouring it".

  • A failed apprentice makes a foolish Master
  • Mmm, psionics, Shadow Weave Magic, Initiate of Mystra.

    A min-maxed character is one with dumpstates and weaknesses. A powergamed character is one with fewer weaknesses than a 'normal' character. Anything that can challange an OP build will wipe the floor with a party of 'standard' characters.

  • A failed apprentice makes a foolish Master
  • If they're actually powergaming, the likely answer is: "No, I'm immune." Or: "okay, with my buffs, I get to add +200 to this."

  • A failed apprentice makes a foolish Master
  • It really depends.

    I'm thinking about 3.5 in particular, where an optimized wizard will be able to do the job of the rest of the party (assuming they're built to be fine, but not power-gaming), better than them.

    There's no real in-world way to balance that. Either the DM Fiats the power-gamer weaker, the DM tells the power gamer "no", or the rest of the party power games to. Its just too unbalanced.

    If we're talking 5e, that's all out the window then. If 3.5's power runs from 0-10, the strongest 5e build is like a 6, and the weakest is like a 3. Its still extra work for the DM to balance, but can be done all in-world without needing to rely on metagame fiat.

    And, of course, there's lots of other systems out there, where the above can be more true or less true depending on what kind of game it is, though 3.5's power ceiling is probably higher than 95% of the systems out there.

  • A failed apprentice makes a foolish Master
  • Eh, disagree. Unless everyone is power gaming to the same degree (which can be fun!), an OP character being adequately challenged will probably result in all the other players feeling irrelevant.

  • God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story
  • I fully agree. If you read my first comment, I pretty clearly as much as the new ones are pretty bad (story wise), the two Jaffe worked on are even worse in that regard.

  • God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story
  • I mean, I too would be unhappy with the new games' stories. They're not very good stories overall.

    But, they're better than the vast majority of video game plots, because that's a low bar.

    Still, Jaffe seems to imply the old stories in GoW were any better, when they were pure drivel. I might still be very underwhelmed by the story in the two new God of War's, but I at least like that they're trying (even if I think the direction of relying heavily on animation and visual flair is the wrong one, as far as telling good stories goes).

  • Companies say they're closing in on nuclear fusion as an energy source. Will it work?
  • I agree. I'm very much for more research into fusion. I'm still somewhat skeptical of it ever being 'infinite cheap energy'. But even if it never becomes a 'good energy source', the advancement of knowledge is valuable. So its not like I think fusion is a scam overall.

    But I think this particular company is.

  • Companies say they're closing in on nuclear fusion as an energy source. Will it work?
  • That is what I think the owner is doing here. Scamming venture capital firms for a tech that cannot work.

    And I mean, its not like I have any proof. I can't read minds; maybe he is a true believer.

    But this company feels like those companies back in the 80s that sold tickets to mars, for the rockets they were 'just about to build'; a scam.

    This isn't a research firm. This isn't trying to find the exact settings and layouts to make fusion possible. If the article can be taken at face value, this is a company to make a commercial fusion plant. And I find that, in 2023, patently absurd.

  • gluten stir fry

    Chinese baked Gluten, in a Sichuan stir fry.

    Made the gluten from bread flour. You wash out the starch, than make a basic yeasted bread with it. The 'loaf' you get looks like chibata, but feels like its made of rubber.

    Despite looking like bread cubes, they don't get soggy, since they're mostly protein. Texture is like tofu puffs; chewy and spongy.

    First time making this, but I think I like it more than tofu for these sauce heavy dishes!


    Vegan scallops (king mushrooms)

    Seared king mushrooms, in olive oil, garlic, rosemary, chilis, with a dash of sesame oil, rice vinegar, and lavender.


    zeps the ratman gladiator

    145x160, 14 color portrait of my gladiator for this years Dwarf Fortress gladiator tournament. Done in Gimp.
