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Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich! Lemmit.Online bot

Employers need to stop being LAZY and train people instead of waiting for the pitch perfect candidates to fall out of the sky

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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/knickknack93 on 2023-06-26 22:26:48+00:00.

Many job requirements/prerequisites are bullshit and it’s incredibly frustrating how many employers will pass over potentially great candidates who can LEARN, all because they don’t fit a job to the T.

Average job ad requirements are a mile long, wanting this certification, that diploma, this many years of experience, this type of licensing, this brand of shoe (/sarcasm, but they may as well). It’s ridiculous. Part of the modern day hiring crisis isn’t workers fault, it’s due to employers, recruiters, and HR being full of themselves.

Jobs, especially trades, used to invest more in their employees when it came to training and teaching the ropes. You could have a high school diploma and work your way up and learn along the way. Now it seems like if you don’t come into the job basically already knowing EVERYTHING and then some, you’re not good enough. Obviously this doesn’t apply to every field, but I can’t be the only one who’s seeing it in their line of work and others.

Employers are shooting themselves in the foot being so goddamn obnoxious.

Let’s take the non-profit world— my god, don’t even get me started. Some of the most demanding and selfless work with the highest education requirements yet lowest pay (I recognize teaching is in the same ballpark). You’re basically required to have a Masters Degree to scrub toilets while also doing casework and home visits.

I’m typing this out of frustration because I interviewed for a higher paying non-profit job 2 weeks ago (I have 4.5 years experience+ a BA), and they just told me their reasoning for not hiring me is because I have 6 months less experience in my field than what they’re ideally looking for 🙃 Give me a friggin BREAK.