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Should I quit my Job

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/G-KynisKin on 2023-06-25 17:05:16+00:00.

So, this isn’t exactly malicious compliance but I need some perspective and there are a lot of people here so… I am a Wax Artist at a local Waxing salon. I want to preface by saying, I love my job; I have been waxing for just over six months; I love my clients and the work I do. The problem with my job is… Drum roll Please 🥁 MANAGEMENT! I know this is very common everybodies been through this. Since it’s a family business and not a corporation I cannot complain to an impartial HR person, just somebodies family member.

So, here’s the deal My Supervisor (a. Not really a supervisor b. The Og owners Niece c. A royal pain who cannot take accountability for her mistakes without making boundless excuses.) Has repeatedly made scheduling errors and is consistently late (like up to 30 min) late for work! Resulting in us as wax tech having to do her job on multiple occasions. She only makes excuses for herself, and so does her Mother (the interim Owner).

In one instance I called supervisor girl, as she was no where to be found. To make sure there was some sort of emergency causing her to be late and that she was on the way. She says to me on the phone “dang you guys call me like I work for you!” I later addressed it with her and we resolved the issue but it wasn’t the first time she had snapped at me in an unprofessional manner. A few day after that she aloud a client to bring there NEWBORN in a carrier into her wax appointment! She told me she already had told the client she could bring her child, and to take her. Mind you it was not posed as a question. So performed the service as usual. My other older coworker who had worked for the OG owner chewed supervisor out about it as it is a liability nightmare to allow children in the salon at all.

A scheduling error a occurred where I had to call her again to se did she could communicate with the clients, that thing will be running behind due to her scheduling and eventually just had to do the services as is. I wrote up a long message at the end of the day about how it was not acceptable how I was double-booked and that is like to avoid this in the future. She was making excuses and kept saying it didn’t cause me to be behind (when it did). She then wrote a email visible to all staff (I don’t think she meant to do that) with screenshots of our text convo and incorrect detail regarding what had happened that day! Inaccurate timelines and even botching client names. To put a cherry on top she stated that Myself and my sister both claim to be okay with something and then turn around and have a issue and LASH OUT I was shook.

About my older sister: She has been beefing with this Supervisor because she’s a lot more vocal and confrontational about issues than I am. Ironically, to avoid them saying she agreed to something and switched up. She has now been fired after bringing issues to the interim owner (supervisors mom) about her daughter being unfit for the supervisor roll. I’m This convo she told my sister if she doesn’t like them “don’t work here”

There’s been many more issues and janky business practices, but since my sister was fired I have been staying out of the way and not talking to them unless necessary. I feel they will sink their business and if I don’t get out now I will be standing there without a job. I am making good money and the hours work well with me being in school. I just hate coming in here, I can’t stand them! My other coworkers are also saying they are leaving in a few months. So, Should I quit?

Also I can’t wax independently or go to another salon because there is a noncompete in my employee agreement saying I cannot wax within a certain radius for 24 months or something.