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Cop Says Im tresspassed unless I get their permission again.. So I oblige

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/proser30 on 2023-06-24 17:01:09+00:00.

So I was at this hotel lobby sitting there waiting to go to a resteraunt. All of a sudden 2 cops show up ask me for ID then tell me I have to leave as a lady had complained that she didn't feel comfortable with me there. It was a total Karen call. One cop was kinda a jerk too. He tells me I cannot return without police department permission per city policy or some bs.. They stare at me as I walk to my car. Not sure what it was i was wearing a political slogan shirt but nothing vulgar.

I call the hotel later and ask to speak with a manager who then explains some guest had called and she was kinda a Karen so they wanted to make her happy. The manager said I'm welcome to come back to the property. I was reluctant to give them business again but I could not let the cops or the Karen win.

I go back to the hotel and sit at the resteraunt. I call the police department and inform them I got permission to return. The dispatcher is agrevated and said he is required to send an officer to check. The same cop who was there earlier returns and gives me the evil look. He goes to the front desk speaks to the manager who waves me to the front. The cop pulls out a form that he has to fill out and the manager reviews it and signs it. It was a tresspass removal form. Both seemed very annoyed to have to go through the process but its the law. The cop storms out aggrevated as I smile and say enjoy the day. The manager of the resteraunt gives me a sorta smile and says I didn't have to call the cops back as it was just extra paperwork, but I wanted to comply with the policies haha.. I think I may have saw the Karen walk out giving me a mean look as I was in the resteraunt.

I enjoyed the rest of my meal!!