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You want me to speedrun the game so you have someone to talk to? Fine.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/la_cROAissant on 2023-06-24 05:14:45+00:00.

Originally posted on r/pettyrevenge but then I realized it fit here too.

I (25F) have a friend (25) who's been wanting me to Breath of the Wild for years now. It's not that I'm not interested in playing. Heck, I bought the game ages ago. I've just been more invested in other things. After five or so years, I finally cracked down to play and absolutely love it. My friend is equally excited and can't wait for me to get to their favorite parts.

No, literally, they can't wait.

Almost daily, I'm hounded with DMs asking how I like the game. Did I meet A yet? Have I done B yet? Have I finished C quest? Why is it taking so long for me to finish C quest????

I prefer taking things on my own time. With a game of this scale, I want to take my sweet time exploring and finding things as I go. I feel like I'm progressing the plot at a decent pace (50 hours into a game that other people have spent 300 on) and I'm doing side fun side quests. Also, I have other hobbies and I've been playing the game along with the other things going on in my life. I've told them as much, and they're not very happy about it.

At first, they were supportive if not a little pushy for me to play the game. When I'd talk about certain plot points and gameplay that I enjoyed, they'd brush off my gushing and say things along the lines of "Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. You're not ready. Keep going." As I juggled between the game's two main missions, they pushed me to do one over the other because "it's where the good stuff happens". Despite me saying multiple times that I wanted to go at my own pace and do both missions together, they hounded me with more messages about how I wasn't playing right and I need plot.

I talked to them about it probably dozens of times, and they explained that they were so pushy because they needed someone else to talk to the game about. No, they wouldn't stop hounding me. I needed to keep going. For them. For our friendship. I'd thank them later. Speedrun.

So I thought, to heck with it. They want me to speedrun, then I’ll speedrun. I used guides and read up things to finish the game as quickly as I could. I honestly have no clue what I did or how I finished, but I did. I eventually sent them a screencap of my finished game file and gave them my honest opinion: I hated it. There was no build up to anything. I didn't know any character well enough to be invested in their struggles and the puzzles ranged from stupidly easy to unnecessarily complicated. That part of the game that they couldn't wait for me to find? Skipped over the dialogue. It wasn’t worth the extra time. After all, I needed to finish the game as soon as possible, right?

Needless to say, we’re not friends anymore.

Now that I’ve returned to my original save file and am playing how I want, I can say that BotW is one of best games I’ve played. Since I skipped over so much for the sake of being petty, a lot of things still feel like new. I have no shortage of other friends to talk about the game with, and thankfully, these ones encourage me to take my time. They can’t wait for me to get to their favorite parts.

But not literally, they’ll wait however long it takes me.