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My friend's mom accused me of "taking her baby away from her", so I did.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/NationalPicture2498 on 2023-06-24 02:49:26+00:00.

I have been friends with Sam since I was 6 or 7 when he moved in next door. He had an older sister, Carly, who, reasonably, moved out as soon as she legally could. Sam's mother is what you consider a "boy mom". She always clinged to Sam, and told me I couldn't date him (I was around 11 at the time!!) I always rubbed it off as being "overprotective", but now I'm starting to doubt it. Our families grew close, as I also had an older sister the same age as Carly, giving us all good friends. Because of this, we spend many holidays together, including birthdays. On my Sweet 16, Sam confessed to me as soon as I blew out the candles. It felt magical and unlocked feelings I had buried long ago. Apparently, him and my mom had planned it in advance. Sam's mom witnessed the whole thing, and started a huge tantrum. She started crying and THROWING THE BALLOONS like a toddler! It was completely staged. While doing so, she ended up ruining many decorations, breaking a few dishes, and even ruining the frosting of my proud, homemade cake. She accused me of taking her baby and being EVIL!!! To this day, it still sets me off. That night, Sam snuck into my window, a habit he had started since my room was on the first floor of our house. He came and apologized, saying he would rather never see his mother again than never see me. I was never a pretty girl. My hair was frizzy and I had braces for most of my teenage years. He was very handsome, with fluffy brown hair and charming, blue eyes. He confessed the abuse he had gone through with his mother, and even showed me evidence of text messages and audio recordings. I won't get specific here, but it was definitely good enough for CPS. The next morning, (he slept on my floor), we showed my parents. Fast forward a couple of months, and they gain legal custody of him. We moved a few states away and cut all contact with his mother. She was arrested for his abuse (unfortunately, she was released 8 years ago, I am now 26.) Me and him ended up finishing high school together and we both went to the same University. After University we moved in together. A few days ago, my parents were sent a letter from his mother. We do not plan on responding, but she was threatening us legally LOL as if. He's still going through therapy once a week and I'm helping him heal with me from his trauma. I'm planning on asking him to marry me when we go to Disney Land for the first time together. Revenge is sweet.