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Teacher lost it

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Domo_Attack on 2023-06-19 19:51:02+00:00.

So, my best friend loves everytime I tell this story. So, I thought I would share with all of you. In high school I had an AP English teacher who was very opinionated in her grading. If she loved a book the class had to read and you didn't, you didn't get a good grade on your report when you turned it in. I was an avid reader. In fact I cleaned out my school library in 3rd grade. So, lets just say I wasn't a fan of her literally selections.

She was also the kind of teacher that thought her class was the most important one you had. Due to this the work load was quite substantial. Coming up on our final exam she gave the class a talk one week before the final. She would be weighting our grade for the sysmester giving 60% of it to the final. She explained she was "preparing us" for college. However, since she was giving so much weight to the final, she would give us an opportunity to earn extra credit. For every four lines of the epic poem "The Rhyme of the Ancient Marinor" you could memorize and write verbatim on the back of the test you would receive 1 point of extra credit. "Goodie goodie hands time😁"

I had a rough year due to her grading style. So, I was getting a B in the class at the time.


I have a knack for remembering things. In fact as a freshman I learned all the lines for the lead role of Neil Simons "Rumors" two hours before opening night due to the lead dropping out. I then preformed the role for 3 nights without dropping a line. So, this opportunity seemed made for me and I wasn't going to let it pass by. I got home and looked up the poem. It was well over 400 lines. I got to work.

The final exam finally came. I sat down confidently in my seat and egerly waited to receive my test. We received our 15 page final and were told we had 3.5 hours to complete it. I put my name at the top and immediately flipped it over to the back. For the next 8 minutes I ravenously wrote out 400 straight lines from the epic poem verbatim. That step complete I decided to look at the questions she intended for us to answer. It was filled with multiple choice, essays, and fill in the blank questions. I took a few minutes to fill in the blanks I knew, guessed at the multiple choice ones I didn't know, and completely ignored her biased essays.

Now for the fun part. After a grulling 15 minutes total into the 3.5 hour final,😂 I walked triumphantly to the teachers desk. I flipped the test on her desk and said, "Have a great summer." She said, "Very funny it's a 3.5 hour final. Sit down and finish your test." I responded, "No! I'm finished I got over 100%." She said, "Let me see your paper!" She looked through my test. She saw the empty essays and empty fill in the blanks. Now even more annoyed with me she said, "You haven't answered half of these! It's a 3.5 hour final! Sit down and finish your test!" I wouldn't be denied. I said, "No! I'm finished I got over 100%!" At this point she is getting very upset and her color in her face is starting to shift. "How do you think you have over 100% when you haven't done half the test?" she demanded. With a big smile I said, "Look at the back. You said for every 4 lines of the rhyme of the Ancient Marinor we memorized and wrote on the back, we would get 1 point of extra credit. You will notice I have written 400 lines from the poem. By my math the equals 100% of extra credit. Anything I answered in this nonsense is gravy. So, I got over 100%!" She turned beat red, her knuckles were white holding my paper, and she stared at me with hate in her eyes! I said, "Have a great summer!" As I walked out feeling like I had just dropped Mike Tyson with a single blow.

I got an A in the class. My final was 145% out of 100.