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Coffee Karen

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/javiba64 on 2023-06-23 13:24:01+00:00.

Dear daughter (15) works casual at a kids recreation centre and only just started behind the kiosk counter, enter a mum Karen who orders a coffee ($4.40) and wants to pay by card. DD apologises and explains minimum card payment is $5 and she can either pay by cash or can buy something extra to take it up to $5.

Karen gets angry and demanding, says this has never happened before and insists she's paid by card a 'hundred times' before. Eventually Karen demands to 'see the manager!' Enter the manager who takes over the transaction and cops the wrath of Karen. Manager swipes the card and hands over the freshly brewed coffee.

Karen, having won. walks off with a shit-eating grin and a narky comment of "you ought to train your staff better". DD quietly turns to her manager and enquires if it's okay to charge less than $5 to card? "Nah, I charged her $5 for her coffee, she does it all the time but I just over-charge her every time but she think she's won". Miss 15 never felt so satisfied ever.