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My boss's boss told me to spot clean the lot... I brought a pressure washer to work.

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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/HellxHoundxX on 2023-06-23 02:10:04+00:00.

To make a long story short, my boss's boss is a very interesting lady. We'll call her Tracey for this story.

Tracey is a very interesting lady. She is very much the "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean" kind of person.

For those of you who do not know, I am a gas station attendant. I pump gas into your car and keep the store and lot cleaned.

Tracey has a habit of smiting down on those who have free time. It has been a problem since I have arrived. But I am a more what you could say "efficient" kind of person. I try to EARN my free time, and I prefer to keep it that way.

One of Tracey's favorite things to do when someone genuinely has run out of work to do is to tell them to clean the lot. So I saved up my money. I worked my ass off to become indispensible, and I honestly would say I have.

Cue malicious compliance. I just last week bought a pressure washer. One of Tracey's jobs is to go from store to store at least twice a week. And I bided my time with it. I waited until a day where she came to our store while I was working, and my direct boss warned me ahead of time. I busted my ass that day, and got the store clean, but hid the pressure washer away for the sole purpose of this spiteful act.

She arrives. Store is in immaculate condition, she is doing her job, but notices me sitting around and decides to ask me to spot clean the lot. I pull out the pressure washer.

"What are you doing?" She asks with confusion visible on her face.

"What you asked. I bought a pressure washer." I said, with a smirk on my face.

She looks at me, looks at the pressure washer, then back at me and says "Nevermind. Keep doing what you are doing. I have not seen a complaint about you in a year, anyways. Nothing worth firing over."

Anyways, anybody wanna buy a pressure washer? 3000 minimum. 🤣