That whole video, and the follow-up, were incredible. I used to trust LTT quite a bit, but after the video, I've just chunks of respect for LTT.
Dunno if i can ever trust them.
I work in the tech industry. I work for an A tier company that makes servers, storage and more.
I cannot imagine fucking up a benchmark/performance characterisation chart THIS badly even for an internal presentation.
I have spent hours double checking and re-running tests to ensure I'm getting the right numbers.
And to see a channel as big as LTT goofing up numbers so badly, which have the potential to affect thousands of purchasing decisions, i can't even.
We also work with vendors, who sometimes send hardware prototypes. And we can never be THIS unprofessional to them.
I will say this, and some may consider this my hot take; I feel like Linus needs to step back from responding to community feedback as well. I get that it's his company and he probably feels responsibility to respond, but he does not respond well to criticism. The biggest tell on how his employees feel was Luke's face during the video. It was obvious even without him saying anything that he knew the hot take response was not going to turn out well. These situations are part of being a CEO not an owner and Linus needs to show that he trusts the new CEO enough to respond accordingly. Linus continues to handle this problem in the exact wrong manner when he shouldn't be handling it at all m
The engineer who started this is kind of a pretentious dick. I saw a video where they introduced all the new employees and he was one of them. The dude spent his time explaining how to make the perfect cup of coffee (a 30min process) and disparaging normal coffee makers. The only good point is had was his jab at Starbucks that was deserved. He is basically the stereotype you think of when you conjure the average engineer personality.
Feels like the ADHD (and maybe autism) play a good part in that.
My personal reviews from the school days were often like that: Not responding well to criticism.
Many assumptions, many ways but only a few will get it all back on track to being a trustworthy source.
And like you said: Linus needs to step back from being community feedback (lwt that the community manager handle) and let WAN show be a primarily tech talk focused live show with a community Q/A. Maybe let the CEO be a regular (once every X weeks) so community can give him targeted questions and let the other weeks be about the company/Linus/Luke/Dan and just a normal Q and A without the business talk.
I wouldnt call it a disability as more of a handicap.
It's just that the communication may be different and that may be the reason he doubles down.
I am by no means a psychotherapist so my opinion should be taken as an atom of salt at best.
Thanks for the information (sometimes I hate language).
Wasn't aware of it being the same in english nor my native language. You never stop learning, right?
Yeah, handicapped is the supposedly "polite" way to say disabled, but me and every other disabled person I've really talked to about it finds it rather patronizing tbh.
I talk from personal experience. Many have said, that I supposedly retreat into my "snail house" when uncomfortable or (I assume) feel threatened in my position and become defensive instead of open to the criticism.
Maybe this trait is more common around ADHD/autism folks?
But well, assuming will not change anything and I am no psychotherapist...
I'm somewhat conflicted on the entire matter. I felt like their quality was slipping for some time and it's been difficult to watch them.
Linus has handled almost every community crisis extremely poorly because when under pressure he gets defensive and speaks without thinking often pouring gasoline on the fire.
At the same time I can understand his motivations as the livelihoods of his now very large number of employees depends on it.
I think if LTT had responded officially and earnestly to the criticism addressing and laying out of roadmap for remediation it would have bought a lot of goodwill. I think Linus needs to be removed from LTT public relations but I don't think that will ever happen.
Truly a sad day, glad we have GN
Edit: I wish I could understand what I said that was down vote worthy
Yes, for some time I felt the best videos from them where the infrastructure and server ones, just Jake and Linus united in chaos. The reviews in the other hand, as soon as you look at the graphs for more then the time they are shown, something felt off.
Totally agree about the infrastructure and server point. The house and upgrade videos are great too because of the chaos and personalities. I personally like the house videos because I have similar projects to centralize my PCs and have gone through some of those struggles. The reviews at this point are just a reminder that a new product is out and to do some research if it's something I'm interested in.
The wan show is arguably one of the better content pieces they put out. You actually get a good solid few hours of opinions and stories (and the occasional justification for their latest controversy)
As I said in another comment: Maybe remove a part of him from that and let WAN show be just a tech talk + community Q/A + anecdotes.
Maybe every few weeks give the new CEO the questions that accumulated about business for the transparency Linus wants to show/talks about.
Fair point. I meant it more in regards of anecdotes and past experiences and less in the way it evolved to.
I think my communication and lack of english skill is hindering me in what I mean.
Basically less of that and more of the other stuff that will cause less controversy.
He kinda responded to it in a forum post. One paragraph about "improving processes and communication".
The rest was him doubling down on everything.
He literally said that they auctioned the billet block and didn't sell it. Like.. what?! Are we playing semantics here?
And he again emphasised that they didn't want to "waste" the money to test the billet block properly, and he actually said that he didn't want anyone to buy the billet block. In these exact words.
LTT is like Fox News - it may come off as statistical analysis of technology but it's really just there for entertainment purposes. They may call themselves fair and balanced but they offer favorable reviews to sponsors.
I never really trusted them. They were the wacky tech entertainment channel, which was fun! But their actual benchmarking has always been a mess unfortunately.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a little overblown? After reading all these comments I finally got around to watching the video and was honestly pretty underwhelmed and found the GN guy a little over dramatic in his framing and language of the issue.
I'm not claiming he's doing this whole thing for attention or clout. But yeah, not seeing anything world shaking or enough to change my views on much of anything.
I think the points Steve highlighted were pretty spot on. Over the past few years I've continually felt an "off" vibe from LTTs videos and now I know what it is, it's the constant corrections and edits on the content. I have to actually actively watch every second to keep an eye out for corrections and it's just not something that should be happening if they were taking their time creating content.
GN dude literally just stated facts, with the evidence.
And that too after an lmg video called them out by name. The original video literally had the guy saying that lmg was better than others like GN or hardware unboxed.
They didn't have to do it. Especially when there are multiple points of data pointing to their glaring inaccuracies.
He absolutely did it for clout. He currently has more traffic than he had in months. Talking about how awkward and uncomfortable the whole thing is, yet smiling through the whole video.
The real question is, given how he overdramatised these issues now, how much of the previous issues must have been him talking up molehills to mountains.
Essentially, pointing out mistakes in tech YouTuber videos is not a challenge. They are everywhere. Whenever GN goes into details of electronic engineering I want to kill myself just as much as when Linus does anything related to Linux, or Jay does ... well, anything really. I mean, GN clearly demonstrated in this very video that he doesn't even know what IP is.
So the only real issue is that whole Billet thing. They themselves said they only asked for compensation on the 10th and since they didn't get a reply within a day they used the weekend to help Steve with his hit piece? I don't know what they think they are doing, but they are radioactive now. Who in their right mind is going to review their stuff if there's the possibility that they will give a competitor private emails to construct a hit piece like this. They are an incalculable business risk now and ultimately they need reviewers more than the other way around.
That all being said, the really disgusting stuff is what apparently happened to Madison. That's something a company and their leadership needs to be held accountable for. Not this other petty shit.
Honestly it's the emotional language choice he used that put me off. That's when is started to strike me as a bit disingenuous. But motivations aside, so good points were made.