Fully half of the sessions I've sat down to play It Takes Two (from the same studio) I've been straight up unable to play it, because the EA launcher has been too jank to actually launch games.
That's gone now thank god, but I still haven't finished It Takes Two solely because of EA bullshit.
I mean, they made three games together over the past seven years. How long do you think he needs to catch up with your zero days expertise before he can reliably state this?
More interesting than the random EA clickbait is his actual point:
"The problem with the whole capitalist idea is that you need to make more and more and more and more money," he says. "That doesn't make sense, because at the end of the day, you will make stupid decisions. But I just hope, in the best of worlds, that you take less of these stupid decisions and focus on what you truly, truly want. And those are the games."
More like three decades. Origin used to be one of the most legendary game studios before it was a crappy launcher. They also killed Westwood, Bullfrog, and many others.
I love HazeLights games, and they're basically the only EA games I buy. I'm glad they have a good relationship but I don't know how long it can last. EA is like Dracula, the dinner spread may be nice, but after dinner you have to look out.
Man, you're missing out. EA Originals published a bunch of stuff worth playing that people mostly ignored. If you like HazeLight stuff, Unraveled 2 was a cute 2D platformer take on coop puzzling. Zau is a decent metroidvania, although not the best of last year. Lost in Random was so underrated.
And the main internal studios make cool stuff, too. Squadrons is great if you like Tie Fighter, the Dead Space remake is up there with Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 2, the Jedi games are decent soulslikes... They aren't particularly adventurous outside their sports and shooter franchises, but I feel in general they also don't ship too much outright bad stuff, looking at it with some neutrality.
I watched a lot of my favorite game creators get pushed out when EA bought their studios and fired them all.
EA also pushed for and lobby for the legality of lootboxes and microtransactions in games, using predatory tactics to prey on vulnerable people. There's a guy in the fricking camp of dragon age origins who links to the store to buy dlc.
They routinely lay off developers just before earnings calls to boost numbers.
When I bought The Sims 2, they changed the terms of sale three months after and stopped offering downloads and voided my license when they moved from EA Downloader, their response was for me to purchase the game again.
They've been assured multiple times for violating labor laws.
They violated anti trust laws in enforcing exclusivity of college basketball players likeness, though they were sued over that as well.
Yeah, there's absolutely no reason people hate EA. They are an insane force for good in this world and there's reason to ever look past the shiny veneer. After all, everything shiny must be good. I mean, why vote with your wallet when you could just open the wallet and give money to whatever you like without any fore or afterthought. Money doesn't give corporations any power, that's just an illusion. Keep consuming and all will be fine.
There is no gray, only black and white. EA can't be a bad company because Nestlé is the worst. You're either good or you're bad. That's how the world works 🤷