I think the keyword here is "Waffen-SS" not "Latvian". Fascists and racists come in all nationalities. The Dutch really hate nazis, but a sizeable portion of the population aided in the holocaust regardless.
That's true, except people from Baltic countries, all of the Eastern Block, and notably Finns love the narrative of bad bad barbaric Russia that always oppressed them, and bad bad totalitarian USSR that was "worse than Nazis".
Just recently certain Linus Torvalds expressed a interesting sentiment about being a Finn and knowing something about "Russian aggression", well, Soviet-Finnish conflicts didn't start with the Winter war, and the Winter war was preceded by a few suggestions ending in an ultimatum. By those suggestions Finland would receive far greater amounts of territory (in the areas it claimed before at that) than the stripe of land and a few small islands in artillery range of Leningrad it would be giving away. That's rather soft if you consider the character of the preceding Soviet-Finnish war. And Finland's participation in the blockade of Leningrad while allied with, well, Nazis makes the "worse than Nazis" argument more easily understandable and still wrong.
The area USSR wanted to take had parts of Finnish main defensive line at the very important Karelian Isthmus and areas they wanted to give were total wilderness. So it's not that surprising it wasn't agreed to, even if the total area was larger.
It did feel like the sort of deal Czechoslovakians were forced into. And we know what happened there. Same for Baltics.
Percentage-wise Latvia had more % of population in SS than any other country including Germany so i think the "Latvian" part did played at least some role.
If someone isn't aware, RT is Russian state propaganda. Just wanted to emphasize that. Not saying all their stuff is false. But that's how they do propaganda, mix something true in with what is the current info war agenda. Be cautious
Actually ingenious, this kind of warning would be more suitable applied to the Western Commercial Main Stream Media, not an actual news site. This guy complaining is a NAFO with a vested interest in seeing the war continue. So, be cautious of wolves like this wearing sheep's clothing!
So Russia is setting the framework for their next invasion? Lord knows if/when Ukraine wraps up, they have to immediately start another war or the public will start asking questions about their non-existent economy.
I hope this is a joke. I mean, it's not 100% impossible, but to compare it as 'next target after Ukraine' is straight childish. You sure do know what would mean war with Nato 🌍🌋
If supporting what the people have voted for is wrong, then count me in. That's called democracy in action. Not giving a hoot what the elitists want is appropriate for votes in Romania. Guess you didn't like the results, eh?
The Soviet Union just after the war supported the so-called "Socialist Imperial Party" in Western Germany, until it was banned there. That party, as you might have guessed, was basically rebranded Nazis.
LOL the western propaganda press suddenly quit reporting about that 'Russian influence' lie when it was proven it was the Romanian liberals who did it.
You should keep up with the lies you parrot.
For sure, countries need to look inward and start digesting that many people ate the onion in the first half of the 40s. Not because we need justice for the deaths of local minorities commited by nationals, but because this type of behaviour causes great trauma not just for the victims, but the aggressors. They pass this trauma down and it remains alive in current generations. It usually doesn't even manifest itself as outright racism, just lots of anger issues in general (I guess this part is anecdotal).
All that being said, fuck Russia for bringing this up now. They went in to Ukraine under the flag of denazification. But Latvia is in Nato, so I don't really see this as a cassus beli, but more of sowing division in EU.
Maybe the time for mutual understanding has passed.
If you feel nazis are your main baddie, it might be better to understand what makes them tick. If not for empathy, then for hitting where it hurts.
Why do you say I am denying the presence of nazis? They are usually a niche demographic, but present in any country. I am not saying let the bastards speak hate with impunity.