Russia releases archives exposing Latvian Waffen-SS atrocities in WWII
Russia releases archives exposing Latvian Waffen-SS atrocities in WWII
Russia’s Federal Security Service has declassified documents on the Latvian Legion’s mass executions and Nazi collaboration

It's a fact.
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So Russia is going to invade Latvia next?
25 14 ReplyI hope this is a joke. I mean, it's not 100% impossible, but to compare it as 'next target after Ukraine' is straight childish. You sure do know what would mean war with Nato 🌍🌋
14 5 ReplyMy first thought too.
6 10 Reply"my first thought when hearing about Nazi atrocities is 'Russia bad'"
Average unscratched liberal
2 0 ReplyYou think this is the first time I'm hearing about Nazi atrocities??
1 1 ReplyI'm assuming you replied to the wrong comment
1 0 ReplyYou assume incorrectly, again
1 1 ReplyI was just giving you the benifit of the doubt. Turns out that your comment was just incoherent instead
1 0 Reply“my first thought when hearing about Nazi atrocities is ‘Russia bad’”
But it isn't my first time hearing about Nazi atrocities, so it wouldn't be my first thought about that
1 1 ReplyPlease work on your reading comprehension.
Also, you literally said they are your first thoughts
1 0 ReplyI meant first thoughts about Russia bringing it up. My first thoughts about the atrocities happened a long time ago, when I first heard about them.
1 1 ReplyRussia didn't "bring it up", they released the documents from their archives. So no, you didn't hear about them long ago.
1 0 Reply
Looks that way, doesn't it?
8 11 ReplyIt doesn't
2 0 Reply