There's no substance. This article contains not a single number, not fact, nothing but an opinion out of the blue and supposedly aiming to sow division between Western allies.
Of course that's Trump's plan. Divide and conquer has been the name of the game this entire time. We know who our enemies are and what they want by now. It's up to us not to let it happen.
No, of course it's not the sole reason, but cost of materials is a factor.
Also if there is a pro-longed cease-fire in Ukraine, the amount of materials needed for reconstruction is immense and drive up prices. Meaning stockpiling cheap steel right now would make sense.
I don't share the pessimistic view of the article which calls Trump unironically a „master negotiator", but thinks the EU Commission and Canada are too stupid to talk to each other before they would slapp tariffs on each other
I probably misremembered it, but they called him an hardline negotiator
The concern naturally points to another. After all, the Trump administration is full of hardline negotiators – including Trump himself – who are skilled in the dark arts of pitting allies and friends against one another.