Thanks, that looks useful!
FWIW, machine translation for Icelandic is terrible. I beg you to just post in English - everyone here understands English and there is less risk of miscommunication.
I've seen many discussion threads devolve into pointless arguments because one party used google translate, and it just silently inverted the meaning of what was said. The grammar and syntax all looks fine, but the output did not match the meaning of the input.
Sorry for the rant, this is a pet peeve of mine :)
The Economist is a British newspaper. No Americans here.
If we're going to have the Brave New World, at least let me have my soma and orgy-porgies. This version sucks.
Works great here, and my users are very happy with it. Not disputing your experience, just saying it's not universal.
Could be a compatibility issue with amazon's android fork? I have only used the android client on google pixel, samsung phones and AOSP builds.
My guess is signal leaving sweden means they would block sign-ups from swedish phone numbers. It would be very effective as most people won't bother jumping through hoops to get a number from a different country.
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