With Blomkamp working on it, I’m interested. I wonder if he will try to recreate the satire of the Verhoeven movie, follow the book more closely, or try to compare/reconcile the two. I hope it’s the last one, or at least not just a retread of the Verhoeven movie since that still holds up on its own.
Edit: I wish I’d read the article before posting (:/) because it sounds like they’re going for a more faithful rendition of the book! As someone whose ideals were influenced by the book’s themes of political responsibility, I am cautiously optimistic.
I don’t think starship troopers is remembered very fondly, so he’s got lots of space to work with.
Edit: it’s cool everybody, I get that I’m wrong. I just haven’t seen it since I was a kid and haven’t met anybody IRL that remembers the movie positively.
I respect this guy's work. District 9 is a goid movie. Gran Turismo was very enjoyable to watch. Then there is Chappy and Elisium, which hit hard as well.
I've read the book. I've seen the original movie.
Considering the track record of the man, I want to risk conditions are met for a good movie to be created. I seriously doubt it will be agreeable to everyone, considering the book deals heavily with fascism and authoritarianism.
If we get a good action film with a very hard undertone of social and political critique, we'll be very fortunate.
You know as crazy as it sounds I think they might actually go too obvious with the satire given the current political climate. It's strange because the original was so blatantly satirical yet people still didn't get it. Regardless I don't think it will be as funny, I did like district 9 though so who knows
There were two live action sequels, both pretty atrocious. One was so low budget that most of the bug scenes were footage from the original movie. And two animated movies, which were actually decent.
There was also Roughnecks, a short lived early CGI series. Was pretty fun for the time, looked a bit better than Reboot iirc. Although, reading up on it, wow it had a shitty production history. Was still fun to watch for kid me.